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Way of the Knights

Chapter 560 - Home
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Currently, Raven's body was within the Ancient Elysium Sect. However, thanks to the Official Writ, he was able to transport his consciousness back to his home safely and could withdraw it at any given point. 

Looking at the Grand Ancestral Plane, Raven felt great joy and satisfaction. This was his home, this is where he grew up and in the future, he'd like to live with his own family here. He would also like to be buried here if he ever died.

As the official owner of this lower plane, his connection with the Grand Ancestral Plane is definitely deeper compared before. His and the plane's fate are now irrevocably linked. As he get's stronger, the plane will prosper, if he ever dies, the plane will decline. 

Establishing his ownership on this place also allowed him to freely change whatever he wants here, granted that if the changes he implemented were great, it will take longer periods of time before it starts taking effect. Needless to say, Raven has no desires to do anything for now. 

Instead, he would like to see how his parent's were doing so far. 

Raven looked at the Will of the Plane and said: "Thanks for keeping your word."

The old man bowed to him and said: "It's the least I can do, Milord. In fact, this one had to thank you deeply. With you protecting the plane, our path to evolution will surely be smoother."

"Yeah." Raven sighed in expectation as well. "I'd love to see that."

The old man smiled heartily, inwardly he was extremely joyous and expectant as well. Although other can't feel it, the Old Man could since he's the collective consciousness of the plane itself. He could feel the unending potential blooming within the plane thanks to Raven's efforts. 

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He wasn't expecting Raven to acquire the writ this fast. He just left more or less two years ago and he already was vastly different from the last time he saw him. Now that Raven and the plane are irrevocably connected, the plane will have the same growth potential as Raven. And judging from the what he could feel, the plane won't stop at the Mid-Level Plane, it might even evolve to a Great World Level in the future.

All of this, was thanks to Raven.

"I have a question." 

"What is it Milord?"

"Why do you keep your Old Man appearance? Didn't you turn younger when we cured the plane back then?" 

"Ah!" The old man chuckled. "Physical appearances doesn't mean much to me Milord. I am merely a collective consciousness of this plane. It wouldn't matter if I look old or young, it's not like I'm allowed to interact closely with the citizens of the plane anyway."

"Ah..." Raven nodded. "Well, you do you I guess. I'll step out for a bit, I'd like to take a look at how my family's doing."

"As you wish, Milord." The old man respectfully bowed. Raven then promptly disappeared from his spot and reappeared at the skies of the Grand Ancestral Plane. 

Since only his consciousness was here, Raven wouldn't be seen by anyone except the old man from before. 

Looking down at the lands, Raven felt memories rushing back to him. Although only two years have passed since Raven left this place, for Raven it's longer. This is due to him spending most of his time inside time enchantments. He endured loneliness in order to make sure that he will have the strength to protect his loved ones. 

"Hmm?" Raven frowned as he felt something moving at the corner of his eyes. 

He turned around and saw the ground quaking nearby. All of a sudden, the ground exploded and an incomparably large silhouette of a beast rose up in the air and glared at his direction. 

Seeing this, a smile blossomed on Raven's face. 

"Of course you will feel me, after all I could be considered as your father. Isn't that right, Venus?" 

*Hiss!* *Hiss!*

That's right. This enormous monstrosity which came out of the ground and stood up as tall as the sky itself, was none other than Raven's mount - Venus, which he left here in order to ensure the safety of his family. 

In short span of two years, Venus had become a towering monstrosity. She mostly spent her time in slumber underground, basking at the blessings of the plane which allowed her to grow bigger and stronger. However, if anyone dares to harm Raven's family, Venus will immediately wake up and won't hesitate to devour the culprits. 

His connection with Venus allowed her to sense him, although she can't see him physically, she could tell that he's around. 

Raven chuckled and went closer to her. He raised his hand and patted her head like he used to before. He then said: "You've grown up splendidly girl."

*Hiss!* *Hiss!*

Venus' body shook, she heard his voice which was an unmistakable sign that he's around. Venus looked around anxiously, trying to see where her father at but she couldn't see him which greatly annoyed her. 

"Shh, relax girl." Raven chuckled. "You'll naturally won't be able to see me since I'm not physically here. Only my consciousness is here, so don't bother looking for me."

Hearing his words great dampened Venus excitement. She let out a few disgruntled and whiney hisses, showing her displeasure. 

"Alright, alright. Stop pouting now, you." Raven chuckled. "You can't come with me yet. Once you further refine your Mother Snake bloodline, I promise I'll come here and take you away. How does that sound?" 

Venus let out a few excited hisses, causing Raven to chuckle and say: "Yes, I promise. Now go back to sleep and work hard, don't forget to monitor them okay?" 

*Hiss!* *Hiss!*

Nodding her head like a kid, Venus slid back underground and resumed her sleeping routine. Raven laughed in amusement as he shook his head and proceeded to search for the Kingdom.

Raven didn't need to search for long as he eventually found it. 

When he arrived, he was quite surprised to see that the Kingdom were a bit desolated compared to when he left. He frowned for a bit before he eventually remembered something. 

"Ahh! I see. Right, before I leave, Father-in-law and Brother-in-law were already making plans to shift the population to the Center. I should take a look there." 

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Raven's consciousness then travelled towards the Center of the Plane and saw an huge protective dome covering most of the areas of the Center. This dome didn't obstruct him in anyway as he merely walked through it without raising any alarms. 

Inside, he saw a massive capital being constructed. He saw tons of people working together to build several infrastructures. At the core of this capital, an Castle could be seen. 

A satisfied smile appeared on Raven's face. 

"Right, its just been roughly two years since I left. The Empire is still being constructed. I wonder how they're doing?"

Raven's heart throbbed as he flew down and walked amongst the citizens of the Final Haven Ki-no, it should be Empire now. Final Haven Empire. 

Seeing the people busying themselves with the construction of the Empire and their everyday lives caused Raven's heart to feel at ease. He had worked hard for this peace, and seeing the prosperous lives of his citizens made him very happy. 

Raven took his time venturing to the Empire. He could see some familiar faces and even though this isn't the Kingdom where he was born, the people were the same. 

Eventually, Raven arrived at the castle. Seeing it up close made Raven smiled. He could already feel their auras, allowing him to narrow down his search. Thanks to his current form, no walls nor barriers could obstruct him. He reached a room where he saw two young girls sparring against each other. 

A great affection and doting rushed towards Raven's face as he saw these two girls. They were cute and adorable, and despite their looks, they actually possess a shocking strength for someone at their age.  action

Who else could it be aside from Venina and Victoria Valorheart? The twin sisters of Raven. 

Nina and Tori were sparring against each other, they were so focused that they didn't even feel Raven's presence. Well, it's not like they'll be able to. Raven just watched over them for a bit before he eventually left and went somewhere else. 

"Mom, Dad. I missed you." Raven whispered as a few rows of tears began falling from his eyes. 

If he wanted to, Raven could communicate with his parents without a problem just like what he did to Venus, however he didn't want to disturb the serenity of this scene. 

Luis and Eva was sitting under a tall tree, sleeping while holding each other. 

Seeing them living in peace like this was enough for Raven. All of the pain and loneliness that he endured were worth it. Seeing them alive and well allowed Raven to remember why he left in the first place. Remembering his goals strengthened his resolve even more. 

He dried up his tears, kowtowed in front of him despite them not seeing him nor being aware that he's there, he said:

"Live well. This time, I'll prop-up the skies for you.. This time, let me protect all of you."