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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 208
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Amber planned to move back to the Black family home, but he didn’t expect that in the evening,

Rodney called her and told her that he saw Channing being sent to the hospital and asked her if she

wanted to go and have a look.

Yesterday, Amber also saw the news that Channing had just had a meeting in the province on TV. At

that time, Channing looked energetic and didn’t look like he was sick. Why did he suddenly stay in the

hospital today?

Thinking of the last time when Channing pretended to be ill and stayed in the hospital, Amber guessed

that Channing must have gone to the provincial meeting to see what had happened. So he chose to

pretend to be ill like last time, so he didn’t take it to heart.

After dinner, Aunt Maleah called and told Amber that Channing had just fainted and was hospitalized.

She asked Amber to go to the hospital to see him.

When Amber arrived at the hospital, there were only Channing and Aunt Maleah in the ward. He didn’t

see Shannon and Celia. Amber felt a little strange. Shouldn’t Shannon and her daughter be trying to

please Channing at this time? Why didn’t they come today?

Seeing her come in, Aunt Maleah stood up and pointed to Channing, who was sleeping on the hospital

bed. “He hasn’t woken up yet.”

Amber lowered his voice. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Channing had gone out to the provincial meeting the day before yesterday. He said that

he would go for three days when he went out, and he would come back tomorrow. She was preparing

dinner at home tonight. Channing’s driver called her and told her that Channing was in the hospital and

told her not to disturb anyone.

Aunt Maleah knew that she didn’t want to alert anyone, so she didn’t want Shannon and her daughter

to know. Channing had just gone to the meeting, so Shannon naturally wouldn’t stay at home. There

was only Celia at home, so she found an excuse to come to the hospital. When she arrived at the

hospital, she found that Channing had been sleeping all the time. She was worried, so she called

Amber and asked him to come and have a look.

“Where’s the driver?” Amber asked Aunt Maleah.

“He has been guarding here all the time. I’ll let him go out for dinner.”

“How did he get sick? What did the doctor say?”

“The doctor said it was because of high blood pressure. He said that everything would be fine if we

were hospitalized for observation.”

As she spoke, the driver pushed the door open and came in. The driver was new and did not know

Amber. Seeing a surprised look on the face of a stranger in the ward, Aunt Maleah immediately told

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him Amber’s identity. Amber asked the driver, “Did something happen before you fainted?”

The driver shook his head. “I sent the secretary to the provincial meeting. According to the schedule,

she should have come back tomorrow, but after the meeting, we came back. On the way home, the

secretary suddenly turned pale. He said that he was in a bad mood, so he asked me to send him to the

hospital. After he arrived at the hospital, the doctor checked the secretary and said that the secretary’s

blood pressure was very high, so he asked me to stay in the hospital for observation. I originally

wanted to call Madam, but the secretary told me not to call. He just asked me to call Aunt Maleah and

told me not to tell anyone about his stay in the hospital except for Aunt Maleah.”

Amber glanced at Aunt Maleah. “Is his blood pressure very high?”

Aunt Maleah nodded. “I’ve been taking medicine, but I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Amber always thought that Channing was in good health, but she didn’t expect that he had already

begun to take medicine. She was a little worried, so she went to find the doctor.

Not long after Amber left, Channing had just woken up. Aunt Maleah was very happy. “Secretary,

you’re awake! Do you feel better?”

Channing nodded and struggled to sit up. The driver hurried forward to help him sit up. Aunt Maleah

asked Channing with concern, “What would you like to eat, Secretary? I’ll buy it for you.”

Channing glanced at the driver and said, “Go and buy some porridge for me.” The driver promised to

leave. When the driver disappeared, Channing looked at Aunt Maleah and asked, “Is she not at home


She was referring to Shannon. Aunt Maleah nodded and said, “I went out early in the morning and said

that I had an appointment with someone for shopping and beauty. I didn’t come back when I came out.”

