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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1346
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Chapter 1346 Gilbert and Marigold (21)

Jenny was stunned for a moment before snapping back to reality. She looked at Zack with

conflicted emotion. 'Are you planning to live with them?"

Now it was Zack's turn to be stunned. xo "Why would I live with them? I don't even

know them."

He had not had a lonely childhood. Besides, Gilbert and Jenny were here, and he was

married with a wife. He couldn't leave anyway.

‘I thought you'd be eager to stay with them after so many years of not seeing them."

Jenny smiled bitterly. On second thought, she could understand his reasoning.

They were both the same. Although they didn't have their parents since they were young,

their emotional needs were met. Hence, they didn’t hunt for their biological parents. Even

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in Jenny's case, Graham was the one who found her. Otherwise, she would not have gone

to find him.

Zack was like her. His decision to see his parents was probably because their news

couldn't be ignored. But for now, he would probably only be paying them a short visit. He

would not have other intentions.

'If I hadn't married yet, I might have given it a second thought. novëlx.o But now I've

married and have my own family. I have no need to chummy up with someone else's

family." Zack was satisfied with where he was in life, and he didn't want anything to


Jenny nodded and looked at him. "I'll support your decision, Zack.’ She would support him

whether he went back or not. She would stand behind him and shield him.

Zack smiled and patted her on the shoulder. 'That's my sister."

With merry talk and laughter, the gathering ended quickly. novëlxo Gilbert and Marigold

stood on the stage with their child in their hands. It was a heartwarming sight.

"If only they were a real family," Jenny exclaimed.

Zack nodded. "Yeah. We're both married now. Only Gilbert isn't. What a worrying thought."

Who would have thought that Gilbert, .xo the oldest amongst them, would be the last

to marry?

’Although he's the only one who hasn't married yet, he's the one who had a child first. If

you think about it this way, he's still ahead of us," Zack said.

That seemed to be true. Jenny smiled.

Onstage, after Gilbert and Marigold thanked the guests for coming, .xo they went

back to Jenny's table.

Paul was sitting there too. It was all family at the table.

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"I can understand if you don't want to stay with the Wagners. But you can't keep staying

at his place," Paul said the moment Marigold sat down.

Marigold felt embarrassed. He shouldn't be talking about this now. "Let's eat. We'll talk

after the meal," she said, attempting to ease the situation.

Paul wanted to say more, but Jenny nudged Alec. xo He instantly understood and

looked at Paul. "Let's drink."

Paul's words were lodged in his throat. He looked at Alec and finally shut up. xo He

would only talk after the party.

"Look at what this is!' Jenny took out a gift box and slid it toward Caleb.' xo This is a

gift from your aunt." "I have a gift prepared too!' Zack quickly took his gift box out and slid

it toward the baby.