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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379 

The Sister-In-Law That Popped Out Of Nowhere It took Silas a while to realize that Brian was referring to Camila. It left him bemused. “She’s your sister-in-law.” Brian chuckled.

“I don’t even have a brother, why would I have a sister-in-law?” Irritated, Silas replied, “She doesn’t love you.” Brian retorted, “You’d better take good care of her. If you ever

treat hei wrong, I’ll come after you!” Silas was lost for words. At this point, he thought twice about calling Brian his brother. 

“That’s enough. You’d better take care of yourself. The Quintets didn’t get what they wanted last night, so they might come back for revenge.” Brian replied brazenly, “I don’t

need you to tell me that.” He got into his car right after and sped off. Silas gazed at the car smilingly as it disappeared into the night. At Edward’s house, Lara turned to

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Edward after she hung up. “It appears that Silas has made up with Brian Our people just saw Brian leaving the Muse Peninsula area.” Edward said, “It’s not only Silas who lives

in Muse Peninsula; Landon lives there 100!” Lara scoffed, “Do you really think Brian would look for Landon? Ever since he left the Nolan Family when he was twelve, he had cut

ties with everyone. He didn’t even show up for Grandpa’s birthday party, so how would he go meet Landon? II would have been even more convincing if he were 10 meet

Camila.” Edward pulled Lara onto his lap. “Come on. You’re getting too worked up. Let’s just assume he was meeting Camila. I know Silas and Brian very well; they are both

stubborn as mules. After all these years of fighting against each other, there’s no way they would reconcile in two short days.” Lara was still trying to piece everything

together. “Something’s not right. The Quintets had their hands on the goods yesterday, but another group of men, armored in black, came by. Based on their description, they

somehow seemed like Silas’s men. If what you said is true, who were those people, then?” Edward thought for a while and said, “It might very well be a new gang Brian

cultivated in the dark, and we did not see it coming.” Lara replied, “I don’t think so. It’s best that you arrange for someone to keep an eye on Brian. Things have been

happening a little too conveniently for my liking. Remember that evening at Grandpa’s birthday party, when the Jones Family went into the security control room with Silas and

came out acting differently? They were so adamant, throwing nasty accusations at us, like taking advantage, forcing, and even 

raping. I was too enraged at that moment, and now that I think about it, they had not behaved like that to us before. I found out today that Aleena is out of the country. It is

obvious that Silas must have said something to ruin the marriage between the Roberts and Jones Families.” 

Edward uttered, “It’s not easy to set up a marriage with the Jones Family Aleena loves Silas, so it’s impossible that she would marry Ben.” Lara scoffed, “Had the Jones given

us a break that evening, we could have just announced it to the whole wide world By then, she couldn’t say no even if she wanted to. She paused. “Don’t you think it’s weird

that Silas moved to Muse Peninsula?” “Didn’t your sources say that Camila also lives in Muse Peninsula? He might have done it for her.” 

Looking At Her Photos, Are We Sure She Is 64? Actors Who Tore Down Entire Care

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Most Extravagant Gifts Celebrity Couples Have Given Each Other Weʼve Gathered The Most Crazy &

Lara flipped open the blanket and crept under it. “This is the part that baffled me. Even though Camila Brooklyn has the looks and capability, she’s still a mother with a child.

Why would Silas fall for someone like that? You saw how I tried to probe her at the birthday party, Silas stopped me right there, as if he didn’t want us to know more about


“Yeah. Now that you said so, it did seem off 

“I still think the kid belongs to Silas.” 

“I thought he was the son of a beggar.” “Ben said so, but who really knows?!”