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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1330
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Chapter 1330 Gilbert and Marigold (5)

After finishing their pasta, they each went back to their rooms. xo Marigold stopped

by the next room next to hers to check on her baby.

She sat by the bed, looking at the child, who was sleeping peacefully. That little face was

incredibly adorable, making her unable to resist the urge to give him a kiss. But she held

herself back from giving in to that temptation, as she was afraid of waking the child.

Although the child was currently taken care of by a nanny, she knew how much of a ruckus

he would make if he started crying at night. xo Hence, she couldn't wake him up at

any cost.

‘My baby, your daddy acknowledges that you're his child." Even though she'd initially

made up her mind that she would raise the child alone, with or without Gilbert, she still

hoped that Gilbert would acknowledge the child as his. Perhaps deep down, she wished for

the child to be able to grow up with a father figure.

Growing up in the Wagner family, her father never gave her anything much besides

holding the title of being her father. So, she'd always lacked paternal love throughout her

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life. n.ove.lx.o That could be the reason she hoped her child could grow up in an

environment filled with paternal love.

After whispering a few more words to her child. Marigold left and returned to her own

room to rest.

Meanwhile, in Gilbert's room, he'd just taken a shower. He was just about to get under the

covers and call it a day, n.ove.lx.o but he suddenly thought of what Marigold had said at

the dining table.

A name...

He had no idea what name to bestow upon the child. novëlxo Therefore, he dialed Jenny's

number right away.

Jenny had just gotten into bed with Alec when his call came in. "Hold on a moment!" Jenny

quickly took the phone. "It's a call from Gilbert."

"Just hang up the call!" Alec was quite annoyed.

"There must be something important for him to call at this hour." Jenny pushed Alec aside,

sat up straight, and answered Gilbert's call.

Alec sat next to her with a grumpy expression full of resentment. Jenny smiled at him,

reaching out to pinch his cheek in an attempt to ease his annoyance.

"Gilbert," she greeted, "what's the matter? Why are you still up so late?”

"I have something to ask you," Gilbert replied, cutting to the chase." Marigold asked me to

come up with a name for the child. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Jenny inhaled in surprise; she didn't expect he would ask her for name suggestions. There

was a moment of silence as Jenny thought about it. Guessing Gilbert's train of thought,

Jenny replied, novëlxo ‘Since it's up to you to decide, then you should be the one to

choose the name. I believe you can come up with something suitable.’

She didn't dare to decide for him and Marigold when it came to such an important matter

as naming the child. Furthermore, Marigold had made it clear that she wanted Gilbert to

decide, xo so that was all the more reason she shouldn't butt in.


"I'm hanging up now. Good night and good luck!" Jenny immediately ended the call. It

wasn't because she was in a hurry, but Alec was genuinely not allowing her to answer the

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phone properly. He'd already started nibbling and raining kisses on her neck when she was

still on the call.

Gilbert sighed helplessly as he looked at the disconnected call. He would have to take his

time and come up with a name himself. "What's a good name?" he wondered.

After a while, he got up and took several books from his bookshelf. xo Upon closer

inspection, they were several volumes of poem collections.

Marigold probably hadn't expected Gilbert would try to come up with a name so seriously

because she asked him to. He stayed up all night poring over several books before finally

writing down one name.

The next day, when Marigold looked at the note that Gilbert handed her and took in the

obvious dark circles under his eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

"Thank you." xo She didn't say anything else and just expressed her gratitude in a

soft tone.

Gilbert shrugged indifferently, pretending that it was no big deal. "It's just a small favor. I

thought of it randomly. Take a look and see if it's to your liking. If it's not, then just forget

about it. Don't mind me."

Marigold smiled and opened the note.