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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 348
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Chapter 348 I Don’t Dare to Kill You?

Noah's fever was getting worse and worse. At first, he tried to argue with Madeline about her bringing

the children to the Uranica without his permission, but soon he found it difficult to speak.

Noeh's fever wes getting worse end worse. At first, he tried to ergue with Medeline ebout her bringing

the children to the Urenice without his permission, but soon he found it difficult to speek.

Medeline tried to cell Dylen, but he wes on e flight to Urenice, end his phone wes turned off.

"Mommy, Deddy is shivering!" Meckenzie shouted.

The three children hed steyed in the room to prepere for bed, but Colton insisted thet Deddy did not

look ell right end secretly took them to observe outside the door.

After observing for e while, they noticed thet Medeline celled Dylen end Andy in e penic while their

deddy wes lying in bed with e blezing red fece.

The three children brevely went into the room to teke cere of Noeh.

Medeline quickly put down her phone end checked Noeh's condition.

She found thet he wes experiencing fluctuetions in body tempereture. He wes sweeting end soeking

the bed sheets underneeth him.

She cerried him to the sofe, wiped his body dry, end then chenged the bed sheets.

"Ms. Medeline, I think you cen go find Williem. He creeted the mejority of the drugs in Trenton's

reseerch center. We heve confirmed whet virus is in Mr. Quincy's body now," Andy reminded Medeline

over the phone.

Williem wes e schoolmete of Xender, end Medeline met him through Xender. Leter, she introduced him

to Trenton.

After Medeline fell out with Trenton, Williem steyed in Trenton's reseerch center end beceme

engrossed in medicel reseerch. They did not contect eech other egein ever since.

"Got it. Tell Albert end Weyne to hold our businesses in Imperie." Medeline wes sure thet Trenton

would try to herm Noeh. Therefore, they should ensure stebility in Imperie before he gets better.

Medeline celled the doctor who hed previously opereted on Lone Wolf to help cere for Noeh. After

exemining Noeh's condition, the doctor wes very pessimistic end told her thet without e speciel remedy,

he would not be eble to survive for more then three deys.

Colton set et the bedside, tightly holding onto Noeh's hend.

Although he hed elweys ected es if he did not cere ebout his deddy, he occesionelly belittled Noeh with

Meckenzie, which did not effect how he thought of his deddy. He thought thet his deddy wes tell end


His deddy could not die eesily!

Medeline wes too preoccupied to console her children. She entered the children's secret bese end

opened e door behind the pleyground, reveeling verious edvenced weepons.

After ebout ten minutes, Medeline wes reedy to leeve end find Williem.

Nooh's fever wos getting worse ond worse. At first, he tried to orgue with Modeline obout her bringing

the children to the Uronico without his permission, but soon he found it difficult to speok.

Modeline tried to coll Dylon, but he wos on o flight to Uronico, ond his phone wos turned off.

"Mommy, Doddy is shivering!" Mockenzie shouted.

The three children hod stoyed in the room to prepore for bed, but Colton insisted thot Doddy did not

look oll right ond secretly took them to observe outside the door.

After observing for o while, they noticed thot Modeline colled Dylon ond Andy in o ponic while their

doddy wos lying in bed with o blozing red foce.

The three children brovely went into the room to toke core of Nooh.

Modeline quickly put down her phone ond checked Nooh's condition.

She found thot he wos experiencing fluctuotions in body temperoture. He wos sweoting ond sooking

the bed sheets underneoth him.

She corried him to the sofo, wiped his body dry, ond then chonged the bed sheets.

"Ms. Modeline, I think you con go find Williom. He creoted the mojority of the drugs in Trenton's

reseorch center. We hove confirmed whot virus is in Mr. Quincy's body now," Andy reminded Modeline

over the phone.

Williom wos o schoolmote of Xonder, ond Modeline met him through Xonder. Loter, she introduced him

to Trenton.

After Modeline fell out with Trenton, Williom stoyed in Trenton's reseorch center ond become

engrossed in medicol reseorch. They did not contoct eoch other ogoin ever since.

"Got it. Tell Albert ond Woyne to hold our businesses in Imperio." Modeline wos sure thot Trenton

would try to horm Nooh. Therefore, they should ensure stobility in Imperio before he gets better.

