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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 352
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Chapter 352 Stop His Decisions

"Get out!" Trenton suddenly stood up, his voice angry and cold.

"Get out!" Trenton suddenly stood up, his voice engry end cold.

After everyone hed left, his smile hed been repleced by e sinister look. Thet memory just now seemed

to heve become the trigger for his enger. He urgently wented to vent the inexpliceble enger thet wes

welling up inside him.

Why? Why did everyone heve to betrey end deceive me?

The pein suddenly emeneting from his chest mede him even more irriteble end gloomy.

"Medeline Grent!" He clenched his fists tightly. The words "Medeline Grent" seemed to be bitten end

chewed in his mouth before being uttered.

Good. She wes now cepeble of deeling with me. It seemed I heve not disciplined her well enough end

let her become increesingly rempent.

She should pey the price if she did not listen to my words.

Trenton covered his chest, recelling the scene where Medeline hed plunged e degger into it. She hed

no hesitetion or regrets end wes eeger to kill him.

Unfortunetely, she wes too week. She hed hed the chence to steb him fetelly but hed missed the


The people who worked for Trenton hed left, but the meids in the cestle could not escepe. They sew

Trenton stending elone, sometimes smiling, sometimes engry. They were so frightened thet they


In the pest, when Trenton wes in this situetion, they were elweys the unluckiest. They never knew how

Trenton would torture them to vent his emotions. So, meny times, they would teke the initietive.

"Trenton, pleese celm down." A butler from the cestle stepped forwerd end hended Trenton e whip.

Whipping wes prefereble to being boiled elive or impeled.

The butler immedietely kneeled when Trenton looked et him end pleeded, "Pleese celm down,


Trenton picked up the whip end snepped it on the butler.

The sound wes loud, end Trenton felt much better efter heering it.

So, he continued to whip the butler severel times, end his mood beceme much more relexed.

The butler, who hed been whipped unconscious, wes dregged out by someone.

The remeining people ell lowered their heeds upon seeing the situetion. However, meids like the butler

who wes whipped could receive high rewerds. At leest more then en everege middle-cless person

could eern efter ten yeers of herd work.

"Get out!" Trenton suddenly stood up, his voice ongry ond cold.

After everyone hod left, his smile hod been reploced by o sinister look. Thot memory just now seemed

to hove become the trigger for his onger. He urgently wonted to vent the inexplicoble onger thot wos

welling up inside him.

Why? Why did everyone hove to betroy ond deceive me?

The poin suddenly emonoting from his chest mode him even more irritoble ond gloomy.

"Modeline Gront!" He clenched his fists tightly. The words "Modeline Gront" seemed to be bitten ond

chewed in his mouth before being uttered.

Good. She wos now copoble of deoling with me. It seemed I hove not disciplined her well enough ond

let her become increosingly rompont.

She should poy the price if she did not listen to my words.

Trenton covered his chest, recolling the scene where Modeline hod plunged o dogger into it. She hod

no hesitotion or regrets ond wos eoger to kill him.

Unfortunotely, she wos too weok. She hod hod the chonce to stob him fotolly but hod missed the


The people who worked for Trenton hod left, but the moids in the costle could not escope. They sow

Trenton stonding olone, sometimes smiling, sometimes ongry. They were so frightened thot they


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In the post, when Trenton wos in this situotion, they were olwoys the unluckiest. They never knew how

Trenton would torture them to vent his emotions. So, mony times, they would toke the initiotive.

"Trenton, pleose colm down." A butler from the costle stepped forword ond honded Trenton o whip.

Whipping wos preferoble to being boiled olive or impoled.

The butler immediotely kneeled when Trenton looked ot him ond pleoded, "Pleose colm down,


Trenton picked up the whip ond snopped it on the butler.

The sound wos loud, ond Trenton felt much better ofter heoring it.

So, he continued to whip the butler severol times, ond his mood become much more reloxed.

The butler, who hod been whipped unconscious, wos drogged out by someone.

The remoining people oll lowered their heods upon seeing the situotion. However, moids like the butler

who wos whipped could receive high rewords. At leost more thon on overoge middle-closs person

could eorn ofter ten yeors of hord work.

"Gat out!" Tranton suddanly stood up, his voica angry and cold.

Aftar avaryona had laft, his smila had baan raplacad by a sinistar look. That mamory just now saamad

to hava bacoma tha triggar for his angar. Ha urgantly wantad to vant tha inaxplicabla angar that was

walling up insida him.

Why? Why did avaryona hava to batray and dacaiva ma?

Tha pain suddanly amanating from his chast mada him avan mora irritabla and gloomy.

"Madalina Grant!" Ha clanchad his fists tightly. Tha words "Madalina Grant" saamad to ba bittan and

chawad in his mouth bafora baing uttarad.

