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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 209
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Chapter 209 Wow, Bianca, You're Famous!

"What's wrong?"

Bianca felt quite uncomfortable when she saw her colleague looking at her like that. She thought that

Joe's expression was quite creepy.

"Well, see for yourself!" Joe did not know how to describe what he saw and so pushed his laptop in

front of Bianca.

Still confused, Bianca took the laptop and looked at the screen.

Her colleague also leaned close and looked at it.

Every young man and woman in the country must have read the news!

The headline was an indication of how popular Leia Norman was.

"Shocking! Man Seen Riding With Leia Norman At Night To Celebrity's House. Later Confesses That

He Is Married!"

Bianca was incredibly flustered just by reading the headline.

She clicked on the headline and entered the article. Accompanying the article was a screenshot of a

newly registered Twitter account, and the first tweet was a photo of a marriage certificate!

The Twitter account belonged to none other than Xavier!

On the marriage certificate was clearly shown Bianca's name, date of birth, and photo!

The female colleague immediately opened the Twitter app on her phone and searched for the account

in the news article. Even though the account was newly registered, it was already verified!

The profile mentioned that he was the owner of a bar.

"Your husband runs a bar, right, Bianca?" The colleague asked.

Bianca did not hear the question. Her head was spinning as she read through the article with the

utmost concentration.

When she finished reading the thousand-word article, she roughly understood what happened.

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Late last night, the young celebrity Leia Norman rode in the same car with Xavier Tanner and returned

to Leia's neighborhood.

Xavier was a normal civilian. The only thing extraordinary about him was that he was slightly richer and

more handsome than the typical man, though that was not enough for the paparazzi to pay attention to


However, he was riding in the same car with Leia late at night. That would create a big scoop...

A female colleague who had bought buns for everyone came in from outside. Her head was lowered

reading on her phone, and she nearly tripped. "Wow, Bianca, you're famous now! You're in the same

article as Leia Norman!"

The female colleague sitting next to Bianca came to her senses and asked her carefully, "Um, Bianca,

you should know who Leia Norman is, right? Do I have to bring you up to speed about her?"

Bianca nodded, though her eyes remained transfixed to the screen. Her delicate eyebrows were

slightly furrowed.

The female colleague decided to keep quiet. If she said too much, she was afraid that she might

accidentally hurt Bianca.

Entertainment gossip like the article was not to be fully trusted, though there had to be some grain of

truth to it.

Bianca skimmed through the comments.

Someone said, "This Mr. Tanner should be only friends with Leia. I have done my research in micro-

expressions, and I can tell what's going on in the photos and the video. Don't worry, fans of Leia

Norman, your idol doesn't have any improper dealings with that guy."

That was the top-rated comment, as voted by fans of Leia.

It was as though that comment was the most trustworthy one in the world!

Another person said, ’Can we not involve Mr. Tanner and his wife Ms. Rayne in this? They're not in

showbiz, and it's not appropriate to drag normal civilians into the discussion. I believe that if Mr. Xavier

and Ms.

Rayne know Leia, they should be good people."

Of course, someone else said, "Hahaha! All of you stan Leia Norman a little too hard. Your queen Leia

probably can't stand being alone at night, and that's why she brought a man home. Isn't that obvious

from the video?

"Might this Mr. Tanner be Leia's sugar daddy?”

Some people were sympathetic toward Bianca. "I think Ms. Rayne is the real victim here. Her private

life is suddenly brought into public view.

Would she even be able to keep her job? Her newly-wed husband is having an affair with a celebrity.

She must be devastated.

"I don't think Mr. Tanner is actually protective of his wife by displaying his marriage certificate. He

doesn't mind exposing his wife's personal details to prove Leia's innocence. Doesn't that show that his

heart is with Leia?"

Another person agreed. "Right, I don't think that Mr. Tanner is a mere bar owner. Someone who would

be able to spend a night with Leia isn't going to be some random civilian. Look clearly, sheeple! This

man is the cousin of Luke Crawford, the CEO of T Corporation. He was sent to prison five years ago!

Indeed, female celebrities are fond of men with checkered pasts! Leia isn't anyone different!

"Sigh... all of you are simping Leia Norman, but Leia is sleeping with another man at night. The most

pitiful person here is Ms. Rayne... I hope she can say something about this..."

Bianca slammed the laptop shut!

Carefully, Joe pulled the laptop away from Bianca in case it took further collateral damage...

There were two types of people in the courtyard at the moment.

One, Bianca White, the poor wife whose newly-wed husband was exposed to have an affair with Leia

Norman. 1

Two, everyone else.

Bianca took out her phone and, in a rare circumstance, dialed Xavier's number. The line was engaged,

and she could not get through to him.

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At the same time, messages poured into Bianca's phone. They were all consolatory messages from

her colleagues and old classmates, though they were quite eager to watch the drama unfold.

Of course, some people genuinely cared for her, such as Nina and Sue.

She gave up on calling and sent Xavier a message.

[I hope that you can delete that photo of the marriage certificate as soon as possible, Xavier! You're not

respecting my privacy!]

A City.

Marie was about to go out of the house when Jennifer grabbed her wrist. ’ Where are you going? Do

you have any spending money for your mother?"

Marie turned around and looked at her useless mother. She reluctantly took out two twenty-dollar bills

from her purse and flung them at the shoe cabinet next to the entrance. "I don't have any more money!

Why don't you sell the house and move back to your hometown?"

Jennifer ignored her daughter's words. She took the money, mumbled that it was not enough, and went

back inside.

Marie stood angrily at the doorway for several minutes before leaving.

She had already read the news headline.

'Bianca is Xavier's wife? Is that a joke? Did Bianca marry Xavier Tanner, the man whom she slept with?

'What right does she have?'

While she stood at the roadside waiting for her ride, she sent a text message to Xavier: [I hope to meet

you as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll regret it!] [Have you gone mad?]

She soon received Xavier's reply. His tone was cold and aloof, like speaking to a pet.

[I'm not mad. Bianca is my sister, and I know a lot of things, both good and bad. I don't think you want

me to go to the paparazzi, or... create a new Twitter account and divulge everything?] Marie
