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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 119
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When he returned to the Scent Villa, it was already 11 o’clock in the evening. Seeing Noemi helping

Amber stumble into the living room, Rodney was so angry that his eyes were burning. This woman had

gone too far.

It was okay to leave him to go out for dinner, but he came back drunk. He controlled himself to take

Amber from Noemi’s hand. When Noemi handed Amber to Rodney, she secretly pinched her wrist and

reminded her to leave.

After Noemi left, Rodney carried Amber, who was reeking of alcohol, upstairs. Amber’s body was very

light, so it was not hard for him to carry her. It was not long from the living room downstairs to the

bedroom on the second floor. Rodney’s face had been changing.

At first, Amber heard him gasping for breath, which showed that he was extremely angry. She was a

little nervous, so she opened her “intoxicating eyes” and secretly glanced at him. When she saw his

eyes, she immediately closed her eyes and muttered, “My head hurts. Put me down! Let me sleep!”

Rodney ignored her and pushed open the bedroom door with her in his arms. He put Amber on the bed

and helped her take off her coat. When she touched the soft bed, Amber relaxed physically and

mentally. Tonight, he would escape again. There were still a few days left for her to have an affair. At

that time, she would be like a horse. As long as she succeeded in creating people, she would leave


She was in a good mood. When he picked up her clothes and was about to put them aside, he

suddenly found that there was a strong smell of alcohol on them. He was stunned. He put his clothes

under his nose and sniffed them, and his face suddenly changed.

He stared at Amber, who was lying on the bed, strangely for a few seconds. Suddenly, he picked her

up and took her into the bathroom. Amber’s relaxed heart was suddenly lifted. What was the point of

holding her into the bathroom?

He opened the bottle of water and quickly took off her clothes. Then, he began to bathe her. Amber

was so angry that he nearly died. “Dammit, Rodney. There’s nothing but the smell of alcohol on her.

Has he gone mad? He wants to bathe me?”

Since it had already been loaded to such an extent, she could only grit her teeth and put it away.

Fortunately, the bathroom was full of fog and did not need too sophisticated acting skills. After

struggling for a long time, Rodney finally helped her to take a shower. After drying it for her, he carried

her back to the bed.

After lying on the bed, Amber breathed a sigh of relief. “Now I can sleep well, right?”

However, he didn’t expect that she was wrong. Rodney also went to bed and held her in his arms like

an octopus. Amber felt that he was really suffering.

Amber was complaining in his heart, but Rodney said to her, “Stop pretending. I know you’re not


Amber didn’t move, but she felt strange in her heart. How did Rodney know that she was not drunk?

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Was he trying to trick her? “I can’t pretend to be drunk just by pouring a little wine on myself. Amber,

the smell of alcohol on your body has been washed clean by me.”

No wonder that Rodney insisted on helping her take a shower. He was waiting for her here. Amber was

so angry that he wanted to scold her. “Forget it. I won’t talk. I’ll pretend to be asleep. What can you


Seeing that she still didn’t move with her eyes closed, Rodney reached out his hand and tried to find

something on her limbs. Amber was afraid of the itch the most, so he couldn’t help opening his eyes.

“What are you doing? Do you still want me to sleep?”

“How dare you pretend to be drunk to deal with me? Amber, you’re great!” Rodney looked at her with a


“Who’s pretending to be drunk?” Amber stared at Rodney and said righteously, “Can’t I sleep after

drinking some wine?”

“You can also find such an excuse. I remember that you were not like this when you were drinking in

the past.” Rodney said leisurely.

“It used to be the past, but now it’s the present. There’s nothing in this world that doesn’t change.”

Amber sneered.

“No matter how much you change, you can’t even change your temperament and habits, can you?”

“What’s the big deal? This is a society full of desires. Even vows can be turned into lies. What else

can’t be changed?”

“Amber! My oath has always been there, and it has never changed!”

“Stop, Mr. Barron! Now is not the time to talk about this.” Amber stared at Rodney. “What do you want

to do? Hurry up and finish it as soon as possible. It’s late. I have to go to work tomorrow!”

Rodney was enraged by her. “Amber, in your heart, am I such a person? Do I lack a woman if I want to

vent my anger?”

“Then what do you want to do?” Amber asked impatiently.

“Don’t you know what I want to do? Amber, we have been married for three years. I don’t believe that

you don’t know me at all.”

She used to think that she knew her very well, but now she found that she was wrong. She was wrong.

“Mr. Barron, I think you should be very clear about our relationship. I don’t expect to get anything from

you, so I don’t have the mood to guess what you want to do directly.”

“Amber, I want to start over with you again, just like before!”

“Don’t you know that it’s hard to accept Mr. Barron?” Amber sneered. “Besides, what qualifications do

you have? What right do you, a man with a fiancee, have to say these things to other single women?”

“I… Amber has a reason. Listen to my explanation…”

Rodney was so disgusting. Yesterday, he had been affectionately telling Celia to take the medicine and

pay attention to her health. Today, he had no choice but to tell her everything about himself and Celia.

Amber hated him so much for having difficulties to talk about.

