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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 111
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Amber looked back and saw Reece staring at him with his eyes wide open.

After staring at each other for a while, Reece came to his senses. “You… you are the daughter of


Amber nodded. The way he looked at Reece was very unfriendly. “Who are you, sir? What are you

doing here?”

“I’m a friend of Ashley…”

“Friend? Sir, is there anything wrong with your brain? My mother has a family. How could a man like

you and a married woman be friends?”

Amber was not polite at all. No matter what kind of relationship they had at that time, as long as they

formed their own families, they should be responsible for it. In her impression, her mother and

Channing were in a good relationship without any flaws.

And this Reece had abandoned his wife and son in the name of love. Not only did he destroy a

woman’s happiness, but his family’s happiness also ruined a woman’s reputation. It could be said that

Amber had no good feelings for him.

“I… I’m your mother’s classmate.” Reece was a little embarrassed. He didn’t know where to put the

roses in his hand.

“Sir, are you out of your mind? You’re a friend for a while and a classmate for a while? Why don’t you

come here with so many of my mom’s schoolmates? What are you up to?”

Amber looked at Reece coldly. A man who had a family and a lover came here with roses. Didn’t he

know what kind of impact his behavior would have?

“My mother has been innocent all her life. I don’t want to see anything that will damage my mother’s

reputation. Please behave yourself and don’t disturb her anymore!”

Reece stood where he was in a daze. He didn’t know whether to advance or retreat. Not only did

Ashley look like her, but she also had the same temper.

When she went back, the sky was a little gloomy, and it seemed that it was going to rain. Amber knew

how terrible the weather in South City was. She wanted to take a taxi, but there was no sign of a taxi in

the wilderness. She had no choice but to choose another bus. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to

get on the bus before the heavy rain came.

The bus didn’t go straight to the bus, but it was still raining when the bus arrived. Amber stood alone at

the bus stop and waited for the car. The rain from the wind wet her clothes and pants and stuck to her

body, which was cold.

A car drove past the bus stop, and the splashing rain poured down on her. Amber continued to stand

with no expression on his face. Anyway, he was in a mess now. It didn’t matter if he added more or


Finally, she saw a taxi. Amber stopped the taxi and went home. When the car arrived at the villa of the

Black family, Amber saw from a distance that a car was parked outside the villa. Although it was

raining, the license plate stimulated her eyes. “Rodney is here?”

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Just two days after she came back, Rodney came to the Black family twice to see that Celia’s position

in his heart was really not ordinary.

Amber saw Rodney open the car door and open the umbrella to cover Celia’s body, while Celia nestled

in Rodney’s arms.

However, Amber felt a sharp pain in his heart when he saw Rodney’s cautious look from the corner of

his eyes. She had always been the one he cared about, and he had once said that he would fall in love

with her.

The taxi stopped. Amber paid the driver to open the door and got out of the car. When she passed by

Rodney and Celia, she heard Celia’s exclamation. “Sister?”

Amber did not stop and strode into the villa. Seeing her rush in wet, Channing and Shannon in the

living room were shocked. Channing just stood up. “Amber, what’s wrong with you?”

“It’s raining!” Amber spat out these three words coldly and rushed to the stairs on the second floor.

When she closed the door, she heard Shannon’s voice. “Ah! Celia, what’s wrong with you?”

Amber took off his wet clothes and soaked himself in hot water. The comfortable feeling spread from

her skin to her nerves, and she couldn’t help sneezing.

She didn’t know how long she had been in the bathtub. After knocking on the door, she walked out of

the bathtub and put on her clothes. She opened the door, and Aunt Maleah stood at the door with a

bowl of brown sugar and ginger tea.

The scene in front of her made Amber’s eyes a little wet. In this family, only Aunt Maleah was really

concerned about her. She leaned over and let Aunt Maleah come in. When she closed the door, she

saw Rodney coming from the other end of the corridor.

At the other end of the corridor, Amber remembered that it was Celia’s room. Rodney really cared

about his lover. Amber closed the door with no expression on his face.

She turned around and saw that Aunt Maleah was still standing with brown sugar and ginger tea in her

hands. She took the brown sugar and ginger tea from Aunt Maleah’s hands and said, “Aunt Maleah, sit


Aunt Maleah didn’t sit down. “Amber, are you hungry? What do you want to eat for you?”

Amber thought for a moment and said, “The noodles, Aunt Maleah, I want to eat the noodles you


Aunt Maleah nodded. “I’ll get it for you right away.” As she spoke, she walked to the door. When she

reached the door, she turned back and said, “Amber, the Second Miss is injured. Do you want to see


Amber was stunned and immediately reacted. “Stay back and I’ll go and have a look.”

After hearing what she said, Aunt Maleah opened the door and went out.

In fact, Amber didn’t want to see Celia at all, but she understood Aunt Maleah’s painstaking efforts. She

couldn’t live in this house too well. She dried her hair, changed her clothes, and went to Celia’s room.

Celia’s door was open, and there were three people she had already guessed. When she saw Amber, it

was obvious that several people were surprised.

