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Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee by Lily Foster

Chapter 291
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Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Never Underestimate Women

“Aargh! Kade! Kade!”

The man named Kade swiftly closed in, flanked by his two companions, encircling Aylin.

“You little bitch, let’s see how well you can fight with your fancy moves this time!”

Aylin smirked, exuding a chilling aura as she surveyed her surroundings. “Seems like your teacher

forgot to teach you one crucial lesson, never underestimate women!”

With those words, Aylin suddenly lowered her body, bending her knee and unleashing a sweeping leg!

No one could have anticipated that her seemingly slender and fair legs possessed such incredible


In an instant, all three of them were sprawled on the ground!

Aylin hadn’t even broken a sweat during the fight. With a cold expression adorning her face, she aimed

several punches at their vulnerable eye sockets, leaving all three with matching panda eyes, their

vision blurred.

“You, you…”

Several grown men lay defeated on the ground, their faces contorted in anger.

“Get lost!”

Aylin’s voice, though not loud, sent shivers down the spines of the men. Struggling to their feet,

covering their eyes, they angrily exclaimed, “You, just you wait!”

Kade, assisted by his companions, wore a look of disbelief and shock, attempting to maintain his

composure. “You… you’re meddling where you shouldn’t be. We won’t let you off!’

Aylin casually clapped her hands, her expression remaining calm.


The group of burly men exchanged bewildered glances. They couldn’t believe what they had -

witnessed. Looking at this petite and seemingly weak young lady, they had never anticipated her to be

so terrifying!


Aylin watched their hasty retreat without sparing them a single glance. Gracefully retrieving her bag,

she clapped her hands dismissively. “A bunch of rats.”

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In the nearby alley, the young man stood wide-eyed, witnessing the entire scene unfold before him.

He clenched his teeth and quickly made his way back.

Aylin raised an eyebrow upon seeing him. “Didn’t you leave?”

The young man sheepishly pursed his lips. “1… I came back to thank you and apologize for involving

you. But you’re amazing! How did you do it?”

Aylin casually tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile carrying an air of nonchalance. “1

learned some self-defense when I was young, that’s all.”

With just that casual remark, the young man was left nearly dumbfounded.

He had hurriedly left earlier, never getting a chance to take a closer look. Now that he saw her up

close, she was truly…

Incredibly beautiful!

Her eyes shimmered like autumn water, and her flawless skin and enchanting red lips added to her

allure. Clad in a well-fitted shirt and casual pants, her slender and harmonious figure couldn’t be


He had encountered many beautiful individuals in the past, including top-tier celebrities in the

entertainment industry, but in her presence, they would pale in comparison.

During the brief moment their eyes locked, Aylin found herself equally captivated by his appearance.

The young man stood tall and upright, albeit bearing traces of dirt from the chase, his disheveled.

clothes and marked face telling a tale of struggle. Yet, it couldn’t conceal his naturally handsome


Aylin’s eyebrows twitched.

This face, seen up close, seemed even more…xo.com fast update

“Um… Thank you so much for earlier. I don’t know how to repay you,” the young man suddenly

realized, nervously scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact.

Aylin didn’t expect a boy younger than her to repay her kindness. “Why were those people chasing

after you just now?” she asked.

The young man’s expression changed as if grappling with the difficulty of sharing his story.

After a prolonged silence, he managed to utter a sentence.

“Actually… I’m a struggling actor at a low level, and I found myself entangled in conflicts with my

company. I intended to terminate the contract, but instead, I ended up indebted to them for a

substantial amount…”

His explanation was veiled, but Aylin, well-versed in the depths of the entertainment industry, grasped

the situation immediately.

It appeared that this young man, naive in his early days of navigating society, had fallen victim to an

unscrupulous company.

Such occurrences were all too common in the industry, where newcomers were exploited, leveraging

their inexperience and lack of legal knowledge, ultimately trapping them in oppressive contracts that

infringed upon personal freedom and even dignity.

She wondered to what extent this young man had been pushed.

Aylin calmly assessed him. From the perspective of the company’s interests, this young man

possessed striking looks and a pleasing personality.

And that face…

If he were to sign a contract under the Koch Group, he would undoubtedly hold great potential.

“I understand,” she replied, careful not to disclose her true intentions.

Aylin glanced at her watch and motioned toward the hotel, saying, “I have an urgent matter to attend to.

If you’re willing to trust me, wait inside, and we can talk when I return.”

“Well, for now, you don’t have anywhere else to go. I can assist you in overcoming your difficulties and

starting anew. Take some time to consider it,” she added.

With that, she turned and made her way toward the parking lot. Her plan to visit the school had

already been delayed by ten minutes, and she couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

The young man stood there, gazing at the graceful figure walking away, feeling stunned.

His childhood experiences had taught him not to easily trust strangers. Why would someone help

him without any reason or connection?

However, inexplicably, in the presence of that woman, he felt an indescribable sense of closeness

and an instinctual desire to trust her.

He looked at the hotel, then glanced at the woman’s retreating form, his eyes grew a bit somber…

Meanwhile, Aylin swiftly drove to the school, speeding all the way, following the directions provided by

a helpful student. Soon, she arrived at the school office.

Abby was a student in Class Seven of Grade Three, and her homeroom teacher was a friendly middle-

aged woman with her hair styled in a bun.

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Upon learning that Aylin was Abby’s relative, the homeroom teacher politely pulled out a chair and

gestured for Aylin to sit down.

Aylin graciously smiled and expressed her gratitude. “Thank you.”

The office staff discreetly turned their heads.

They were captivated by the presence of such an exceptional and elegant parent.

While there were fashionable young mothers among the students’ parents, they either flaunted their

wealth with designer clothing or belonged to the ordinary working class. However, this woman exuded

elegance and a sense of nobility that seemed to emanate from an extraordinary background. Did Abby

truly have such a remarkable relative?

Even the homeroom teacher was puzzled and couldn’t help but inquire, “You look so young. Are you

the child’s…?”

Aylin paused for a moment before responding, “I am her cousin, but I am now her legal guardian. I’m

here to arrange her withdrawal from school.”

Cousin as the legal guardian?

Everyone was shocked and bewildered. What could be the explanation behind this unusual situation?

The experienced homeroom teacher respected the child’s privacy and refrained from prying into the

details. However, a hint of hesitation lingered on her face. “Are you planning to enroll her in another

school? Moving to a new environment might pose challenges for her… sigh…”

“What’s the matter?”

Aylin keenly sensed the underlying implications in the homeroom teacher’s words. Her eyes narrowed

slightly, and she spoke with solemnity, “The reason I am taking her away is to provide her with a

nurturing and supportive environment for her growth.

That’s why I would like to ask about Abby’s situation here at school.”

They engaged in a discussion, and as the homeroom teacher recognized Aylin’s genuine concern for

Abby, her initial anxiousness eased slightly, although a trace of sadness remained.

“This child, Abby, is diligent in her studies and consistently ranks among the top three in her class. We

teachers all like her. However… she is rather quiet and obedient,” the homeroom teacher conveyed.

At the mention of Abby, the neighboring math teacher couldn’t help but interject, leaning in to share a

story. “Hey, you won’t believe this. Last time, I asked the class monitor to come forward and clean the

blackboard, but that little troublemaker refused and pointed at Abby, insisting that she should do it! I

scolded them, ‘How can you bully your classmate like this?””

“You guess what she said?”