“Mr. Barron, I’m not interested in listening to your difficulties. I’m not a fool. If you’re sincere enough to

start over with me, please tell me after you’ve gotten rid of your trouble. Otherwise, there’s no need to


“Amber, are you really willing to start over with me?” Rodney was overjoyed. “Don’t worry. I won’t let

you wait too long!”

“It’s too late. I’m very tired! I have to go to work tomorrow. Let’s talk about it later!” Amber turned

around and wrapped his head with a quilt.

She didn’t say that she had to start with Mr. Barron. She just said that if he was sincere, he would get

rid of Celia first. No matter how Mr. Barron understood her, it had nothing to do with her. Of course, she

didn’t believe that Rodney would give up on Celia.

However, Rodney thought that he had seen the light of dawn. As long as Celia’s illness was cured, he

would not owe her anything. He had already started to treat her. In order not to let Celia have any

burden, he asked Deon to invite a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine from other places to

treat her disease. He made an excuse to recuperate his body and take Celia to see her.

After the expert felt Celia’s pulse, he told her that her body was a little weak and she would recover.

This was the agreement they made before. If it was not serious, it would be the same answer. If it was

serious, it would be another answer. Later, the expert prescribed a lot of traditional Chinese medicine

for Celia. In order not to arouse Celia’s suspicion, he also gave some traditional Chinese medicine to

bring back.

After that, he talked to the expert on the phone. The expert said that there was nothing wrong with

Celia’s body, but she was a little weak. After taking his traditional Chinese medicine, she would go to

the hospital for a check-up.

Rodney decided to take her to the hospital in J City for a comprehensive examination after Celia

finished her traditional Chinese medicine. As long as there was nothing wrong with Celia’s body, he

would no longer have to feel guilty.

It was beyond Amber’s expectation that Rodney wouldn’t pester her. She breathed a sigh of relief and

fell asleep with ease.

As for Celia, she seemed to have a lot on her mind tonight.

There were two main things on Celia’s mind. One was Rodney. Recently, he had been very good to her

and cared about her health. He said that she was too thin to take care of her body. He took her and

Deon to another country and found a Chinese medicine practitioner who was said to be very good at

health care to give her a prescription.

Rodney even called her every day to remind her not to forget to take medicine. The traditional Chinese

medicine was actually very bitter. However, seeing that Rodney cared so much about her body, Celia

pinched her nose and drank the traditional Chinese medicine three times a day on time. After drinking

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it, she did not forget to call him and complain to him.

Rodney didn’t find her annoying either. Every time she called to say that the medicine was not good for

her, he would always gently persuade her to take it. Eating it was good for her health, and he also said

that he was taking it.

This matter caused the relationship between Celia and Rodney to become much closer. Celia even

vaguely expected that one day, Rodney would suddenly come to her door and propose to get married.

It was said that good things came in pairs. Ever since Rodney had changed her, Amber, the jinx, had

also moved out of the Black family. Without Amber’s sarcastic words, her life with her mother had

begun to be better. But tonight, when she went to the party, she was splashed with cold water.

She said to the rich daughter who had been competing with her that she saw Rodney in the hospital

last night and that he was accompanied by a very beautiful woman.

Celia pretended as if nothing had happened, but she guessed in her heart, “Who is this woman who

accompanied Rodney to the hospital? There are not many women around Rodney. The only one who

can be counted is Kelsey. Could it be Kelsey?”

Because of this episode, she was no longer in the mood to stay at the party, so she left early on the

excuse that she had something to do at home. Celia called Riya, the nanny of the Barron family, on her

way home and asked about Rodney’s situation. As a result, Riya reported that not only did Rodney not

go home to spend the night yesterday, but he also did not come back today.

Celia suddenly thought of something. It was understandable that she didn’t go home for a night. There

must be something fishy going on if she didn’t go home for two consecutive nights.

Celia was in a bad mood when she suddenly saw her mother, Shannon. Shannon was getting out of a

man’s car with her sunglasses and hat.

“Didn’t my mother say that she was going to have a beauty match? How could a beauty match a man?”

She immediately called Shannon and asked her where she was. Shannon answered that she was in

the beauty salon. If she answered that she was meeting a friend, Celia would not doubt anything. This

answer made Celia suddenly worried.

“Mother won’t fool around behind my father’s back, will she?” She was shocked by her own thought. “It

can’t be like this. Mother must be just a friend of that man. But what kind of friend needs to wear a hat

and a pair of sunglasses when they meet?”

It was not long before Celia got home, and Shannon was back. She asked with concern why she came

back so early. Celia was extremely surprised when she saw the clothes on Shannon’s body.

It was strange that she had clearly seen on the way that her mother was not wearing this kind of

clothes. Why did her mother have to change her appearance? The bad feeling in her heart suddenly

grew stronger.

She quietly returned to her own room and lay on the bed. Her heart was in a mess. On one hand, it

was because of the fact that Rodney was not coming home. On the other hand, it was because her

mother was pretending to meet a man.

That night, Celia tossed and turned and couldn’t fall asleep. No, she had to figure out what Rodney had

been doing recently. In addition to finding out why he didn’t go home, she also had to figure out the

relationship between her mother and that man.