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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 114
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Chapter 25 - Destiny Isn't Always Right "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?"-Garth Nix Neron "You're not wearing the ring." "Huh?" "Your Alpha Ring." Kiya gestured to my bare ring finger. "I've never seen you wear it." Ah, the Alpha Ring; the physical, symbolic item passed from each generation of Alphas in my family. My grandfather passed it to my father, him to me, and I am to pass it to my firstborn child. A thick golden band with the zircon stone displayed proudly at the center-a shimmering blue diamond holding the honor as the king of my pack.

I haven't worn that thing in years.

Flexing my fingers, I noted the lightweight feeling of not having that ring confined on my finger. Whenever I wore it, a crushing sense of heaviness cabout. It's supposed to makehappy, but it mademiserable. Unworthy. Like this thing isn't meant for me, nor did I deserve it.

I received the ring a day after Kiya's 'death", ignoring the chaos of the Betas to receive the last memento to solidify my Alpha status. The prestige was seductive, and wearing it madefeel like a king-one blind with arrogance. I couldn't be that man again.

“I don't mind it," I confess, swirling my drink with its straw. "It's freeing. I keep it in my office in a drawer below my desk. Why are you so curious about it?" Kiya shrugs, popping a fry into her mouth. "Because Dad always wore it. Anthony wears it. He never takes it off. SAlphas who visited GaMoon had theirs. I was just wondering." "Alphas wear their pride on their sleeve." My eyes wandered to the crowd of humans passing by, carrying bags or snacks in their arms. I spot a few affectionate couples on distant benches, planting k*sses on each other's ch*eks. For a moment, I dreamed for Kiya and I to be that couple. "The ring is just that. Generational pride. But, it's not something I want or feel like I should carry. It's a reminder of the man I used to be. I don't think I'll ever look at it again without feeling disgusted." My mate was silent. The shuffling of food wrappers and drinks stilled. Her breathing is even, and her sweet scent is as strong as ever. I turn to her to see her eyes had that faraway look, debating if to say something.

"You never wanted to be Alpha." "Nope." "Do you still feel that way now?" "A little." I shrug nonchalantly. "I had dreams. But when high school ended, I prepared to take over. There wasn't tfor fun and games because protecting and securing the pack cfirst. I'm responsible for hundreds of wolves, young and old. It got easier over time, though." Chapter 25-Destiny hint Always Right "Hmm." Kiya tapped her fingers rhythmically against the table. “Hypothetically, let's say you never becAlpha. What would you do?" "Hmm. I'd travel to Norway, maybe stay for a couple of weeks with my mom's family. We haven't talked in a while." She nods enthusiastically with a grin. "What else?" "I'd also travel around the world and taste different foods. That sounds like fun." "That's awesome!" "I would try crickets." "Ew!" Kiya gagged and I bust out laughing. "Neron, what the hell?!" "It's a morbid curiosity of mine." I couldn't stop laughing, not even when my mate tossed a used napkin at me. "Hey, don't hate! I bet you're curious too." "I may eat three times my weight, but there are sthings I'll never put in my mouth. Bugs being the main thing. You can do that by yourself." "They're excellent sources of protein!" "And I lost my appetite." Kiya eyedagain and tossed another napkin. "Bug eater." "Says the woman that eats stuff that isn't considered actual food!" "It was your idea to bringhere! Stop criticizing my food choices!" "And stop criticizing my curiosity!" "Fine." She held her hands up in surrender before laughing with me. This is how it should be. No pain, not pressure-just fun between us. "Anything else you'd do if you weren't Alpha?" "I'd go to college. I don't know what I'd major in-maybe in Communications or Art?" "Wait, I remember you used to draw!" My happiness sparked up at her recalling that long-forgotten talent of mine. "You used to draw landscapes, like the forest and mountains. I remember you drew a picture of your mom and gave it to her on her birthday." I laughed, that fond memory of Mom peppering my boyish face with her sugar-sweet k*sses. “Yeah. She loved it so much that she started crying. I don't think you ever toldwhat you're majoring in college." "Child and Adolescent Development," Kiya answered with a small smile. “I want to beca child counselor." "I think you'd be a great one." Kiya really would be an outstanding child therapist. Children are drawn to her like a magnet; they know she's a source of protection. I've watched young boys and girls cto her for help or to chat. The pup trainees hang onto her every word and work hard to make her proud. The connection she has with young Isabella is incredible and she's blossomed since then.

She pauses before gazing atwith wide eyes. “You think so?" Chapter 21-Destiny lint Atenes light "Yes." I nod. "Kids love you. You're intelligent and dedicated. You'd be very successful!" "Laying it a bit thick there, aren't you?" Despite her complexion, I can see the blush rising to her ch*eks as her eyes dart to the side nervously. "Thank you. It means a lot. Just two more years of undergrad and two years of graduate school." She sips her drink before clearing her throat and suggests something that sent my heart racing.

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"It's not too late to go to college.

My heart thudded with hope, but my brain sparks with disappointment. As much as I'd love to, I couldn't. "Being Alpha is a full-tjob. I can't do this and college at the stime." "I'm not saying do it now, I'm just saying...think about it. It isn't going anywhere and if you don't want to go, it's your choice." Kiya sips her drink, soaking in the heaviness that draped us. “You'd make a great artist. You seem at your happiest when you're drawing." "It's a distraction now. I can't afford distractions as Alpha." "Did your father hammer that bullshit to your head?" Kiya arches an eyebrow, daringto answer. But I didn't have to. She already knew. "Your Dad sucks ass, Neron. He needs to let you live your own life. Not everything is about being Alpha and it sucks that you have to put your dreams on hold for that." "No one else can be Alpha, Kiya. It's my birthright, my responsibility, and it's written in stone by destiny." And it's a birthright I wish I never had. Being Alpha is rewarding, but it's suffocating. That power is easily misused, and it shouldn't be such an enormous factor inachieving the things I want. But my pack needs their leader.

