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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons

Chapter 144
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*Kyra* "What the hell?" I mutter, rushing to my feet, slipping my arm back in the holes of my shirt before tugging it over my stomach with a wince. My shoulder is still sore from where Marcos had to dig into my skin to get a grip on what I asswas a massive splinter.

My eyes grow wide when I see Hayes on top of Marcos, his hand hammering into his face as Marcos tries to protect himself. Dean is on them yanking at Hayes while the woman with us checks on Marcos. I feel caught in the middle, unable to figure what to do or feel in the moment. What the hell just happened? "Hayes!" Dean screams into his face as he struggles to hold him back. "What the fuck has gotten in to you?" "Is he okay?" I ask, my voice trembling as I look at Marcos' already bruised eye and sliced lip.

"Nothing that a few hours won't fix," Marcos givesa grin before turning an angry scowl to Hayes. "Mind explaining what the hell that was that for?" "Don't play dumb, Marcos," Hayes hisses, his lip curling in disgust as he looks down at Marcos like he is dirt under his shoe. It is clear this has nothing to do with me. The way the two scowl at one another makes it seem like this is an issue they deal with often. Even if Marcos looks as confused as I feel.

"You don't think you could have at least waited to jump him," I scoff, dusting the front of my pants off, annoyed.

Marcos didn't have the tto finish looking at my injuries and my ribs are killingstill. All I want is to move without having every part ofache and sting. It might have been nice if Marcos could givesomething like sointment for the pain.

"What, you weren't finished yet?" He spits the words atlike I am disgusting and my nose scrunches in complete bewilderment. Is Hayes not the one who toldto get checked out? Is he not the one who stormed off and left Marcos to take care of me? What the hell am I missing here? Why is his anger suddenly pointed at me? "Uh, well, not really." I say, looking over at Marcos, who seems as lost as me. "What the hell is going on?" "Wow," Hayes scoffs, finally shoving Dean away from him as he takes a step back. "I expect a lot of things from you, but dense and easy were not on that list." My mouth falls open, and I snort a half laugh.

"He got the thing out of my shoulder, but my ribs are still hurting, so he toldto turn over so he could get a closer look." I defend myself, not sure why I feel the need to explain anything, but for sreason, I do.

Hayes freezes, his eyes darting around as he takes a step closer to me. He almost looks frantic, as if he might not be able to breathe if he doesn't askwhat is on his mind. It's strange to see him look like he might care or at the very least need something from me. "What was he doing to you? Just now," he whispers, his voice demanding, all the while sounding desperate. My brows furrow as I swallow, unsure how to feel about his closeness.

"I just fucking told you. He was tearing a massive splinter from my shoulder, then he was going to put ointment on my ribs..." I say the words slowly, watching how his face changes from anger to relief, then straight to embarrassment. Then, in the blink of an eye, he goes void. All emotions gone and hidden as he clears his throat and stands up straighter.

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"Get ssleep." He mutters before he turns to walk off.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Marcos bellows after him, but Hayes continues to walk. "Does someone want to explain that to me?" "From our angle it looked like you were..." Dean pauses, then clears his throat. "It looked like the two of you were-" "It looked like you were fucking." The woman says, dropping onto a log next to the fire and sendinga wink. "Can't say it didn't look hot, because it gotfeeling stype of way. Not angry, but something." "Wait, so it looked like Marcos was having sex with me? And Hayes got pissed off?" I ask. Truth be told, I am not sure if I'm more upset about his reaction or the insinuation. I just let people takerandomly in the middle of the woods with others around.

"He has a strict no sleeping with crew members policy." Marcos says standing up and gingerly touching his face. "But damn, I got hit, and I didn't even break the rules." "Someone should go talk to him." Dean says, looking around.

Marcos snorts as he settles in next to the fire.

"Sure as shit won't be me," he mumbles.

"Nisha?" Dean asks, and the woman rolls her eyes.

