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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

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Part 3 Chapter 12

Nora’s POV

“All wrongs has been into rights”

The voice of the witch came thundering through the sky and I shivered by it.

Melinda suddenly gasped and fell down to her knees and I at once touched her and let my power flow

out of me as I began. healing her. The bond that held her lycan dormant broke as the curse broke as

well but as I thought:

Melinda’s lycan was too weak to come to the surface but I healed her enough so she could speak with

Melinda, after all she has been with Melinda all these years but not being able to do anything.

Melinda sighs and I let her go and I can see her eyes glaze off for a few seconds before she looks at

me and smiles.

“Thank you, Nora. ” she says and I hug her.

The king helps Melinda to stand up and then he walks away with her towards the castle entrance.

“This is my daughter and she is also your crown princess. I ask all of you to treat her with the respect

she deserves but because of the curse her lycan has been dormant unable to get out and is now too

weak to do so. But she is still my daughter and she broke the final piece of the curse” the king says

with a loud voice.

All that was there cheered and yelled Melinda’s name and even my name could be heard and I smiled.

I leaned at Helios and he hugged me when I suddenly felt Ares coming closer and so did Ben and I felt


I looked towards the forest as they came out of it and Ares ran the last 100 meters and I walked

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towards him. He grabbed me and lifted me up so he could kiss me and I let him. When he placed me

on my feet I looked around and noticed Ben on his knees directly by my feet.

“Please, tell me. What happened to my father?” he asks and I look up at Helios and he nods.

I crouch down in front of him and touch his face and let all my memories come forward and Ben just

watches without saying very much. When I am done he starts to cry and I hug him hard. I thought he

would shake me off but instead he hugged me as well and we stayed there for what felt like forever but

it was about five minutes or so.

“Ben?” Samantha asks and H ook over at her and smile.

Ares helped me up and Samantha took my place as Ben hugged her hard and then they kissed each


“I thought there would be this big feast going on” Ares says and I can feel that he is hungry.

“Oh you just wait.” I say and smile.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the mindlink and when I found everyone, even the king I pushed

on him even more.

*Everyone in this kingdom. Listen up. We have finally succeeded in breaking this wretched curse and

now I am

asking for all your help. I ask those here to help me put together a grand celebration or feast in the

training area beside the castle.

Everyone brings food and drinks and let us celebrate! I call out and feel a bit breathless like I had been

yelling instead of mindlinking everyone.

At first I thought I had failed but then I got their replies

*Yes, my queen*

I smiled and sighed and I tried another approach and I made sure everyone moved as suddenly right

out from the ground, grew a long table that split into two and long benches on each side of them.

Flowers and vines twisted around the tables and on the tables light orbs came floating and cups,

plates, forks, knives and spoons just showed up.

“How in the hell did you do that?” Ares asked, stunned.

“That wasn’t me” I say and everyone looked at me but I shook my head.

“She is right it wasnt Nora, it was our coven” Mariah wanders over and says and I nod

I feel for my teether once again and this time I clasp my hands. together and.. voila

The sky becomes filled with what you would call it, stars but it’s more like blinking lights that surround

us and I stretch up my hand and touch one of them and I feel I got something in my hand so I walk over

to Melinda.

“Nora?” Did you do all of this?” Melinda asks and I shake my head.

“Bend your head slightly” I say and she does so and I release the little light orb that I caught on top of

her head and at once it transforms into a crown fitting for a crown princess.

Melinda and the king gasps..

“This is a gift from the moon goddess” I say and bow my head to Melinda.

Then I walk back to Helios and Ares as I notice the people from this kingdom coming through the castle

gates and are heading to the training areas.

Scents of food and drinks are filling the place along with laughter and warmth from everyone. I look at

them as they fill the two large tables with food and their happiness rubs off on me. When I suddenly

hear my name being called.

“Nora, help!” Andrei yells and I run over to him and a teenage girl.

“I don’t know what to do, she is shifting. She is part lycan” he says and I look at him and then at her.

“I thought female lycans shifted at 21?” I ask confused.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“So did I but she is clearly shifting” he says and I see her fur sprouting.

“Shift” I tell Andrei and he nods while taking off his clothes.

I touch the young girl and she stirs and look up at me and I smile

“It’s okay. we will help you” I assure her and she nods but she is clearly in pain.

Andrei’s lycan sits on the ground next to me and he reaches out to touch her.

“Do you trust me?” I ask him and he looks at me and then

bows and nods.

“Good” I say and put my hand on his chest and feel for his energy and then I do the same thing to the


“Nora, are you okay?” Helios and Ares come over and watch us. I nod at them but they stay here.

I let my power out and I feel this golden warmth that Seline. has used on me so many times now but

now it is my time to use it to help this girl shift safely.

“I will connect you two now. I can feel that you are fated mates so it is okay” I say and I feel her lycan

that has also been dormant.

I tug on her lycans soul and I feel andrei’s lycans soul and now I push them together.

“Abdrei, mark her now, don’t question me, just trust me” I say and he doesn’t even hesitate as he grabs

her and marks her in his lycan form.

Helios and Ares helped him so he wouldn’t tear out her throat in the process. When he was done I

watched the girl breathe

easier and then she screamed and I flinched as one of her

claws slashed my cheek open in the middle of the shift.

I felt it heal instantly and I watched how the first family lycan

shifted after the curse was lifted.

“You are blessed”ab