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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 270
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Chapter: 270

A red-haired young man in punk attire giggled as he approached Cole, eager to introduce himself.

“Nice to meet you, Cole. I’ve been honing my craft for two and a half years. Your dancing is impressive,

to say the least,” he said with a grin. He even broke into a little jig to show off his own moves, hoping

for Cole’s feedback.

The room erupted with noise as a few other extroverted individuals joined in, creating a lively and

boisterous atmosphere.

Cole’s smile faded as he observed the group of people around him. They were nothing but a bunch of

ignorant fools! Though Cole feigned interest, he held a low opinion of these trainees who only sought

his favor to secure their own chance to debut.

Cole had a keen sense of the hypocrisy among his peers. But instead of calling them out, he relished in

their flattery.

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Suddenly, the practice room doors flew open and a man barged in, his eyes wild with excitement.

“Have you heard the news? Sarah’s agent is coming to select a trainee! I heard her name is Ariana

something. If one of us is chosen, we’ll be given a debut plan!”

The news about the debut quota sparked a flicker of hope in the trainees’ eyes. A chance to escape the

dreaded fate of termination after three years of futile practice!

But then, an observant trainee picked up on the crucial words of the earlier announcement and voiced

out what everyone was thinking. “There is only one quota, which must be Cole’s. He is exceptional, and


He didn’t need to finish his sentence. Everyone knew that Cole had the upper hand, being Donna’s

nephew. His place in the debut was all but guaranteed.

A moment of eerie silence descended upon the room, filled with envy and disappointment, as the

trainees grappled with the reality of their situation. Yet, they forced themselves to put up a facade of

happiness and congratulated Cole, while secretly cursing their luck.

“Cole, you have finally achieved what you’ve been working for so tirelessly, and with great fervor, may I

add,” one of the trainees exclaimed, beaming with pride and admiration.

Another chimed in, “Your unparalleled talent, passion, and hard work will take you to the pinnacle of

success, Cole. You will undoubtedly become a star in your own right.”

“Cole, you’re destined for greatness,” another complimented Cole.

As the trainees continued to praise and congratulate him, Cole’s patience wore thin.

He snapped, “I won’t stoop so low as to rely on a rookie agent’s ‘quota’.

“But Cole,” one of the trainees interjected. “This agent has a quota that the others don’t. If you can

make your debut with her, then go for it.”

“Besides, switching agents in the future is always an option,” another added.

“Judging by the fact that this fledgling agent has the ability to bring Sarah back into the limelight, it’s

clear that she possesses exceptional skills.”

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A wry grin appeared on Cole’s lips as he held back his true thoughts. He had no interest in this agent

named Ariana or her abilities to catapult him to stardom. After all, he was placed in the company by his

aunt Donna, who wanted him to keep an eye on this rookie agent.

For Cole, it was merely a task that needed to be completed, and gaining fame was the least of his


As the group was discussing the new agent and the debut opportunity, their teacher for the body

shaping lesson sauntered into the room.

Physique lessons were a weekly affair, and the topics covered were mundane at best. Despite their

lack of enthusiasm, everyone in the room tried to participate to the best of their abilities. After all, they

had to be cooperative if they wanted to get a chance to debut.

That was, except for Cole. He simply sat hunched in a corner, a hat pulled low over his eyes, while