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Turning Of the Tide by Diana Sander

Chapter 476
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Chapter 476

After they embraced each other for a while, it occurred to Rose that there should be two rings..

She withdrew slightly from Edward’s arms and looked up at his chin. She reached out and touched it. “Where’s your

ring? Let me put it on for you.”

Edward did not let go of Rose. He only freed one hand and took out the box from his pocket. Rose reached out to

take it.. She unlocked the box, and inside she found a vine ring of the same series. However, there was no diamond

inlaid on Edward’s ring.

It was very simple and low-key.

Rose took out the ring first. She pulled Edward’s hand and put the ring on. After putting it on, she raised Edward’s

hand in the air and looked at it. With this ring, his hand looked even more beautiful.

Their fingers intertwined, and the two rings met. They were like the vines on the rings, tightly wrapped around each


There was still an hour before mealtime.

On the sofa, Rose kept her clasped hands in the air. Edward sat there, stroking her collarbone hair. Rose lay down.

Time was quite and good.

Why weren’t they in bed? The wedding room that Edward decorated was very beautiful. Rose could not bear to

destroy it. She wanted to save this opportunity for the night, so she could only lie on the sofa with her head on

Edward’s lap.

Rose raised her phone into the air and turned it on. Edward turned it on with one hand.

The lovely couple was in sync.

Looking at the missed calls, unread messages, red dots, and numbers, Rose couldn’t stay calm anymore and sat



with a

Edward, who was beside him, was shocked. He thought that something had happened and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Rose said, “We agreed to go missing for two hours, but it seems it’s past time. Guys in Athana are in an uproar

when not hearing our news…”

They had overslept.

-In order to calm her down, Edward waved his phone and pointed it at her, indicating that it was the same case for


The next second, Rose collapsed into a smile and continued to lie down on the sofa. She rested her head on

Edward’s legs and said, “Let’s face a storm-like interrogation together. Give your mother a call. I’ll tell Sherri and

the others that I’m getting married.”

Rose had just seen 68 missed calls from Juana on Edward’s phone screen. It seemed that the caller wouldn’t give

up getting a response.


Edward was bombarded by Juana’s call. Rose seemed to be able to imagine the scene when Juana made the call.

She was probably pacing around with her hands on her hips.

Edward snapped Juana back to reality. “Rose, shouldn’t you change the way you call my mother?”

“Ah… I think you’re right. Why don’t I practice it a few more times in private?” She was very casual when it came to

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addressing others. At home, she called her mother directly Grace.

She rarely called Grace Mom.

Stroking her forehead gently, Edward said, “Alright, there’s no hurry. It’s up to you when you decide to change the

way you

imitate call her. Mom won’t mind.” Of course, Juana would be overjoyed if Rose called her in an


As expected, as long as Rose notified everyone that she was married, there was no need for Edward to do the

same thing. With Sherri as a messenger, she couldn’t wait to share everyone with the news.

Edward called Juana, who was obviously waiting in the line. She picked up almost instantly, and before Edward could

speak, Juana’s happy and excited voice could be heard from the phone. “Son, you’re really amazing. I’m so happy

that I can’t sit still all morning.”

Ever since Rose sent the post, Sherri invited the entire family upstairs to share this surprise. At that time, Juana and

Joy didn’t believe Sherri, thinking that she must have gotten muddle-headed because she had just given birth to a

baby. After all, Edward and Rose were traveling. There was no sign that they had any intention of getting married.

When Sherri showed the photo to the two mothers, everyone was too shocked to say a word. Even Hackett was

struck numb with surprise. This unexpected news rendered everyone speechless.

It took the entire family a while to realize that Edward was really married. It was great news that the leftover man

in the family finally got married. Juana was so thrilled that she wandered around Sherri’s room, which made Sherri

dizzy that she chased Juana downstairs.



Chapter 476

In the end, Juana, who was too excited, still wandered around the living room. She couldn’t calm herself down and

bring herself to sit on the sofa. Seeing this, Hackett hesitated if he should persuade her, but he still didn’t dare to do

so. As a result, he silently sent a message to Frank and gave him blessings.

On Edward’s side, he could already feel his mother’s excitement. He sighed in his heart. Knowing this would come,

he said, “Mom, calm down first. I’ve got married to Rose. This is true.”

Juana was even happier to get an accurate answer from her son. “Great, great. Is my daughter-in-law around?”

“Mom, Rose is asleep. We went to take photos this morning.” Afraid that his mother’s over-excitement and

enthusiasm would shock Rose, Edward told a lie.

Upon hearing that. Juana instinctively thought of the reason. She believed that Rose must be too tired because she

and Edward had just had sex. She said, “That’s good. That’s good news. Son, I know you’ve been single for many

years, but Rose is a girl, after all. You have to control yourself and not hurt her. Hahaha, that’s all. I’ll leave you two

alone. Bye.”

From Juana’s tone. Edward felt that she seemed to have misunderstood. He said, “Got it. I’ll stay overseas for a few

days. Tell Dad.”

“It’s not necessary. Your dad is still young and can handle it. He got Kyle to help him. Have fun with Rose. Don’t

worry about anything else. You guys don’t need to rush back and can play for as long as you want.”

In the quiet room, because of Juana’s excitement, her loud voice was very clear, making it audible to Edward even

when he didn’t turn on the loudspeaker. Rose also felt that Juana had misunderstood.

They had yet to consummate and they planned to do it at night.

She couldn’t even bear to get into bed..