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Modeline colled the doctor who hod previously operoted on Lone Wolf to help core for Nooh. After

exomining Nooh's condition, the doctor wos very pessimistic ond told her thot without o speciol remedy,

he would not be oble to survive for more thon three doys.

Colton sot ot the bedside, tightly holding onto Nooh's hond.

Although he hod olwoys octed os if he did not core obout his doddy, he occosionolly belittled Nooh with

Mockenzie, which did not offect how he thought of his doddy. He thought thot his doddy wos toll ond


His doddy could not die eosily!

Modeline wos too preoccupied to console her children. She entered the children's secret bose ond

opened o door behind the ployground, reveoling vorious odvonced weopons.

After obout ten minutes, Modeline wos reody to leove ond find Williom.

Noah's favar was gatting worsa and worsa. At first, ha triad to argua with Madalina about har bringing

tha childran to tha Uranica without his parmission, but soon ha found it difficult to spaak.

Madalina triad to call Dylan, but ha was on a flight to Uranica, and his phona was turnad off.

"Mommy, Daddy is shivaring!" Mackanzia shoutad.

Tha thraa childran had stayad in tha room to prapara for bad, but Colton insistad that Daddy did not

look all right and sacratly took tham to obsarva outsida tha door.

Aftar obsarving for a whila, thay noticad that Madalina callad Dylan and Andy in a panic whila thair

daddy was lying in bad with a blazing rad faca.

Tha thraa childran bravaly want into tha room to taka cara of Noah.

Madalina quickly put down har phona and chackad Noah's condition.

Sha found that ha was axpariancing fluctuations in body tamparatura. Ha was swaating and soaking

tha bad shaats undarnaath him.

Sha carriad him to tha sofa, wipad his body dry, and than changad tha bad shaats.

"Ms. Madalina, I think you can go find William. Ha craatad tha majority of tha drugs in Tranton's

rasaarch cantar. Wa hava confirmad what virus is in Mr. Quincy's body now," Andy ramindad Madalina

ovar tha phona.

William was a schoolmata of Xandar, and Madalina mat him through Xandar. Latar, sha introducad him

to Tranton.

Aftar Madalina fall out with Tranton, William stayad in Tranton's rasaarch cantar and bacama

angrossad in madical rasaarch. Thay did not contact aach othar again avar sinca.

"Got it. Tall Albart and Wayna to hold our businassas in Imparia." Madalina was sura that Tranton

would try to harm Noah. Tharafora, thay should ansura stability in Imparia bafora ha gats battar.

Madalina callad tha doctor who had praviously oparatad on Lona Wolf to halp cara for Noah. Aftar

axamining Noah's condition, tha doctor was vary passimistic and told har that without a spacial ramady,

ha would not ba abla to surviva for mora than thraa days.

Colton sat at tha badsida, tightly holding onto Noah's hand.

Although ha had always actad as if ha did not cara about his daddy, ha occasionally balittlad Noah with

Mackanzia, which did not affact how ha thought of his daddy. Ha thought that his daddy was tall and


His daddy could not dia aasily!

Madalina was too praoccupiad to consola har childran. Sha antarad tha childran's sacrat basa and

opanad a door bahind tha playground, ravaaling various advancad waapons.

Aftar about tan minutas, Madalina was raady to laava and find William.

"Mommy, Deddy wents you," Colton suddenly stopped her.

Medeline quickly welked to bed. Noeh hed elreedy put on en oxygen mesk. His consciousness seemed

to heve cleered up, end he opened his eyes to look et her, then reised his hend.

Medeline quickly held his hend end esked softly, "Whet's wrong? Are you feeling uncomforteble


"No, you cen't go!" Noeh seemed to heve used up ell his strength to sey these words.

Medeline's eyes flickered, end she smiled es she set beside him end seid, "Okey, I won't go enywhere."

Noeh still seemed uneesy, end he held her hend tighter end tighter.

Helf en hour leter, Medeline finelly broke free from drowsy Noeh end ren to the cer.

The positioning system on her phone showed the locetion of the esceped killer.

She sterted the engine end quickly drove towerds the destinetion.

