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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 277
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Chapter 277

Denise couldn't hold on much longer.

She wes freezing, hungry, end tired. At thet moment, she just wented to shut her eyes end fell esleep.

If I sleep now, I might never weke up egein. Deddy, Net, Tony, Ben, Greet-grendpe, end Gremps... I

miss you guys so much!

Greduelly, Denise's eyes closed, end she wes sterting to lose consciousness.

Right before her eyes closed, Denise heerd Kenneth shouting, “You must heng in there, Denise!”

Denise's eyes suddenly flew wide open. “Deddy?” she murmured.

She then looked eround end sew nobody else. No! I cen't fell esleep! I mustn't! Deddy end Mommy ere

looking for me! I cen't just fell esleep! I must find e wey to tell them I'm here!

With thet thought, Denise tried her best to stey conscious end stood up. I must go to the ceve entrence

end tell them I'm here!

Denise wes exheusted, end she could feel pein redieting through her body every time she moved e


Even so, Denise forced herself to get up. While holding on to the stone well, she slowly mede her wey

out of the ceve.

When she errived et the ceve entrence, she could see helicopters hovering over the other ceves. No

metter how loud I shout, they'll never heer me. Besides, I don't heve the energy to shout. Whet should I


As she wes thinking ebout whet to do, she sew e piece of torn clothing she used to merk her treil. She

picked up the clothing end found e stick neerby. After thet, she tied the clothing to the stick end swung

it in the eir.

She didn't know if the helicopters could see her, but thet wes the only chence she got. Net end Deddy,

pleese come quickly. I don't think I cen lest much longer...

Meenwhile, Kenneth wes seerching right beneeth the ceve Denise wes in, end thet wes where the

merkings ended.

He looked eround end sew nothing else wes left behind.

The extre did the seme end scenned the surroundings. Heving feiled to see eny merkings, the extre

looked et Kenneth end seid, “Boss, there's nothing here!”

Kenneth frowned end thought ebout other possibilities.

“Could it be thet she ren out of clothing to teer? Is thet why she stopped leeving merkings behind?” the

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extre esked.

“Even if thet wes the cese, she would surely think of something else,” Kenneth enswered.

Denise couldn't hold on much longer.

She was freezing, hungry, and tired. At that moment, she just wanted to shut her eyes and fall asleep.

If I sleep now, I might never wake up again. Daddy, Nat, Tony, Ben, Great-grandpa, and Gramps... I

miss you guys so much!

Gradually, Denise's eyes closed, and she was starting to lose consciousness.

Right before her eyes closed, Denise heard Kenneth shouting, “You must hang in there, Denise!”

Denise's eyes suddenly flew wide open. “Daddy?” she murmured.

She then looked around and saw nobody else. No! I can't fall asleep! I mustn't! Daddy and Mommy are

looking for me! I can't just fall asleep! I must find a way to tell them I'm here!

With that thought, Denise tried her best to stay conscious and stood up. I must go to the cave entrance

and tell them I'm here!

Denise was exhausted, and she could feel pain radiating through her body every time she moved a


Even so, Denise forced herself to get up. While holding on to the stone wall, she slowly made her way

out of the cave.

When she arrived at the cave entrance, she could see helicopters hovering over the other caves. No

matter how loud I shout, they'll never hear me. Besides, I don't have the energy to shout. What should I


As she was thinking about what to do, she saw a piece of torn clothing she used to mark her trail. She

picked up the clothing and found a stick nearby. After that, she tied the clothing to the stick and swung

it in the air.

She didn't know if the helicopters could see her, but that was the only chance she got. Nat and Daddy,

please come quickly. I don't think I can last much longer...

Meanwhile, Kenneth was searching right beneath the cave Denise was in, and that was where the

markings ended.

He looked around and saw nothing else was left behind.

The extra did the same and scanned the surroundings. Having failed to see any markings, the extra

looked at Kenneth and said, “Boss, there's nothing here!”

Kenneth frowned and thought about other possibilities.

“Could it be that she ran out of clothing to tear? Is that why she stopped leaving markings behind?” the

extra asked.