After hanging up the phone, Edward said with a smile, “You must have heard it. My mother is like this. Give her

some time to calm down.”

“Well… She’s actually quite good. I quite like her personality. Honey, don’t worry. There won’t be any problems

between us. If there’s any disagreement between us, I won’t argue with her, and you’ll be the peacemaker.”

Edward explained, “Don’t worry, with Mom’s personality, she won’t quarrel with anyone. She likes to quarrel with

Sherri the


“But she and Sherri aren’t really arguing. It’s just that they’re used to this kind of interaction. Well, just as it says,

beating and scolding someone is another way to show affection.”

Rose looked up at Edward’s handsome facial features and deep eyes and said, “Edward…”

“Yes? What’s wrong?”

Rose called out again, “Edward.”

Confused, Edward asked, “What’s wrong? Rose.”

“Honey, will you always love me?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Honey, will you always let me lie on your knee?”


After getting the answer, Rose was overjoyed. She intertwined her fingers with Edward’s and said, “Honey, love


Edward lowered his head. Their eyes met. Rose reached out and pulled Edward’s head down. She kissed Edward’s

lips and said, “Not bad. Keep it up.”

Edward withdrew his body and slowly sat up straight. He smiled as he looked at Rose, who was satisfied on his

knees. Actually, he wanted to deepen the kiss, but it was not the right time. Rose said that she wanted to save the

moment to night.

He got up. Just as he was lost in his thoughts, the two of them received text messages at the same time, and the

sound of notification went on and on…

Rose replied to the message in a group called Fairy Fortress, [Girls, can you calm down? I’m back. I’m sorry. I was

really too tired this morning. I overslept and went missing for a little longer.]

Upon receiving the news, Sherri was furious and thought, “My dear sister-in-law, it’s way too long that you went

missing. It has past the time you promised by three times.”

Rose: [You didn’t call the police, did you?]

Sherri: [If you don’t reply to my message, I’m going to call the overseas police for you.]

Sherri: [Wait a minute. You’re sleeping in broad daylight. Could it be… Uh-huh?]

Rose: [Get your dirty thoughts out of your mind. Your brother and I are pure. At most, we kiss. We decided to save it

to tonight]



Chapter 476

Shocked, Natalie sent a message, [Do you guys need to choose a day for this?]

Rose: [Edward has the bridal chamber decorated for me. We wanna make it special.]

Natalie: [I sincerely wish you and Edward happiness for the rest of your life.]

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Sherri: [Good luck, Rose. Try to get me a nephew and niece.]

The girls in the group chatted enthusiastically, except for Ava, who was unresponsive. Everyone found it strange

that the usually lively girl was so quiet.

Rose was also puzzled. Why didn’t Ava respond? However, she called Ava, only to find that her phone was turned

off. Originally, Rose wanted Ava to help persuade Frank, in case Frank flew into a rage.

Unexpectedly, Ava’s phone was switched off. Rose decided to put the matter aside. Anyway, she had expected that

Frank would be angry and lecture her.

The two of them sat on the sofa and dealt with the missed calls. They responded to the blessings of everyone.

Looking at the decorations in the room, Rose found them very nice and decided to take pictures of them. She got

up and snapped photos of the room.

Edward sat on the sofa and watched Rose take photos. He waited quietly on the side, neither disturbing her nor

urging her

to eat.

After half an hour of taking photos, hunger drove Rose to stop and she proposed to eat. Edward led her to the

dining room downstairs to eat.

An hour later, the two of them came back after eating. With a full stomach, she stroked her stomach and said, “I’m

too full. You ate too little. You take a shower first.”

It didn’t make sense. Why should the person who ate less take a shower first?

Edward opened the door of the room and advised, “Rose, take a shower first. I’ll make a call.” Ladies first, which

was the common rule.

Fortunately, Rose did not know his real thoughts. Otherwise, she would have dragged him into the bathroom to


Since he had something on, Rose was sensible. She took her pajamas from her suitcase and went straight to the

bathroom to take a shower.

-Edward looked at the closed bathroom door and fell into deep thought. All sorts of feelings well up in his heart.

There was joy, anticipation, and nervousness. He found it hard to believe that he was married. He had thought that

it would be a long time before Rose agreed.

He did not expect to get married in a country where divorce was not allowed. He swore to himself that he would

treat Rose well for the rest of his life. As he was thinking, he took out his phone and sent a message to Juana. [All

the shares under my name will be transferred to Rose as a wedding gift. Tell Dad about it.]

Juana replied, [No big deal. It’s a sure thing to do. I’ll also get your father’s shares from him.]

In Juana’s eyes, money was mere worldly possessions. It was nothing as long as she had a daughter-in-law and she

would like. to give Rose as much as she wanted. Besides, the Landor family was in the wrong. Richard said that it

was kind of inappropriate that Juana directly got married to Rose without her parents’ permission.

They were supposed to give them an explanation personally, which was the most basic etiquette of compensation.

Juana was usually unconcerned, but she was considerate when it came to handling human relationships. She

wouldn’t be partial if her son was in the wrong. In this matter, the Landor family members all believed that Edward

was at fault.

But at the same time, they were also happy that they had a daughter-in-law so quickly. In that case, wouldn’t it be

long before they got grandchildren?

Edward was speechless.

Twenty-eight minutes later, this was the longest shower Rose had taken since winter. She carefully washed every

inch of her skin as if she were going to be sent to serve the emperor at night.

When she was having the shower, her ears were slightly red. She was nervous, expectant, and at a loss.