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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 113
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Itzel had a dinner appointment with Rachel in the evening. During the dinner, she mentioned the

relationship between Rodney and Celia. “When are they going to get married?”

“Don’t mention it!” Rachel sighed. “I’m afraid there will be changes in this matter.”

“A change?” Itzel’s heart sank. “Don’t you like Celia the most?”

Rachel put down her chopsticks and told Itzel about Amber. She concluded, “Since Amber knows that

she is the daughter of Channing, why didn’t she admit her identity? Now that she saw Celia and

Rodney getting engaged, she suddenly came back and moved into the Black family. What do you think

she wants?”

“What can you do? Rodney and Celia are stuck in the throat!” Itzel replied.

“Now it’s me!” Rachel took Itzel as a friend, so she didn’t hide it. “I used to like her no matter how I

looked at her, but now I really don’t like her. You know that I hate mistresses the most, but now I’ve

chosen a daughter of a mistress for my son. It’s really uncomfortable to think about it.”

Itzel’s face darkened when she heard that, but Rachel didn’t pay attention to it. “Shannon was

obviously a mistress, but she pretended to be a legal wife. She treated others as fools and said that

Amber had no news after he was taken away. The more I thought about it, the more upset I felt.

Amber’s mother died when she was in her teens. Celia was only a few years younger than Amber. It’s

not that she can’t remember. How could she not know Amber?”

“Maybe they’ve all changed.”

“No matter how much she changes, she can’t be much different. I suspect that Celia knew Amber’s

identity at the beginning, but she still came to steal my sister’s man. Isn’t she the same as her mother?”

Rachel thought of the disgust that Amber showed when he saw Celia. At that time, she always thought

that Amber was narrow-minded, but now she suddenly understood.

It was not because Amber and Celia were born against each other, but because Celia was the

daughter of the mistress. How could Amber, a legitimate wife’s daughter, be intimate with the mistress’s


“Shannon has gone too far, but she can’t be beaten to death. I think Celia is kind, gentle, and virtuous.

She is definitely not the kind of person you are talking about.” Itzel defended Celia.

“She doesn’t look like it, but I’m very annoyed now.” Rachel sighed.

“What have I done wrong? If I hadn’t looked down on Amber at that time, I wouldn’t have done so many

things. You’re right. I’ve thought a lot in the past two days. Amber couldn’t get pregnant at that time, not

because he couldn’t give birth. It’s because I gave him too much pressure. If I hadn’t treated her like

that at that time, she might have given birth to a son for Rodney. The most important thing is that the

son is happy, and Amber won’t target me.”

She was a person who couldn’t stand it, so she told Itzel about the sports meeting. Although Rodney

said that fair competition was the meaning of the province, Rachel didn’t believe it at all. She thought it

was Amber who did it. Both her hands and hands were made of meat. Channing didn’t know how to

explain it, so he deliberately did it.

“If Channing has been dealing with both sides like this in the future, there is really no need to get

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After breaking up with Rachel, Itzel drove home. On the way, she received a call from Shannon. “How

is it going?”

“Rachel is not enthusiastic anymore,” Itzel replied. “She said she doesn’t want her son to marry a

mistress’ daughter.”

“This old b*tch is just a snobbish woman. What right does she have to pretend to be noble?” Shannon

was furious.

“What’s the use of being angry?” Itzel sneered. “It’s better to think of more ways to get angry. Rachel is

angry because she is afraid that she won’t be able to eat the fat meat of the sports meeting. You can

find a way to let her eat it.”

“Do you think I don’t want to? But this time, Mr. Black can’t make a decision. I can only stare at him.”

Shannon sighed and told him about the auction for the sports meeting that required design works. Only

then did Itzel know the reason. Her eyes lit up. “Leave this matter to me. I have a way!”

After dinner, Ashton took a walk in the neighborhood. Just as he was about to return home, a figure

suddenly appeared. “Brother, how have you been!”

“What are you doing here?” Ashton’s face darkened when he saw who it was.

“I have a few words to say to my brother.” Itzel’s face was wreathed in smiles. She completely ignored

Ashton’s ugly expression. “It’s not very convenient for people to come and speak outside. Let’s find a

quiet place to talk.”

Ashton turned around, followed by Itzel. The two of them went to the nearby tea room one after the


“What are you trying to say?” Ashton looked indifferently at Itzel. Although the person in front of him

was his half-sister, he had never liked her.

“I want to ask my brother to do something for me.”

“What can I do for you in my current state?” Ashton asked.

“This is a piece of cake for me. I want to ask you to help me make a venue design about the sports


Ashton looked at Itzel in shock. “What do you want the venue Forging Design for?”

“I’m useful. Brother, please help me.”

Ashton frowned slightly. It was useless for Itzel, a doctor, to ask for the venue design of the sports

meeting. Was it to please Reece? Thinking about it, it was not right. Reece did not care about the

family business at all. How could he pay attention to this matter?

Suddenly, he thought of the relationship between Itzel and Rachel. He could vaguely guess what Itzel

wanted the Forging Design for, so he firmly refused. “I’ll help you with your work.”

“Why? Brother, this is not difficult for you. Why don’t you help me?”

“No reason.”

“I’ve never begged you for anything. Brother, please help me this time,” Itzel begged.

“You don’t have to say anything. I won’t help you.”