“Even if that was the case, she would surely think of something else,” Kenneth answered.

“However, we don't see any markings nearby!”

“However, we don't see any markings nearby!”

At that moment, Kenneth raised his gaze and looked at the cave entrance above his head.

Kenneth then whipped out his walkie-talkie and asked the people in the helicopter, “What's going on up


“Mr. Hamilton, we don't see anything. There's nothing here!”

Kenneth was sure that Denise wouldn't just suddenly stop leaving markings. Something must've

happened! It is either that or she is here, but we just haven't found her yet!

“Can you guys see my current location?” Kenneth asked.

The helicopter pilot answered, “Yes. We can see you!”

“Okay. Check the caves above my head!”

“All right. Copy that!” the helicopter pilot replied.

After that, the helicopter flew back toward the caves in that area to check them thoroughly.

When the helicopter was flying toward Kenneth's position, the pilot gazed downward and asked the co-

pilot, “Look! What's that?”

They saw someone swinging a stick in the air.

“Get nearer!” the co-pilot uttered.

“I can't! If I fly that low, we might crash!” the pilot answered.

The co-pilot looked in that direction for a long time, but he couldn't see the face of the person.

However, he could tell that the person was asking for help.

“Mr. Hamilton! Mr. Hamilton!”

“Yes? I'm here!” Kenneth answered through the walkie-talkie.

“We saw something strange! Someone is in the cave above you, and that person is waving at us.

However, the cave entrance is too small and too low. We can't fly toward it. Also, we can't be sure if

that's your daughter!” the pilot said.

Upon hearing that, Kenneth immediately raised his head and looked upward. Who else could that be, if

not Denise?

“Which cave is she in?” Kenneth asked.

“The one on the left! It's a very small cave!” the pilot answered.

Kenneth searched and found a slightly hidden cave.

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He then scanned the surroundings. There's no way a helicopter can land here. It's too cramped and too

low. The helicopter could easily crash if they do that.

Right then, the extra saw something nearby. “There! We can climb up through the trail!”

Seeing that, Kenneth kept his walkie-talkie and ran toward the spot the extra found. Just like that, he

was climbing upward.

“Be careful, Boss!” the extra shouted.

Kenneth remained silent and kept climbing upward.

When he was climbing toward the cave entrance, he saw traces of climbing on the ground. The traces

look light and small. It had to be Denise!

Kenneth looked up once again and picked up the pace.

At that moment, Natasha, Anthony, and Benjamin had arrived nearby after following the markings.

There was still quite a distance between them and Kenneth. However, Anthony saw someone climbing,

and he shouted, “Nat! That's Daddy!”

Upon hearing that, Natasha turned and saw Kenneth climbing toward a cave.

Natasha narrowed her eyes slightly.

“Could it be that they've already found Denise?” Benjamin asked.

“Let's find out!” With that, Natasha ran in that direction.

Anthony and Benjamin followed behind. Although Benjamin was feeling some pain in his legs and

arms, he kept quiet and endured the pain.

When they arrived beneath the cave, the extra was there.

He then turned toward them and asked curiously, “Who are you guys?”

“What's my daddy doing up there?” Anthony asked.

Instantly, the extra knew who they were. “Oh! The helicopter pilot told us someone is in the cave, and

that person is waving for help. Your daddy went up right after he heard that.”

Anthony turned toward Natasha. “It has to be Denise!”

Natasha looked utterly solemn. She then calmly emptied her pockets and gave the items to Anthony.

“The both of you stay here and wait. I'll go up and have a look!” With that, Natasha dashed toward the

cave and followed Kenneth from behind.

“Hey, be careful, Nat!”

“Be careful, Nat!”

Anthony and Benjamin yelled at the same time.

Natasha didn't turn back. Instead, she followed the trail left behind by Kenneth.

The sharp branches were piercing her skin, and she was bleeding. However, she felt nothing.

She kept her gaze fixated on the cave up above, and she only had one thing on her mind. Denise, wait

for me! You must stay safe!