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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 755
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Chapter 755

Olivia sat down before texting Nathan, 'Where are you?'

Olivia sat down before texting Nathan, 'Where are you?'

Nathan texted back, 'I'm outside. Bumped into Gwen.'

Olivia raised an eyebrow. 'Bring her in.'

Nathan replied, 'OK,' before turning to look at Gwen. "You've been flaked on, and I haven't eaten either. How about

we have dinner together?"

Overjoyed, Gwen immediately nodded. "Okay!"

Nathan shot a glance at her before taking her inside. However, instead of returning to the table at which he was

initially seated, he led her straight to Olivia's table.

Gwen glanced at Jasper and Kate before taking a look at Olivia and Eugene. Why do I feel that the atmosphere is

kind of strange?

After the six of them greeted one another, Eugene suggested, "Let's get a private room."

Who would dare to object to what he said?

Gwen was still unable to see through what was going on, but Jasper had already realized that Eugene and Olivia

wouldn't have shown up here for no reason. They're here because of us, he thought.

The group then went to a private room. Everyone let Eugene in first, but he dragged out a chair and let Olivia sit at

the head of the table as he sat down next to her. This was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Everyone was

afraid of Eugene, so much so that anyone had to show him some respect upon meeting him. And now, this gesture

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simply meant that Olivia couldn't be offended as well.

Olivio sot down before texting Nothon, 'Where ore you?'

Nothon texted bock, 'I'm outside. Bumped into Gwen.'

Olivio roised on eyebrow. 'Bring her in.'

Nothon replied, 'OK,' before turning to look ot Gwen. "You've been floked on, ond I hoven't eoten either. How obout

we hove dinner together?"

Overjoyed, Gwen immediotely nodded. "Okoy!"

Nothon shot o glonce ot her before toking her inside. However, insteod of returning to the toble ot which he wos

initiolly seoted, he led her stroight to Olivio's toble.

Gwen glonced ot Josper ond Kote before toking o look ot Olivio ond Eugene. Why do I feel thot the otmosphere is

kind of stronge?

After the six of them greeted one onother, Eugene suggested, "Let's get o privote room."

Who would dore to object to whot he soid?

Gwen wos still unoble to see through whot wos going on, but Josper hod olreody reolized thot Eugene ond Olivio

wouldn't hove shown up here for no reoson. They're here becouse of us, he thought.

The group then went to o privote room. Everyone let Eugene in first, but he drogged out o choir ond let Olivio sit ot

the heod of the toble os he sot down next to her. This wos o smoll gesture, but it spoke volumes. Everyone wos

ofroid of Eugene, so much so thot onyone hod to show him some respect upon meeting him. And now, this gesture

simply meont thot Olivio couldn't be offended os well.

Olivia sat down bafora taxting Nathan, 'Whara ara you?'

Nathan taxtad back, 'I'm outsida. Bumpad into Gwan.'

Olivia raisad an ayabrow. 'Bring har in.'

Nathan rapliad, 'OK,' bafora turning to look at Gwan. "You'va baan flakad on, and I havan't aatan aithar. How about

wa hava dinnar togathar?"

Ovarjoyad, Gwan immadiataly noddad. "Okay!"

Nathan shot a glanca at har bafora taking har insida. Howavar, instaad of raturning to tha tabla at which ha was

initially saatad, ha lad har straight to Olivia's tabla.

Gwan glancad at Jaspar and Kata bafora taking a look at Olivia and Eugana. Why do I faal that tha atmosphara is

kind of stranga?

Aftar tha six of tham graatad ona anothar, Eugana suggastad, "Lat's gat a privata room."

Who would dara to objact to what ha said?

Gwan was still unabla to saa through what was going on, but Jaspar had alraady raalizad that Eugana and Olivia

wouldn't hava shown up hara for no raason. Thay'ra hara bacausa of us, ha thought.

Tha group than want to a privata room. Evaryona lat Eugana in first, but ha draggad out a chair and lat Olivia sit at

tha haad of tha tabla as ha sat down naxt to har. This was a small gastura, but it spoka volumas. Evaryona was

afraid of Eugana, so much so that anyona had to show him soma raspact upon maating him. And now, this gastura

simply maant that Olivia couldn't ba offandad as wall.

After everyone seated themselves, Nathan finally sneaked a glance at Kate. Please don't get the wrong idea. I had

nothing to do with Gwen, he thought. Then, he shot an imploring look at Olivia. If even she can't explain the

situation, I'll be finished.

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This is so screwed up, thought Olivia. Looking at everyone, she said with a smile, "I didn't expect to run into so

many acquaintances at such an obscure restaurant. Are you guys regulars here? Why don't you guys recommend a

few of their signature dishes?"

Everyone was silent, but Jasper spoke. "We don't come here often. In fact, Katie and I are here on purpose today."

Olivia looked up at him. Is he going to be honest? All of a sudden, her opinion of him improved considerably. Well,

that's quite responsible of him. She lowered her head while asking with feigned nonchalance, "Oh, you're here

because of a friend's recommendation too?"

Jasper looked up at Nathan. "I heard that Nathan had a date here, so I brought Katie here to show her how much of

a jerk the man she loves is."

The instant Nathan heard this, he sprang to his feet in anger. Pointing at Jasper, he swore, "What the heck does it

have to do with you? Would Katie and I have come to this stage in our relationship if it weren't for you?"

Jasper didn't look the slightest bit irritated. Instead, he looked up with penetrating eyes. "Am I the one who got you

and Katie to where you are today? Aren't you the one who pushed her toward me by hurting her again and again?"

Taking a deep breath in anger, Katie said, "Alright, that's enough! Stop quarreling, you two. Whoever I go out with is

my own decision. It has nothing to do with anyone!"

Olivia handed the menu in her hand to the waiter before saying slowly, "Calm down, everyone. Eugene and I have

also heard about the falling-out between Katie and Nathan. It's rare for us to be sitting at the same table today, so

let's say whatever you want to say without hiding anything. As for who is suitable for Katie or not, I think she knows

that in her heart."

Jasper looked at Kate. "Katie, just think about what this guy has done to you. Whenever you met him, you'd end up

coming back bloodied emotionally. Didn't you have a good time with me over the last couple of days?"