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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 517
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Chapter 517 Stripped Naked

Madeline was still dressed in her maid attire. She shook off Noah's hand and immediately turned

around to leave when she heard Wilda's voice.

Only Madeline's back was visible when Wilda approached Noah.

Lone Wolf was standing next to Noah. He noticed that Wilda seemed to see Noah only in her eyes and

treated him as though he were invisible.

He whistled to get her attention. Lone Wolf inquired, "Hey pretty, how long will you keep us imprisoned

in your villa? I've got things to take care of at home."

Lone Wolf left an impression on Wilda. He was personally brought home by her father, who introduced

him as a bigwig in the entertainment world from Imperia. Wilbur had urged Wilda to take good care of

Lone Wolf.

Wilda had read about her family’s scandal online, but she was unaware of the reason why her father

had forbidden anyone from leaving.

The video had already been circulated. What purpose does it serve to keep our guests confined here?

This measure only serves to increase the resentment of our relatives and business associates and

encourage them to spread unfavorable rumors about our family after they leave.

"I apologize for catching you off guard. As you can see, there was a fire upstairs, and we suspect that

someone set it on purpose."

"Are you implying that I started the fire? I traveled all the way here to wish your grandfather a happy

birthday, and now you think I started a fire? What good would that do me? Is there something wrong

with me coming all this way here to start a fire?"

Lone Wolf spoke loudly. He quickly got the other people who were stranded in the villa to notice him.

The way that everyone now perceived Wilda had changed since that video was posted online. In

particular, a few of the playboys began to look at Wilda in a very lewd manner, as if they had already

decided that she was engaged in that activity.

There were always people eager to step on a goddess when she lost her prestigious position.

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"That’s not what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that things are challenging for my family. The proper

arrangements for the visitors cannot be made because my father is not here. Please bear with us,

when my father has finished dealing with things at home, he will definitely provide everyone with an


Wilda did not have deep feelings for her father. She had been favored by Shane since she was a child,

which made Wilbur very dissatisfied with her.

When she was a child, Wilbur even encouraged her to purposefully do things that would enrage her

grandfather. She would likely have grown up to be someone useless and forgotten by her grandfather if

her mother had not voluntarily left the company and devoted herself to raising Wilda.

All in all, Wilda doubted that the fire was just an accident.

When Wilbur learned that Mr. Quincy, the president of the Quinton Corporation, would be attending

Shane's birthday banquet, he sternly ordered Wilda to appease him and, ideally, get married into the

Quincy family.

At the time, after she firmly refused him, Wilbur said many hurtful things to her. Wilda did not take it to

heart, but she was shocked that her father would disregard her reputation and use drugs on her.

Wilbur may have wanted her to lose favor, depart for Imperia, and work as a tool for him to obtain

advantages from the Quinton Corporation. Wilbur believed that by doing this, he could easily take over

the Harvey family while also having a manipulable son-in-law. The situation would benefit everyone.

Fortunately, Noah was alerted at the time and saw through Wilbur’s scheme. While Wilda felt that this

was the best result rationally, she felt a little lost emotionally.

"Ms. Harvey, what do you mean? Are you treating us as suspects and locking us up?"

"We're not people with nothing to do all day. If you keep us locked up, who will bear the losses for our


The guests kept questioning Wilda.

When a melodic voice could be heard coming from the side, Wilda was thinking about how to brilliantly

respond to the guests so that they would stop asking her questions.

"Today's birthday banquet is a joyous occasion. Being a devoted son, Mr. Wilbur didn't want Mr. Harvey

to find out about the accident at home. He therefore asked everyone to remain here so the banquet

could be completed. I think that everyone can appreciate his filial piety."

The guests looked at each other. They knew that the Harvey family had something going on and that

their host could not entertain them. Something else that they were oblivious to might have happened

and they needed to stay for investigation.

However, all of the guests were distinguished people in Phille but they were treated like suspects. They

must be displeased and unwilling to cooperate.

When Mr. Quincy stepped forward to speak for the Harvey family, they had to show him some respect.

Wilda gratefully cast a glance at Noah, when she saw that the guests no longer asked for any more

explanations. Then, together with the butler, she entertained the guests so they could continue the

good foods.

Everyone was whispering to one another and aware of what was happening, but they all stopped when

Wilda arrived.

Wilda had never experienced anything like this before. She was incredibly depressed.

Wilda said, "I assume you haven't eaten in a while because you've been so busy, right? Here, eat

something to fill your stomach."

Wilda had been extremely preoccupied with hosting the banquet. She nevertheless remembered to

give Noah a piece of cake and stopped him from going up the stairs.

"Thank you."

Noah had no desire to converse with her. He just took the cake and stepped to the side.

Lone Wolf was with Noah. He held a glass of champagne. He tapped Noah’s arm and teased, "A

damsel in distress is rescued by a knight. Not bad."

Noah remained silent before striking the man out of the blue.

The earlier incident gave Lone Wolf a moment of dread. He gulped the drink in his glass in one go,

moved his neck, and said, "Mr. Quincy, don't be mad. It's not worth it to smash the cake that pretty girl

specially brought for you."

The entrance to the bathroom was completely blocked by Noah. He gripped Lone Wolf's chin and

shoved that cake into his mouth.

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Lone Wolf did not back down. He fought back by grabbing a glass of champagne during their fight and

pouring it all over Noah's trousers.

Lone Wolf spit out the cake, stopped a waiter, and urged, "Tell Ms. Harvey to send Mr. Quincy a pair of

pants, please. Hurry up, Mr. Quincy needs it urgently."

Noah wanted to stop the waiter, but Lone Wolf would not let him go and kept pestering him.

Lone Wolf abruptly released Noah when he noticed Wilda approaching them from a distance. He said

to him with a smirk, "Someone is here to throw herself at your arm. I have to go and comfort my pretty

lady now."

Lone Wolf tried to get away, but Noah brutally dragged him into the restroom. He started stripping him

off as he locked the door.

"What in the world? Are you a pervert? I'm not gay!"

"Shut up!"

Noah took off his socks and shoved them into Lone Wolf's mouth.

Lone Wolf's handsome face turned red. He struggled with all his might against Noah's control. Noah,

on the other hand, was tougher this time, and he put up with Lone Wolf's kicks to the calf and his

fingernail scratches.

In a fit of rage, Lone Wolf began using a hidden weapon to attack Noah's private parts. Even so, Noah

did not let go, he just narrowly dodged it. That weapon tore his pants, and his manhood was probably


Lone Wolf was quickly undressed by Noah, who then put his clothes on. He kicked Lone Wolf in the

groin as he left and took his own clothes with him.

Lone Wolf was so angry that he repeatedly banged his head against the partition. Someone in the

restroom advised him, "Take it easy, will you? You're intriguing me to participate."

Noah had ambushed Lone Wolf at first. Then, he made his prey completely powerless and dragged

him into the restroom compartment. In the end, he stripped Lone Wolf naked and tied him up with a belt

before he left.

Lone Wolf pondered over the situation and contemplated what he should do if someone tried to do

something to him while he was in the restroom. He knew that, being as attractive and charming as he

was, it wouldn't be surprising if someone tried to take advantage of him.