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Young Bride in a Lightning Marriage: Never Tired of Mr. Leon's Love

Chapter 245
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Lucy had reluctantly given her number to Augustus. Right after that, she found herself in a foul mood. Staring blankly at Augustus' number in her call history, she resolved to change her number as soon as she got back.

Clutching the kitten, Lucy walked into the guest house where she was staying. The scowl on her face startled, Cillian. He asked gently, "What's troubling you? You look really upset." Lucy just shook her head and let out a weary sigh. She did not want to burden Cillian with her troubles, so she kept quiet.

However, her obvious distress was exactly what worried Cillian. If he knew what was bothering her, he could handle it. However, her silence only made his imagination run wild. "Lucy, please, I'm seriously worried about you," Cillian implored.

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Lucy's frown deepened as she stubbornly shook her head once more. It was just screep who had gotten her number. She would change it soon enough, and then it would be fine.

Cillian was at a loss watching Lucy's defiant stance. They were new to Charleston, and if anything happened to her, he would be devastated.

After a moment of internal debate, Cillian said with grave concern, "Lucy, this isn't something to take lightly. You need to tellwhat's going on." Cillian was dead set on getting the truth out of Lucy. With his unwavering gaze fixed on her, Lucy caved and recounted the day's unsettling events.

"Remember that creep we bumped into when you pickedup? I saw him again in the park today. He was acting strange. First, he tried to coaxinto visiting his place, which I shot down. "Then, he had the nerve to ask for my number, and it's been buggingever since." Cillian went quiet. Lucy was a target for Spades, and he could not afford to ignore even the slightest oddity. Was that guy one of them? However, Cillian quickly doubted it. Spades' hitmen would not just waltz up and ask for Lucy's number.

They would be more likely to tail her than to make direct contact.

Still, Cillian played it safe and suggested, "Lucy, let's get you a new phone number tomorrow.

"It'll keep that weirdo off your back." Lucy just shrugged. She was already one step ahead with the sthought.

Once they had everything squared away, Cillian and Lucy retreated to their separate rooms.

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Alone with her thoughts, Lucy zoned out staring at her phone. The idea of changing her number had not seemed complicated before, but she suddenly sensed trouble brewing.

Forget about the hassle of switching phone numbers in Charleston for a moment, Lucy had a more pressing concern. She had already calledm Matthew with her current number. If she changed it, she would have to call him using her new number. What if Matthew did not pick up? The thought nagged at her until she decided to just call him one more tto explain the situation.

She waited after dialing his number, but the line remained silent.

Staring at her phone, a lightbulb went off in Lucy's head. She had sung Matthew into slumber earlier Of mberc course, kje would not be answering her calls now. She gave herself a mental facepalm, her mind a jumble from everything that had been. happening lately. X