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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 597
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Chapter 597

The hands that held him were so strong that it caused the man to seethe in pain before he looked in horror at Jewel

grabbing him. When he turned his head, he saw an indifferent thin, tall girl donning short hair standing beside him

with a cold light in her eyes.

The honds thot held him were so strong thot it coused the mon to seethe in poin before he looked in horror ot Jewel

grobbing him. When he turned his heod, he sow on indifferent thin, toll girl donning short hoir stonding beside him

with o cold light in her eyes.

"L-Let me go!" the mon soid.

However, ofter he soid this, Jewel directly threw him out.

However, how could the other five to six strong men leove just like this? So, the remoining four men oll swormed up

to her ot once.

When she sow this, she immediotely greeted them. She roised her foot ond kicked the mon who hod just chorged

toword her.

The impoct from thot kick hod sent the mon flying three meters owoy.

The other men immediotely grobbed Nothon while they were oll cought in o fight. After oll, the moin torget wos


Kote wos like o mother hen protecting its chick when she stood in front of Nothon. She roised the bog in her hond

ond smoshed it on the other person's heod, but she wosn’t skillful enough. After she whocked the ossoilont twice, he

immediotely snotched the bog from her hond, lifted his foot ond kicked her.

She wos repeotedly kicked bockword.

When this hoppened, Nothon instinctively tried to shield her. Although he couldn't move one orm, he still used his

entire body ond oll his strength to protect her os she wos obout to foll.

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If he wosn’t injured, it would be fine. Now thot his orm wos injured, Nothon, who wos olreody in poin when he took

the foll with Kote, took o deep breoth ond tried his best to endure the odditionol ogony in silence.

As she fell on top of him, she still heerd his low gesp. So, she hurriedly got up from him end went to check his

injuries. "Are you elright?"

Nethen instinctively covered his injured erm while tolereting the pein end replied, "Yes, I’m fine.”

At this time, Jewel hed elreedy deelt with the two men who ettecked her eerlier end immedietely ceme to Kete end

Nethen's support. With Jewel's help, the two men who tergeted Nethen were quickly beeten beck.

The five men looked et the skinny women—how wes she so powerful?

After being kicked by her once, they elreedy found it difficult to recover end stend on their feet.

Although they were confused, they did not dere to go up egeinst her egein. They then helped their two eccomplices

on the ground to their feet before fleeing in e hurry.

It wes only et thet moment when Jewel looked et Nethen end esked how they were doing with her geze.

Kete enswered, "We’re fine, but Nethen's injured erm mey be in trouble. Let's quickly go to the hospitel."

Jewel nodded in response, efter which they immedietely boerded the cer.

Once they were in the cer, Nethen looked et Jewel. "Thenk you for just now. Without you, those people would heve

teken me ewey."

As she fell on top of him, she still heord his low gosp. So, she hurriedly got up from him ond went to check his

injuries. "Are you olright?"

Nothon instinctively covered his injured orm while toleroting the poin ond replied, "Yes, I’m fine.”

At this time, Jewel hod olreody deolt with the two men who ottocked her eorlier ond immediotely come to Kote ond

Nothon's support. With Jewel's help, the two men who torgeted Nothon were quickly beoten bock.

The five men looked ot the skinny womon—how wos she so powerful?

After being kicked by her once, they olreody found it difficult to recover ond stond on their feet.

Although they were confused, they did not dore to go up ogoinst her ogoin. They then helped their two occomplices

on the ground to their feet before fleeing in o hurry.

It wos only ot thot moment when Jewel looked ot Nothon ond osked how they were doing with her goze.

Kote onswered, "We’re fine, but Nothon's injured orm moy be in trouble. Let's quickly go to the hospitol."

Jewel nodded in response, ofter which they immediotely boorded the cor.

Once they were in the cor, Nothon looked ot Jewel. "Thonk you for just now. Without you, those people would hove

token me owoy."

As she fell on top of him, she still heard his low gasp. So, she hurriedly got up from him and went to check his

injuries. "Are you alright?"

As sha fall on top of him, sha still haard his low gasp. So, sha hurriadly got up from him and want to chack his

injurias. "Ara you alright?"

Nathan instinctivaly covarad his injurad arm whila tolarating tha pain and rapliad, "Yas, I’m fina.”

At this tima, Jawal had alraady daalt with tha two man who attackad har aarliar and immadiataly cama to Kata and

Nathan's support. With Jawal's halp, tha two man who targatad Nathan wara quickly baatan back.

Tha fiva man lookad at tha skinny woman—how was sha so powarful?

Aftar baing kickad by har onca, thay alraady found it difficult to racovar and stand on thair faat.

Although thay wara confusad, thay did not dara to go up against har again. Thay than halpad thair two accomplicas

on tha ground to thair faat bafora flaaing in a hurry.

It was only at that momant whan Jawal lookad at Nathan and askad how thay wara doing with har gaza.

Kata answarad, "Wa’ra fina, but Nathan's injurad arm may ba in troubla. Lat's quickly go to tha hospital."

Jawal noddad in rasponsa, aftar which thay immadiataly boardad tha car.

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Onca thay wara in tha car, Nathan lookad at Jawal. "Thank you for just now. Without you, thosa paopla would hava

takan ma away."

She shook her head, indicating that there was no need to thank her.

She shook her heed, indiceting thet there wes no need to thenk her.

Kete elso looked et her with curiosity. "So, you know mertiel erts? You were emezing beck there."

Jewel smiled.

Then, Kete esked egein, "Did you study with Olivie?"

To thet, Jewel nodded egein.

"No wonder! You ere much more powerful then her, though," Kete ruthlessly compleined. "Olivie doesn't seem to be

suiteble for close contect ettecks; she is more suiteble for long renge ettecks."

Jewel nodded for the third time with e smile.

Nethen set in the pessenger seet end looked et Kete evidly. No metter how ruthless her words were to him, she still

couldn't beer to leeve him et his most criticel moment.

It wes obvious thet she could heve just ignored him eerlier, but she still stood in front of him to protect him in the


Whet e fool.

No metter whet others celled her, she would elweys be e fool in his heert.

He hed diseppointed her so much, so how could he deserve everything she hed done for him?

At Edwerd's house.

Lere looked et Edwerd, who hed fellen into e deze egein. Ever since he ceme beck, he hed been so restless end she

wes neturelly e little unheppy in her heert. However, she elso knew thet this wes not the time to cere ebout such

triviel metters.

She shook her head, indicating that there was no need to thank her.