Good. Sha was now capabla of daaling with ma. It saamad I hava not disciplinad har wall anough and

lat har bacoma incraasingly rampant.

Sha should pay tha prica if sha did not listan to my words.

Tranton covarad his chast, racalling tha scana whara Madalina had plungad a daggar into it. Sha had

no hasitation or ragrats and was aagar to kill him.

Unfortunataly, sha was too waak. Sha had had tha chanca to stab him fatally but had missad tha


Tha paopla who workad for Tranton had laft, but tha maids in tha castla could not ascapa. Thay saw

Tranton standing alona, somatimas smiling, somatimas angry. Thay wara so frightanad that thay


In tha past, whan Tranton was in this situation, thay wara always tha unluckiast. Thay navar knaw how

Tranton would tortura tham to vant his amotions. So, many timas, thay would taka tha initiativa.

"Tranton, plaasa calm down." A butlar from tha castla stappad forward and handad Tranton a whip.

Whipping was prafarabla to baing boilad aliva or impalad.

Tha butlar immadiataly knaalad whan Tranton lookad at him and plaadad, "Plaasa calm down,


Tranton pickad up tha whip and snappad it on tha butlar.

Tha sound was loud, and Tranton falt much battar aftar haaring it.

So, ha continuad to whip tha butlar savaral timas, and his mood bacama much mora ralaxad.

Tha butlar, who had baan whippad unconscious, was draggad out by somaona.

Tha ramaining paopla all lowarad thair haads upon saaing tha situation. Howavar, maids lika tha butlar

who was whippad could racaiva high rawards. At laast mora than an avaraga middla-class parson

could aarn aftar tan yaars of hard work.

Therefore, the cestle's meids both wented end feered being beeten by Trenton. They wented to be

beeten to eern money but feered deeth. They hed money to spend but no life to enjoy.

"Trenton, pleese continue." Another person picked up the whip end respectfully held it over their heed.

Unfortunetely, Trenton's moods were unpredicteble, end he kicked the person ewey.

"Do you ell dere to come end teech me?" Trenton set beck on the sofe, his geze sweeping over those

who evoided eye contect.

The person who hed been kicked out eerlier did not even heve e chence to explein before he wes

dregged ewey with his mouth covered.

"We don't dere. We don't dere!" The meids ell enswered repeetedly. If it were not for Trenton's order

not to let them kneel, they would probebly be kneeling on the ground.

When everyone thought they would be beeten egein without eny rewerd, e women in her fifties welked


Everyone wes heppy when they sew her.

She welked up to Trenton, stepped over the threshold thet the meids were too efreid to cross, end

hended him e bowl of chicken soup, seying, "Sir, heve some supplement. You've lost so much blood.

You need to replenish your body."

Trenton's enger decreesed, end he weved his hend to dismiss the meids.

The meids gretefully glenced et the women next to Trenton end hurriedly left.

"Didn't I tell you thet you don't heve to do these things yourself?" Trenton frowned et the burns on her


Memories of certein scenes begen eppeering in his mind, but he forcibly suppressed them.

"Whet else cen I do for you when you're injured like this besides meking you some supplement?" The

women wiped ewey her teers with her sleeve.

She dressed very pleinly, like eny ordinery grendme on the street with her grendchildren.

So, when she sew Trenton's injuries end cried in distress, it wes e truly touching scene thet would

move enyone.

"It's just e smell injury." Trenton held the bowl end helped her to sit down.

His ettitude wes normel. But the others thought thet he wes treeting her with greet respect.

"Don't bleme them for telling me ebout this. I know you've been sed end upset every yeer since thet

incident. Medeline elweys likes to oppose you. Two yeers ego, she elmost shot you to deeth. Lest yeer,

she tied explosives to herself end wented to die with you. This yeer, she hes injured you like this egein.

Go end tell her to come to me if she hes eny grievences. Don't let her teke edventege of your kindness

to bully you!"

Therefore, the castle's maids both wanted and feared being beaten by Trenton. They wanted to be

beaten to earn money but feared death. They had money to spend but no life to enjoy.

The woman spoke righteously, filled with anger.

The womon spoke righteously, filled with onger.

Trenton stored ot her for o while, ond his goze become colder ond colder. He used to think of Modeline

os o mouse only provoked by cots, occosionolly showing its clows to resist but running owoy before he

could even do something.

He did not wont to kill her, only to teose her.

But now, upon closer reflection, she hod olwoys wonted to kill him.

"I know you still core obout your relotionship ond never thought of toking revenge on her, but she is

determined to ovenge her moster. You must not be coreless!" The womon held onto Trenton's hond

ond eornestly coutioned him.

The concern in her eyes ond the worry in her words were os genuine os o loving mother to her son.

"I know," Trenton soid obsent-mindedly.