"Sometimes destiny is wrong," Kiya replies with an edge to her voice, her expression hard. “Our fates may not have been ours to choose, but we sure as hell can change it. Your father isn't always right." He isn't. And my contempt for him grows each day. The attitude in Kiya takes a dark turn whenever the subject of my father cup and within reason. I'll protect her from him. I swear on my life.

A scent of fresh seawater and lavender suddenly invaded my nose, followed by a "Kiya?" We both turned to see a woman with jet-black ringlets and deep blue-green eyes dressed in black and fishnets lingering with a smile. Kiya's eyes immediately sparkled like diamonds as she shot to her feet.

"Violetta!" She leaped like a rabbit into the taller woman's arms in a bone-crushing hug. "It's been so long! How are you?" it?" "It has, has Violetta giggled, patting her back softly. “Things are going great. The band and I are setting up for another gig. I didn't think I'd see you here." Her eyes turned to me, squinting like she was trying to remember my name. "I've seen you before." "He's Neron. He was the one who helped rescue us with my brother." "Ah, you're a wolf," We shook hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you again, Neron." "Likewise, Violetta. I'm glad to see you're doing well." "Thanks." With a smile, she turns back to Kiya. “What's been happening?" As the women were catching up, a blinding chill swam down my back so fast that I stopped breathing. Mysterious eyes pierce heavily into my back like a predator watching their prey-and I'm the prey. All the hairs on my back of my neck rose and Onyx stood erected in my mind, growling.

I thought back to what Kiya said earlier about being watched.


I hated cutting into the ladies' conversation, but I had to, Onyx and I agreed we've overstayed our welcome. We needed to leave. Swallowing my breath and remaining calm, I gather their attention with a wave of my hand. "I'm sorry to interrupt you ladies, but Kiya, we need to go.” Silently conveying a message with my eyes, I hoped that Kiya understood and like the smart she did. Reluctantly, she turned to Violetta. "Can I text you later?" twoman she is; "Of course." The older woman smiled. "I have to get back to the guys, anyway. It was nice meeting you again, Kiya, and you too Neron!" Once Violetta was out of sight, we both began packing our stuff and tossing away trash like clockwork.

"Neron, I need to run to the bathroom before we leave." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I ask her worryingly. The longer we stayed, the louder the alarm bells went off in my head. Even Onyx is urging us to haul our asses out of here. Kiya nods firmly. "Will you be alright by yourself?" "Neron. It's the bathroom. I'll be fine." Adjusting her purse strap, she quickly jogs to the women's bathroom while I anxiously wait next to our bags.

Just a quick bathroom break and we'll leave. Simple.

Kiya Pee. Wash hands. And leave. That's it, that's all.

I knew Neron felt the screeping suspicion of being watched as I did. Why else would he be in a hurry to cut our tshort? The spoilage is disappointing but better safe than sorry. With Osiris creeping about like wild geese, there's no telling when he'll strike.

But I'm alone in a large bathroom with only the sound of the running faucet keepingcompany. Andthe creeping sensation got stronger with the seconds that ticked by. The inside of the bathroom was lit up with the sunlight filtered through the high, dusty windows, Light is a source of safety, but I felt anything but safe. I've watched too many horror movies to know that this shit doesn't end well.

After drying my hands, I move to the door only to find it sealed right when I pull the handle. One tug. Two. Three. It wouldn't budge! It wasn't locked when I cin! Surely, the custodians aren't cruel enough to lock a young woman in one of the mall's bathrooms! But I know who is From the corner of my eye, black mist billowed in like cigarette smoke, slowly bathing the interior in dim light.

"Shit..." Artemis stood erect in my mind with rumbling snarls and claws sharpening. She is getting as fed up as I am.

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Chapter 25 Destiny lint Always Right.

Like moths to a flame, the dancing wisp bunched up at the center of the bathroom. Directly in front of me. I watched as they drew an intricate silhouette of a tall, well-built man with bloody eyes and perfect rows of colorless teeth. The temperature dropped, my body heat flared, and I'm trapped like a dog in a cage.

"Looks like you'll be learning the hard the way, my dear." Osiris sighed in disappointment. My back is suddenly slammed against the wall with an thick hand over my throat. Effortlessly, Osiris lifts me, leaving my feet dangling from the ground. I don't make a sound because I refuse to give him the satisfaction of my pain, but I work to pry his fingers from my neck. The last thing I need is to draw attention from humans and potentially the police.

"I'll make my visit short and simple.

Tread carefully. Hell is coming and you will burn." Black mist slowly disappeared around Osiris smokey form, revealing tangible, deep-mocha flesh and pressed casual attire. From his arms and legs to his torso, wisps faded into the air before revealing the perfectly sculptured face of my tormenter.

e answer.

"Where, the f*ck, have I seen you before?" I whisper, admittingly terrified of the Osiris shows off his unblemished teeth again as his white hair laid neatly on his shoulders. "Does the nOctavius ring a bell?" Oh my Goddess.

"Kiya, are you okay in there?" I hear Neron's worried voice on the other side of the door. Osiris pressed a finger to my l*ps, winking atto stay silent. For good measure, he squeezed my throat more. "Answer me, please." The bastard got close in my ear, his hot breath tickling my lobe. "Darkness grows and chaos awaits. Continue to play footsie with your overgrown cur, but when you see the truth, you'll have yourself to blame." Osiris dropsand disappears. Light enters the room bathroom once more. And Neron busts in, on edge and worried. Immediately, he runs up to me. "Kiya! Are you okay? Say something." "Takehome. Please." Chapter Comments POST COMMENT NOW X