“Brother, how can you be so heartless? I’m your only sister.” Itzel reminded him. Seeing that Ashton

was unmoved, she sneered. “Brother, think it over. I can do anything.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t want to do anything. If I leak the news that you are not Ashton to Amber, what do you think will


“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m not threatening you. I’m just reminding my brother.”

Ashton looked at Itzel coldly. “How did you end up like this? Why are you so shameless? Huh?”

“Shameless? Hehe!” Itzel laughed. “What right does my brother have to criticize me? Actually, when it

comes to shamelessness, that b*tch is many times stronger than I don’t know. But I have never seen

my brother talk about her. I have always wanted to know why.”

As soon as Itzel finished speaking, Ashton suddenly grabbed the cup on the table and splashed it on

her face. Itzel couldn’t dodge in time and was splashed with tea. She wasn’t angry at all. She reached

out to wipe away the tea leaves on her face and still had a smile on her face. “Why did you lose your

temper, brother? Did I say anything wrong?”

“Get lost!” The veins on Ashton’s hands were exposed. He was sure that he was furious to the


“Brother, I won’t leave. I won’t leave until you promise to help me.”

“Don’t even think about it!”

“I am your sister. Although I am not born of the same mother, at least I am a father. Why are you so

cruel to me?”

“Don’t you know what you’ve done?” Ashton asked.

“I don’t know!” The smile on Itzel’s face finally disappeared. “From the moment I could remember, I only

saw how good you were to that b*tch and what good things you had to leave to her. I don’t understand.

What is so good about her that you have to give her so much?”

“She’s better than you in every aspect!” Ashton sneered.

“Good! Good! Good!” Itzel said three good words in a row, and then spat out a sentence in a gloomy

tone, “As expected, in the eyes of a lover, their partner is always a beauty!”

“Bastard! Is this what people say?” Ashton slapped him in the face. Itzel didn’t dodge the slap and bore

it. Blood oozed out of the corner of her mouth, but she didn’t wipe it away and just looked at Ashton.

“Brother, this is the second time you’ve hit me. For that bitch, you hit me again!”

“Shouldn’t you beat her?” Ashton glared at Itzel. “She’s our sister. Do you think she said those words?”

“Sister? This is your first time calling her sister, isn’t it? I remember that you used to call her a sweet

girl.” Itzel sneered. “Since you know that she is my sister, why do you like her? There are many

beautiful women in the world. Why do you like her?”

“Is it wrong for me to like her? Is it wrong for me to like my sister?” Ashton asked.

“It’s not wrong that you like my sister, but you can’t only see my sister and not my sister.” Itzel also

glared at Ashton. “You shouldn’t have fallen in love with your sister. You’re a barbarian. Don’t you know

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“Itzel!” Ashton was trembling with anger. “You… you can’t spit ivory out of your filthy mouth! I and

Ashley are not what you think!”

“It’s not what I think. Brother, don’t deny it. I know you love her. The way you look at her is not the way I

look at you, but the way I look at my lover.”

Since he said it, Itzel had no scruples at all. “Your career is at its peak, but when you heard that the

bitch got married, you didn’t want to come back. For that bitch, you are willing to be an ordinary person

and live as a dead person. Brother, what are you doing this for? Huh?”

“You’re crazy! You’re crazy!” Ashton gasped.

“I’m crazy. It’s impossible for me not to be crazy when I see my brother and sister in a mess. I’m telling

you, Issac. If it weren’t for you and that b*tch, I would have already done something that would damage

our family.” Itzel shouted at Ashton, “You have to thank me! I stopped you!”

“What did you do?” Ashton looked at the crazy Itzel in astonishment. “What else did you do other than

stealing the chance to be a boyfriend?

“What can I do? I just told her that you liked her and let her make her own decisions.” Itzel sneered.

“You…” Ashton’s face turned green. No wonder Ashley’s attitude towards him had changed so much.

No wonder Ashley had ignored her advice. So this was the reason. “How could you be so vicious?

She’s your sister! How could you treat her like this?”

“I don’t have such a shameless sister!” Itzel sneered. “She stole my maternal love, my brother, and the

man I love. Why should I give in to her? Why?”

“You and I know very well what the truth is. At first, the person Reece liked was Ashley. It was you who

deliberately climbed into Reece’s bed. It was you who stimulated Ashley to force her to choose

Channing. How can you be so bad!” Ashton looked at Itzel bitterly.

“I didn’t grab it. Reece is my man.” Itzel retorted. “Ashley shamelessly took the initiative to seduce


Even a shameless ghost would be scared. Itzel was so shameless that she made Ashton cough.

Seeing that he was out of breath, Itzel stepped forward to help him calm down. “Brother, are you


Ashton pushed her away. “How could I… How could I have a sister like you?”

Ashton coughed for quite a while before recovering. Itzel poured her a glass of water. “Brother, have a

glass of water.”

Ashton didn’t take the water, but just stared at Itzel. Itzel lowered her head under his gaze, but she

didn’t change her mind. “Brother, you have to help me. I’m your sister. I’m begging you for this. I won’t

beg you in the future!”

There was a dead silence in the room. After a long time, Ashton nodded. “I can promise you, but after

this matter, we won’t have anything to do with each other.”


Ashton stared at her. “Make your choice.”

Itzel was silent for a moment. “I’ll choose the venue design.”