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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431 Don’t You Want to know the Truth? 

Besides, his mother is somebody who has been hidden away for so many years! How can I, who just became his

girlfriend not long ago, meet her so soon?! What if we break up in the future?! Wouldn’t I spill the beans on where

his mother is hidden if somebody threatens me? No, I can’t meet her! Definitely not! “No way, I’m not mentally

prepared for it.” Silas laughed out loud. “It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me tomorrow; what do you need to be

mentally prepared for? Don’t worry; my mother is very easy to get along with!” When he saw that Camila was still

hesitating, he added, “To be honest, I wanted to ask you for a favor too. After the car accident, the nerves in my

mother’s legs were damaged. Even now, she has trouble walking. If you go, it’s a good chance for you to examine

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her too!” Upon hearing that, Camila lfell silent. By the time Brian woke up, it was already the next morning. Looking

around, he discovered that he was in Camila’s house. Moreover, Silas was sleeping on the sofa next to him. Does

that mean we slept over at her house? Rubbing his sore neck, he immediately recalled the events of yesterday.

Thus, his anger flared up uncontrollably again. Sitting up, he heard Silas’s voice before he could even move. “Keep

your voice down. Camila and her son are still asleep!” Then, he glared at Silas furiously, only to realize that Silas

had yet to even open his eyes. The anger boiling inside him had nowhere to go. Although he didn’t argue with Silas,

he didn’t want to stay under the same roof as Silas. Thus, he put on his shoes to leave. 

Before he took more than two steps, he heard Silas saying in a lazy voice, “Don’t you want to know the truth?” 

Brian stopped in his tracks and glanced back at Silas. “Are you going to justify yourself again?” At that moment,

Silas slowly opened his eyes. “I’m not justifying anything. If you want to know the truth, then come with us later!”

Brian subconsciously put his guard up. “Where to?” The corners of Silas’s mouth lifted into a mocking smile. “What

else can I do to you?” Brian retorted, “You’re somebody who can even kill your own mother! What can’t you do to

me?” He knew that if he said that, Silas would become angry. However, he refused to let things go Silas’s way. Just

as he expected, Silas looked furious upon hearing those words. Then, Silas sighed. After a long while, he slowly

uttered, “That’s enough. Don’t Jook at me with that expression as if I owe you something. I will tell you everything 


Brian narrowed his eyes in response. “About what?” : Silas stood up. “You’ll know when you get there.” After saying

that, he headed into the kitchen. Last night, he had soaked the rice well. So, he pressed the button on the rice

cooker to make congee. Then, he went to the fridge and took out the ingredients to prepare breakfast. At first,

Brian planned to leave. However, it felt as if his legs were caught by tree roots-he could not move no matter what

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he did. Looking at the figure busy working in the kitchen, his emotions slowly calmed down and he began to wonder

whether the words Isaac said could be trusted. Would a man willing to cook for his wife and child in the kitchen

really be a murderer who killed his own mother? Should I investigate this some more before I decide on anything?

After all, what I learned last night was so difficult to accept that I lost control of my emotions. Just then, the door to

the bedroom opened with a soft click, and he glanced in the direction of the sound. Camila was wearing fluffy, pink

pajamas as she walked out of the bedroom. Her face was bare without any traces of makeup. Then, she greeted

him softly and sleepily. Her voice was still hoarse from sleep as she said, “Good morning, Brian.” She was treating

him as usual. On the other hand, Brian stood there awkwardly and responded vaguely, “Good morning.” She didn’t

stay for long in the living room. Instead, she went directly into the kitchen and leaned close to Silas. “What is my

boyfriend making for breakfast?” Silas placed the things in his hands down and turned around. Hugging her, he

kissed her on the forehead. Then, he held her as he said, “I was thinking of making sauteed spinach with garlic,

radish soup with vermicelli, congee, hard-boiled eggs…”