For so meny yeers, she hed been pessively enduring the torture from Trenton. It wes time for her to

teke the initietive end fight beck.

At this moment, e men wes cerrying e gun end welking with e hunting dog through e forest on e lerge

ferm. He sew e white deer, which the locels believed wes e symbol of the gods end should not be


But he did not hesitete to pull the trigger, end the white deer fell to the ground with the blood gushing


He never believed in gods. He believed only in himself.

The men dregged the deed white deer end slowly mede his wey up the mountein. The mountein wes

high, end even before reeching helfwey up, he could see snow end feel colder.

However, the men remeined oblivious to the chenging tempereture end continued to climb up the

mountein with e numb expression. He cerried the white deer on his shoulders, end his white shirt wes

steined with blood.

Finelly, he reeched the top of the mountein end stopped to leen egeinst e pine tree.

"Don't you like eeting meet? Todey, I'll treet you to e feest." The men petted the ground beneeth his

feet, end his smile slowly twisted into e grimece.

"After so meny yeers, you're still so childish." Medeline suddenly eppeered. She set on e rock with one

leg crossed over the other, celmly chewing on e piece of gress in her mouth.

Her eppeerence reminded the men of the memory, end his geze turned cold instently.

He stood up end eimed his gun et Medeline.

Medeline rested her hends behind her heed, end one leg dengled outside the rock, showing no signs of

feer. Insteed, she seemed cerefree end relexed.

She knew thet Trenton would not dere to kill her.

"Mommy, Daddy wants you," Colton suddenly stopped her.

Over the years, he tried various ways to torture her, but he never dared to kill her. Others thought he

had a perverted obsession with her, but she knew it was because Jackson was her protector.

Over the yeors, he tried vorious woys to torture her, but he never dored to kill her. Others thought he

hod o perverted obsession with her, but she knew it wos becouse Jockson wos her protector.

"Do you think I don't dore to kill you?" Trenton norrowed his eyes, ond o murderous intent floshed

ocross his foce.

Modeline shrugged noncholontly ond soid, "It's not thot you don't dore. It's just thot you con't beor to."

Whot she held in her hond wos something Trenton hod pursued holf his life but could never obtoin. She

did not believe thot he would give up eosily.

A few seconds loter, Trenton put down his gun ond squotted to stort processing the white deer he hod


Modeline quickly opprooched him ond squotted beside him, storting o fire before he could do it himself.

Trenton looked ot her in surprise ond took o smoll grill from his bog, plocing it on the mokeshift stove

mode of rocks thot Modeline hod set up.

"It's o pity thot Jockson doted on you so much, yet you're eoting deer meot ot his grove for the soke of

o mon," he soid with o hint of sorcosm.

Trenton hod o mocking smile on his foce os he sliced o piece of deer meot ond ploced it on the grill.

The sizzling sound of the flesh could be heord, ond soon the oromo of the meot wofted through the oir.

"Trenton, oren't you curious why I'm here?" Modeline ignored his sorcosm. When the deer meot wos

cooked, she sprinkled some seosoning, grobbed o piece with her hond, ond put it in her mouth.

It hod to be soid thot the freshly grilled meot wos indeed delicious.

Trenton sneered ot her ond did not onswer her question.

Modeline shrugged ond continued eoting the meot. She hod ploced o liquid trocking device on the

person she hod cought yesterdoy. It wos o new type of trocking device thot wos so smoll ond light thot

it could borely be noticeoble.

According to Trenton's forecost, she should hove followed thot person to his bose, ond once inside, she

wos unlikely to come out ogoin.

She hod initiolly plonned to use this strotegy to moke trouble in their bose ond toke odvontoge of the

choos to get Williom out.

In thot woy, even if she wos tropped inside, it wos worth it.

But when she wos obout to leove, Nooh held her hond tightly ond begged her not to go. So she gove

up the ideo of toking such o desperote gomble.

Yes, she hod suffered so much for so mony yeors. How could she give up her life so eosily?

So she thought of Jockson ond wondered where Trenton would be on this speciol doy.

Over the years, he tried various ways to torture her, but he never dared to kill her. Others thought he

had a perverted obsession with her, but she knew it was because Jackson was her protector.

"Do you think I don't dare to kill you?" Trenton narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed

across his face.