Amber ignored her and walked in. “I heard from Aunt Maleah that Ms. Black was injured, so I came to

see her.”

“Thank you for your concern, sister. I just fell down and scratched my skin. I’m fine now,” Celia replied.

Shannon said, “Be careful next time. Fortunately, you have Rodney. Otherwise, you would have

suffered a lot.”

These words made Celia look at Rodney affectionately. There was a gentle smile on Rodney’s face,

and Amber’s heart cracked again when he looked at their lovey-dovey look.

She controlled herself. “I have medicine from abroad, which is very effective for Ms. Black’s injury. Shall

I go and get it for you?”

“There’s no need. Celia hurriedly refused. Rodney has already applied medicine to me. It’s no big


Amber didn’t have any medicine for treatment at all, but he was sure that Celia didn’t dare to use her

medicine, so he said so. He had already performed, and it was time for her to go back to eat noodles.

So he said a few more words of concern and sensibly said goodbye.

She didn’t go back to the room, but went downstairs to the kitchen. Aunt Maleah was downstairs for

her. When she saw her coming down, she complained, “Amber, why did you come down? I’ll make

noodles for you.”

Amber just smiled and said nothing. Aunt Maleah quickly cooked noodles and helped her bring them to

the restaurant. Amber had just eaten two mouthfuls when he heard footsteps entering the restaurant.

Rodney’s cold voice rang out. “You don’t have any medicine at all, do you?”

Amber didn’t answer. He was very focused on eating noodles. Rodney walked up to her in a few steps.

“Amber, I really underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to learn how to act. It seems that you’ve been

learning how to act all these years?”

“Mr. Barron! No, brother-in-law, what exactly do you want to say?” Amber looked up at Rodney.

“I’ll wait for you tonight, Scent Villa A8!” After that, she put a string of delicate keys in front of Amber.

Rodney turned around and left. Amber looked at the key with a mocking smile on his face. She slowly

finished the noodles in the bowl, grabbed the key, and went upstairs.

At ten o’clock in the evening, he waited for Amber for nearly three hours. When he was extremely

impatient, he finally heard the sound of the door opening. He suppressed the expectation in his heart

and did not look at the person who came in. Instead, he focused on the TV.

The person came over after changing into slippers. As she walked in, the pungent smell of perfume

approached her. Rodney continued to stare at the TV as if nothing had happened. When he threw the

key to Amber, he knew that she would be resentful and passive.

It seemed that she must have deliberately put on heavy makeup and wanted to disgust him. Such a

passive resistance was a piece of cake for Rodney. He wanted to see what this woman would do


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The newcomer got closer and closer, and the pungent smell became stronger and stronger. “Achoo!”

Rodney sneezed several times because of the stimulation. A soft body approached her, and one hand

handed over a piece of tissue. Rodney took the tissue and suddenly found that something was wrong.

Amber’s hands were slender and white. “What are these hands?”

He turned to look at the people around him and jumped up as if they had been pricked by needles.

“Who are you?”

The woman sitting next to him was not Amber, but a woman with heavy makeup. The woman winked at

Rodney and said, “I’m here to spend a good night with you!”

“Have a good night’s rest?” Rodney looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and soon realized

that it was Amber’s work. “Get lost!” He pointed at the door.

Looking at Rodney’s angry eyes, the woman reluctantly stood up. Tonight, she met a very beautiful

woman at the bar on the stage. When the woman asked her if she was willing to make it public, she

naturally answered yes.

After the woman talked about the price with her, she gave her a bunch of keys and paid her 2,000

dollars in advance. She said that she would go to the Scent Villa to serve a young and handsome

president to have a good night’s time. If she did well, there would be a tip.

The rich people lived in the Scent Villa. The young lady was very happy, so she took a taxi here with

the key. She only believed that rich people didn’t believe that they were young and handsome. But

when she opened the door and saw the handsome guy watching TV on the sofa, she was so happy.

After sitting on the stage for such a long time, she had never seen such a handsome person. Even if

such a person did not ask for money, she would be happy. However, she did not expect that the

handsome guy would suddenly lose his temper and ask her to get lost!

The young lady really didn’t want to leave, but the handsome guy’s eyes were a little scary. She felt

cold all over, so she left. When she walked to the door, she still asked, “Sir, are you sure you don’t want

me to accompany you?”

“Get lost!” The answer was still one word!

The young lady left unwillingly. Before she left, she placed the key at the door. Rodney felt extremely

disgusted. When he thought that the first woman who entered the room that he had carefully arranged

was a young lady, he was so angry that he couldn’t stand it.

He jumped up and called Deon, asking him to immediately find someone to get rid of the brand-new

sofa in the living room, and then change into another set of exactly the same one. He also asked Deon

to find someone from a legal company to clean up the house, especially the living room.

After ordering Rodney to drive away from the Scent Villa, Amber made fun of him like this. An evil fire

of anger welled up from the bottom of his heart.

He put his phone number on the blacklist and did not answer the strange call. He was sure that he

would not go to the Black family to look for her directly. Amber must have thought that he had eaten

him. But she had a good plan and he had crossed the fence. He had to get this woman out of the Black

family tonight.