"What? Because I'm a female, you think I want to talk with the grump? No, thank you. He will walk it off and cback later like nothing happened. We all know Hayes. He explodes and asks questions later." She waves her hand in the air like it's no big deal, but by looking at Dean, I can tell it's a huge deal.

"I'll talk to him." I exhale, my stomach twisting sharply as Dean givesa look, then nods.

"Probably best it's you." He says.

"What? Because of our history?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"No, because he owes you an apology." He shrugs and Marcos roars in laughter.

"He owesone too, but I'm not going after him." He says, then he looks at me. "You are better off just letting him cool off and cback later." I consider it for a second, but then I realize I don't want Hayes coming back here acting like nothing happened. He owesnot one, but two apologies now. And I am damn crazy enough to chase him down and demand them.

I chase after him, the irony of this moment not slipping my mind as the last memory I have with him resurfaces.

I remember the way Hayes stood in front of me, his smile fading away as my heart beat out of my chest, fear replacing the excitement.

"I love you, Hayes." I say, my voice cracking as he takes a hesitant step away from me. "And I know you love me, too." "Kyra," He whispers my name, his face falling as he looks away shaking his head. "Why?" My brows knit together, perplexed by the question.

"What do you mean, why? I love you because of who you are. Every morning, all I can think about is seeing you smile and being near you. You makefeel safe, Hayes. You are my home." "Stop it. Just...stop it Kyra. You don't know what you are talking about." He grits out.

My stomach drops, my mouth dry as I realize what is happening.

"I do." I croak. "I am in love with you, I will always be in love with—" His lips smash into mine, and my world spins on its axis. My heart soars and my body ignites as I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him closer, my lips working against his in a selfish need. But then he tears away and pushesback, wiping his lips. "See," He says. "There is nothing there, no spark, nothing." "Nothing," I repeat, blinking as my heart shatters at our feet and I stumble away from him a step.

"Nothing. You know I want my mate. I want that spark and the mate bond. Choosing you would...it would be like choosing a knock off brand." "Why are you being so mean?" I whisper, struggling to catch my breath.

"Because you ruined everything Kyra!" He roars as he takes a step away and then spins on his heels, leavingin the woods, under the moon alone.

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I shake the painful memory, pushing it to the back. This is not the same. I am not following him to profess my love. I am following him to demand an apology for leavingto die out of his incredible hatred for me. As I approach him now, over eight years later, I prepare myself for the signature blow ups he has been having since being reunited again.

"Hayes," I say softly, coming up on his back, keeping enough space between us my safety. I watch S for his muscles tense as I get closer, his head turning to look atfrom over

his shoulder. From this angle, he looks like the Hayes I used to know. The one in the woods who was m waiting forwith a smile. The handsbeta who was wise beyond his years and always in a good mood.

"They sent you to check on me, huh?" He exhales, sounding disappointed, and I try not to takext personally. Just because he looks like my best friend for a moment doesn't mean he is him. "I volunteered." I shrug, stepping up next to him.

"That seems highly unlikely." He murmurs.

"And yet it happened." "Then what is it you want?" He asks.

"An apology, well, two of them, actually." I demand and his back rises and falls as if he is laughing silently at me.

""What for?" He asks, gently.

"For starters, druggingand

leavingbehind to almost die." I don't hold back the anger in my voice, "And for just assuming am sslut who throws herself at men?t have only ever been with one man in my entire life. I have only ever kissed TWO. For you to assI would ever-" Content bélongs to "I am sorry, Kyra." He says, his voice soft and full on sincerity that it catchesoff guard.

"For which thing?" I ask him, wanting him to be specific and acknowledge both wrongs he did. Hayes looks at the ground before lifting his chin, meeting my eyes with his tortured gaze.

"For abandoning you." He whispers the words I have been waiting for him to say for years.

"Which time?" I ask "Because it seems to be your favorite thing to do to me." "Every time," His voice breaks, and he clears his throat. "Every time." X