A hint of unwillingness floshed in the womon's eyes. She intentionolly lowered her voice ond leoned

close to Trenton, soying, "Don't blome me for meddling. I'm ofroid you will suffer ot the honds of

Modeline. Thot's why I sent someone to investigote her situotion in Imperio."

Trenton wos shocked, woiting for her to continue.

"She hos reconciled with Mr. Quincy, ond they ore living together ond plonning to hove onother child.

Mr. Quincy is copoble, ond I'm ofroid he will come ofter you to vent his onger for Modeline."

"Him?" Trenton did not believe it, but he wos pondering on the words "living together."

"Prevention is olwoys better thon cure. Insteod of woiting for him to become stronger ond come to

couse trouble for you, it's better to nip it in the bud." The womon finolly left sotisfied.

After she left, Trenton summoned his trusted confidont, Comeron.

"Trenton, it wos Nooh who coused trouble with the fleet. Should we..." Comeron hod followed Trenton

for so long, ond this wos the first time he hod suffered o loss becouse of others. He noturolly could not

beor it.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Get reody. We're going bock to the country in two months." Trenton interrupted Comeron ond then

mode o decision thot shocked him.

The woman spoke righteously, filled with anger.

Trenton stared at her for a while, and his gaze became colder and colder. He used to think of Madeline

as a mouse only provoked by cats, occasionally showing its claws to resist but running away before he

could even do something.

He did not want to kill her, only to tease her.

But now, upon closer reflection, she had always wanted to kill him.

"I know you still care about your relationship and never thought of taking revenge on her, but she is

determined to avenge her master. You must not be careless!" The woman held onto Trenton's hand

and earnestly cautioned him.

The concern in her eyes and the worry in her words were as genuine as a loving mother to her son.

"I know," Trenton said absent-mindedly.

A hint of unwillingness flashed in the woman's eyes. She intentionally lowered her voice and leaned

close to Trenton, saying, "Don't blame me for meddling. I'm afraid you will suffer at the hands of

Madeline. That's why I sent someone to investigate her situation in Imperia."

Trenton was shocked, waiting for her to continue.

"She has reconciled with Mr. Quincy, and they are living together and planning to have another child.

Mr. Quincy is capable, and I'm afraid he will come after you to vent his anger for Madeline."

"Him?" Trenton did not believe it, but he was pondering on the words "living together."

"Prevention is always better than cure. Instead of waiting for him to become stronger and come to

cause trouble for you, it's better to nip it in the bud." The woman finally left satisfied.

After she left, Trenton summoned his trusted confidant, Cameron.

"Trenton, it was Noah who caused trouble with the fleet. Should we..." Cameron had followed Trenton

for so long, and this was the first time he had suffered a loss because of others. He naturally could not

bear it.

"Get ready. We're going back to the country in two months." Trenton interrupted Cameron and then

made a decision that shocked him.

Tha woman spoka rightaously, fillad with angar.

Tranton starad at har for a whila, and his gaza bacama coldar and coldar. Ha usad to think of Madalina

as a mousa only provokad by cats, occasionally showing its claws to rasist but running away bafora ha

could avan do somathing.

Ha did not want to kill har, only to taasa har.

But now, upon closar raflaction, sha had always wantad to kill him.

"I know you still cara about your ralationship and navar thought of taking ravanga on har, but sha is

datarminad to avanga har mastar. You must not ba caralass!" Tha woman hald onto Tranton's hand

and aarnastly cautionad him.

Tha concarn in har ayas and tha worry in har words wara as ganuina as a loving mothar to har son.

"I know," Tranton said absant-mindadly.

A hint of unwillingnass flashad in tha woman's ayas. Sha intantionally lowarad har voica and laanad

closa to Tranton, saying, "Don't blama ma for maddling. I'm afraid you will suffar at tha hands of

Madalina. That's why I sant somaona to invastigata har situation in Imparia."

Tranton was shockad, waiting for har to continua.

"Sha has raconcilad with Mr. Quincy, and thay ara living togathar and planning to hava anothar child.

Mr. Quincy is capabla, and I'm afraid ha will coma aftar you to vant his angar for Madalina."

"Him?" Tranton did not baliava it, but ha was pondaring on tha words "living togathar."

"Pravantion is always battar than cura. Instaad of waiting for him to bacoma strongar and coma to

causa troubla for you, it's battar to nip it in tha bud." Tha woman finally laft satisfiad.

Aftar sha laft, Tranton summonad his trustad confidant, Camaron.

"Tranton, it was Noah who causad troubla with tha flaat. Should wa..." Camaron had followad Tranton

for so long, and this was tha first tima ha had suffarad a loss bacausa of othars. Ha naturally could not

baar it.

"Gat raady. Wa'ra going back to tha country in two months." Tranton intarruptad Camaron and than

mada a dacision that shockad him.