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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 164
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Part 2 Chapter 80

Nora’s POV

“Selene, we need to get back now” I shout and she appear and gives a big smile

“Yes, I noticed that as well but I need you to do one more thing before you can go down there but

please let go of the king’s hand first” The moon goddess says and Inod.

“Please, tell them that I will come back soon” I say to the king and he smiles and nods

I let go of him and he fades away, the little princess pouts and goes back to play in the water.

“Nora, please before you go. Please tell my boys to accept Melinda because no matter what she is

their sister and I knew she existed and I had no negative feelings about that. And tell them that I watch

over them, always” the queen asks and then she hugs me and I hug her back.

“I promise” I say and walk after the moon goddess.

We walk back to the fountain and I sit down there and are approached by Artemis at once and a gray

with black spots over its body.

“Hello” I say to it and it nods towards me.

“This is Aro, he is a great warrior” Artemis says and I look at Aro with a smile.

“Right, there you are. Nora, this will be a different task I will give you. Aro, here is ready for a new life

with a human counterpart” The moon goddess says and I stare at her

“But how can I do that? I mean there aren’t any lycans born now, are there?” I ask her and she nods

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“Actually you have one little boy down there that was born without a wolf or lycan” she says and I think

to myself. Baby Hannes?

“Baby Hannes? But his mother was a wolf?” I say confused and she smiles.

“Yes but if you look at her parents then you will find a long line of lycans. It was highly unusual for

lycans to mate werewolves but not anymore. But still Hannes was born without a counterpart and I

think Aro here will fit nicely” she explains and I slowly nod

“I wish to be around you” Aro said and I looked up at him and smiled.

“Thank you, Aro. Okay how do I do this?” I ask the moon goddess and she smiles.

“Well think of Hannes, how he smells, his laugh, how he looks, think of him entirely. It should be easy

as you have met him. And then you touch Aro on his chest, over his heart and when you feel his “soul”

all you need to say is “Hannes and Aro, connect”, do you want to try?” She explains and I nod.

Aro crouches next to me and I turn so I could look at him and I feel his aura and then I close my eyes,

picturing Hannes. All those times that I held him, the feeling of him. I felt like he was in my hands as

they started to get warm.

“Good, Nora, now open your eyes” I heard the moon goddess guide me.

I slowly open my eyes, still concentrating on my task and see a light orb floating above my hands.

When I looked at it| could see Hannes and hear his laughter, smell his scent. Then I felt for Aro’s aura

and I looked up at him but he was staring at the orb.

I put my hand on Aro’s chest, above his heart and I felt it and the orb matching each other. I felt Aro’s

soul, how excited he was, how happy he seemed and how much he adored the little boy.

“Hannes and Aro, connect” I said gently but with a bit of command behind it.

At first nothing happened and I looked up at Aro’s eyes and he was staring at mine then a white

blinding light surrounded us. It was warm and I could see Hannes’ memories. Ares, Anna, Melinda,

myself, his cruel father that took him away and then the rogue lycans.

Then I saw Aro and him together in the future. Their first shift, the first run, how they protect their mate

and their children. They belonged together.

The light dimmed and the little light orb was gone and I wondered if I had failed when I heard it, all the

lycans here howled.

“They are happy, you know. You succeeded in your first try. And when you have broken that

troublesome curse you will help me with this task. Connecting lycans to their human counterparts.” the

moon goddess says and kisses my


“Time for you to go back, I will see you soon again, my child” she says and before I can say anything I

am plunged back.

I open my heavy eyes and look up. Oh, I am in our bed. I turn my head to see both of my mates on

each side of me and I smile.

“Good, you are finally back, now it’s our turn” Ares growls and I feel the heat in my lower regions.

“Yes, now I am yours, always” I say and grab him and kiss him hard.

I feel Helios moving his hand up my side to my breast and he palms it hard and I moan. While I do that

Ares plunges his tongue inside my mouth and we dance and play.

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I let him have it when Helios suddenly bites into my nipple and I squirm and then he licks gently and

sucks on it. Soothing the pain. His hand travels down to my pu ssy and he cups it.

I wonder when they undressed me? Never mind.

Helios puts in three fingers and I hear how wet I am. He is pumping his fingers in and out hard and fast

and I squeal as the noise becomes louder and both of them attack my nipples when I feel myself

explode and Helios chuckles.

“Your first squirting or gasm was mine to give” he teases and I glare at him. That was nothing to satisfy

my need.

I push him down on his back on the bed and climb on top of him and I grab his di ck and position

myself over him and I sink down slowly. Helios grips my hips and he slams me down

making me moan as I feel myself come again.

Then I start riding him, I roll my hips against him and he takes his thumb and plays with my cli t. I moan

even more now as he pinches it lightly and I begin to massage my own breasts but I am getting

frustrated. The friction isn’t enough and I look at Ares and he seems to understand my problem.

I lean down on Helios and Ares positions himself behind me but he doesn’t move and I can feel his

worry through the


“Don’t worry Ares, she is so mo che will not get hurt. Just do

it” Helios says and I growl when Ares doesn’t move fast


I begin to sit up when Ares shoves me down on Helios chest and then he with one thrust drives in his di

ck inside me along with Helios. Oh, holy sh it!