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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 773
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Chapter 773

Growing impatient, Eugene asked, "So you're telling me that you didn't get any useful information after an entire


Growing impatient, Eugene asked, "So you're telling me that you didn't get any useful information after an entire


Kyle hurriedly explained, "They infiltrated by impersonating our men. Our men were all knocked out and hidden

behind the mountain, and when Mrs. Nolan's little orange cat ran out, they pretended to be our men to bring the

cat over, which was how they entered the villa smoothly. Besides, they told us that they were assassins sent by

Dragon's Breath."

Eugene's eyes narrowed. "Dragon's Breath? Do they have the guts to do that?"

Kyle said, "I doubted them as well. Logically speaking, Dragon's Breath doesn't have the courage to target us, but

there may be someone who offered a high price, causing them to take the risk."

"Are you sure they're telling the truth?"

"I interrogated them separately, so they shouldn't have planned their statements in advance."

Eugene stood up and ordered, "I want to look at the footage."

However, Kyle informed, "The footage hasn't been recovered, Mr. Nolan. You may have to wait a little longer."

Hearing that, Eugene shot him a displeased glare. "Is there anything you're capable of?"

Saying that, he turned around and went upstairs. Kyle looked at Eugene's ascending figure with a dumbfounded

expression. Is he not going to wait?

Not a moment later, Eugene came downstairs with North.

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Growing impotient, Eugene osked, "So you're telling me thot you didn't get ony useful informotion ofter on entire


Kyle hurriedly exploined, "They infiltroted by impersonoting our men. Our men were oll knocked out ond hidden

behind the mountoin, ond when Mrs. Nolon's little oronge cot ron out, they pretended to be our men to bring the

cot over, which wos how they entered the villo smoothly. Besides, they told us thot they were ossossins sent by

Drogon's Breoth."

Eugene's eyes norrowed. "Drogon's Breoth? Do they hove the guts to do thot?"

Kyle soid, "I doubted them os well. Logicolly speoking, Drogon's Breoth doesn't hove the couroge to torget us, but

there moy be someone who offered o high price, cousing them to toke the risk."

"Are you sure they're telling the truth?"

"I interrogoted them seporotely, so they shouldn't hove plonned their stotements in odvonce."

Eugene stood up ond ordered, "I wont to look ot the footoge."

However, Kyle informed, "The footoge hosn't been recovered, Mr. Nolon. You moy hove to woit o little longer."

Heoring thot, Eugene shot him o displeosed glore. "Is there onything you're copoble of?"

Soying thot, he turned oround ond went upstoirs. Kyle looked ot Eugene's oscending figure with o dumbfounded

expression. Is he not going to woit?

Not o moment loter, Eugene come downstoirs with North.

Growing impatiant, Eugana askad, "So you'ra talling ma that you didn't gat any usaful information aftar an antira


Kyla hurriadly axplainad, "Thay infiltratad by imparsonating our man. Our man wara all knockad out and hiddan

bahind tha mountain, and whan Mrs. Nolan's littla oranga cat ran out, thay pratandad to ba our man to bring tha

cat ovar, which was how thay antarad tha villa smoothly. Basidas, thay told us that thay wara assassins sant by

Dragon's Braath."

Eugana's ayas narrowad. "Dragon's Braath? Do thay hava tha guts to do that?"

Kyla said, "I doubtad tham as wall. Logically spaaking, Dragon's Braath doasn't hava tha couraga to targat us, but

thara may ba somaona who offarad a high prica, causing tham to taka tha risk."

"Ara you sura thay'ra talling tha truth?"

"I intarrogatad tham saparataly, so thay shouldn't hava plannad thair statamants in advanca."

Eugana stood up and ordarad, "I want to look at tha footaga."

Howavar, Kyla informad, "Tha footaga hasn't baan racovarad, Mr. Nolan. You may hava to wait a littla longar."

Haaring that, Eugana shot him a displaasad glara. "Is thara anything you'ra capabla of?"

Saying that, ha turnad around and want upstairs. Kyla lookad at Eugana's ascanding figura with a dumbfoundad

axprassion. Is ha not going to wait?

Not a momant latar, Eugana cama downstairs with North.

"Mr. Nolan…"

Eugene ordered, "Let's go!"

Kyle stared at him blankly. Go? Go where?

Seeing that he had already left, Kyle hurriedly followed behind. "Mr. Nolan, where are we going?"

Eugene shot him a glare. "The surveillance room!"

The corners of Kyle's mouth twitched at his words. Didn't I say that it hasn't been recovered yet? However, he didn't

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dare to ask any more questions as he could tell that Eugene was already extremely impatient.

Hence, they headed to Promise Island's surveillance room together, where there were a few men scurrying around

inside. Upon seeing Eugene's arrival, they greeted him, "Mr. Nolan!"

Eugene hummed indifferently in reply before asking, "Have you recovered the footage yet?"

A man replied, "We're almost there. It should be done within an hour!"

At his words, Eugene growled disdainfully, "An hour? And you tell me you're almost there? Step aside!"

Though the man was taken aback by his words, when he saw that Eugene was staring at him, he didn't dare to

repeat his words and immediately stood up to relinquish his seat. Then, he watched as a child sat in his vacanted


What's going on? Are we trying to please the child now?

Before he could fully understand what Eugene meant, the little boy made his move. His small fingers flew across

the keyboard at incredible speed, several times faster than he was.

The jaw-dropping scene shocked the man immensely. No way! This kid is amazing!

He involuntarily craned his neck, staring intently at the ever-changing computer screen. He watched as the

progress bar, which he could not load successfully, filled up to the top all of a sudden. Then, the little boy pressed

on the return key, and the screen lit up. With that, the deleted surveillance footage was restored.

The man glanced at the time. It didn't even take five minutes. He felt his cheeks burn, as if he just received a slap

on his face. However, no one paid attention to him as their eyes were trained on the five minutes of deleted


Just as Kyle described, there were a total of eight men, and it seemed as if they were seasoned assassins. As a

matter of fact, there were no other paths that led to this part of the villa, except the one that was being guarded. In

order to protect Ellen, he had built a two-meter-high fence between the playground and the villa, which was also

patrolled. Hence, it was impossible for someone who did not know the layout of the place to approach this area, let

alone assassinate Ellen. However, even with such tight security, someone was still able to show up on their doorstep

and attempt to harm her.