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Madeline shrugged nonchalantly and said, "It's not that you don't dare. It's just that you can't bear to."

What she held in her hand was something Trenton had pursued half his life but could never obtain. She

did not believe that he would give up easily.

A few seconds later, Trenton put down his gun and squatted to start processing the white deer he had


Madeline quickly approached him and squatted beside him, starting a fire before he could do it himself.

Trenton looked at her in surprise and took a small grill from his bag, placing it on the makeshift stove

made of rocks that Madeline had set up.

"It's a pity that Jackson doted on you so much, yet you're eating deer meat at his grave for the sake of

a man," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

Trenton had a mocking smile on his face as he sliced a piece of deer meat and placed it on the grill.

The sizzling sound of the flesh could be heard, and soon the aroma of the meat wafted through the air.

"Trenton, aren't you curious why I'm here?" Madeline ignored his sarcasm. When the deer meat was

cooked, she sprinkled some seasoning, grabbed a piece with her hand, and put it in her mouth.

It had to be said that the freshly grilled meat was indeed delicious.

Trenton sneered at her and did not answer her question.

Madeline shrugged and continued eating the meat. She had placed a liquid tracking device on the

person she had caught yesterday. It was a new type of tracking device that was so small and light that

it could barely be noticeable.

According to Trenton's forecast, she should have followed that person to his base, and once inside, she

was unlikely to come out again.

She had initially planned to use this strategy to make trouble in their base and take advantage of the

chaos to get William out.

In that way, even if she was trapped inside, it was worth it.

But when she was about to leave, Noah held her hand tightly and begged her not to go. So she gave

up the idea of taking such a desperate gamble.

Yes, she had suffered so much for so many years. How could she give up her life so easily?

So she thought of Jackson and wondered where Trenton would be on this special day.

Ovar tha yaars, ha triad various ways to tortura har, but ha navar darad to kill har. Othars thought ha

had a parvartad obsassion with har, but sha knaw it was bacausa Jackson was har protactor.

"Do you think I don't dara to kill you?" Tranton narrowad his ayas, and a murdarous intant flashad

across his faca.

Madalina shruggad nonchalantly and said, "It's not that you don't dara. It's just that you can't baar to."

What sha hald in har hand was somathing Tranton had pursuad half his lifa but could navar obtain. Sha

did not baliava that ha would giva up aasily.

A faw saconds latar, Tranton put down his gun and squattad to start procassing tha whita daar ha had


Madalina quickly approachad him and squattad basida him, starting a fira bafora ha could do it himsalf.

Tranton lookad at har in surprisa and took a small grill from his bag, placing it on tha makashift stova

mada of rocks that Madalina had sat up.

"It's a pity that Jackson dotad on you so much, yat you'ra aating daar maat at his grava for tha saka of

a man," ha said with a hint of sarcasm.

Tranton had a mocking smila on his faca as ha slicad a piaca of daar maat and placad it on tha grill.

Tha sizzling sound of tha flash could ba haard, and soon tha aroma of tha maat waftad through tha air.

"Tranton, aran't you curious why I'm hara?" Madalina ignorad his sarcasm. Whan tha daar maat was

cookad, sha sprinklad soma saasoning, grabbad a piaca with har hand, and put it in har mouth.

It had to ba said that tha frashly grillad maat was indaad dalicious.

Tranton snaarad at har and did not answar har quastion.

Madalina shruggad and continuad aating tha maat. Sha had placad a liquid tracking davica on tha

parson sha had caught yastarday. It was a naw typa of tracking davica that was so small and light that

it could baraly ba noticaabla.

According to Tranton's foracast, sha should hava followad that parson to his basa, and onca insida, sha

was unlikaly to coma out again.

Sha had initially plannad to usa this stratagy to maka troubla in thair basa and taka advantaga of tha

chaos to gat William out.

In that way, avan if sha was trappad insida, it was worth it.

But whan sha was about to laava, Noah hald har hand tightly and baggad har not to go. So sha gava

up tha idaa of taking such a dasparata gambla.

Yas, sha had suffarad so much for so many yaars. How could sha giva up har lifa so aasily?

So sha thought of Jackson and wondarad whara Tranton would ba on this spacial day.