Channing’s face was a little gloomy. “What kind of clothes did she wear when she went out?”

Aunt Maleah told him what Shannon had worn when she went out. “What happened to the secretary?”

Channing didn’t say anything. On the way home, he inadvertently glanced around and saw a man and

a woman kissing in a car parked on the side of the road. The woman’s figure was so similar to

Shannon’s. At that time, his heart skipped a beat and he felt a headache.

At that time, when he saw that the woman looked so much like Shannon, he was so angry that he felt

dizzy and couldn’t breathe. If he hadn’t suddenly felt dizzy and had an illness, he would have asked the

driver to stop the car and check it out.

The woman he saw kissing with a man in the car looked like Shannon, but the clothes she wore were

different from what Aunt Maleah said. Did it mean that he had mistaken her for someone else?

Channing had just thought about it when Aunt Maleah spoke again. “Amber came to see you. I saw

that you didn’t wake up just now, so I was worried that you would go to find a doctor.”

“She’s pregnant. Why are you making her worry?” Channing complained.

“When I saw you in a coma, I was frightened at that time.”

Amber came back as she spoke, followed by the doctor. When she saw that Channing had just woken

up, she let out a sigh of relief. The doctor checked on Channing again and said that the situation was

very stable and there was no need to worry.

After the doctor left, the driver came back with porridge for Channing. Amber opened the porridge and

looked at it. He shook his head and said, “This is seafood porridge. The secretary will be allergic to

seafood. We have to change it.”

“I’m sorry!” It didn’t take long for the driver and Channing to know about this taboo. “I’ll buy another


“Forget it, I’ll go with you.” Aunt Maleah said, “Amber, you can chat with the secretary in the ward. I’ll be

back soon.”

After Aunt Maleah and the driver left, only Channing and Amber were left in the ward. Channing’s eyes

were a little wet. He never dreamed that Amber would remember that he was allergic to seafood.

Both of them were his daughters. Celia and Amber were two extremes. Celia had lived with him for so

many years. She knew that he was allergic to seafood, but she never cared about him, the taboo.

Because Rodney liked to eat seafood, and Celia often asked Aunt Maleah to buy seafood every few

days. She tried her best to please him, but she completely ignored his feelings.

Although he felt uncomfortable at that time, he still persuaded himself not to be angry. Young people

nowadays were all like this. They only cared about themselves and rarely cared about others. Today,

when he saw Amber remember his taboo, he realized that he was wrong. “Amber, I was wrong! I’m


Channing had said countless apologies to Amber, but at this moment, the apology was completely

different from the previous one.

Amber also felt his emotional changes. She poured a glass of water for Channing. “You didn’t betray

me. In the past, I couldn’t think it through, but now I think it through. You gave me your life, which is the

greatest gift for me. I didn’t ask you to do anything for me, and I didn’t have the right to hate you.”

The more Amber said this, the more upset Channing felt. “Amber, I’m most sorry for you and your

mother in this life. I can still make up for your father’s hope. I know that your mother will never be able

to make up for it in this life. I only hope that in the future, we can meet underground and beg for her


Amber looked at Channing and thought of Itzel’s words. She controlled her emotions and said, “I want

to ask you, has my mother done anything to you in this life?”

“No! Your mother is a good woman. She has worked hard after marrying me. She has never done

anything bad to me. I betrayed her,” Channing replied firmly.

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Amber felt relieved. “Mom is indeed not that kind of person. I’m really stupid to be suspected by a

vicious woman like Itzel’s words. I shouldn’t have done that.”

Aunt Maleah and the driver quickly bought Channing some porridge. Channing had just finished his

porridge and it was getting late. He was worried about Amber’s health, so he asked Amber to go back

to rest. Amber saw that he was fine, so he did not insist on staying. She told the driver who took care of

Channing to stay and leave the ward. When he walked to the door, Channing suddenly stopped her.

“Amber, it’s my birthday the day after tomorrow. Can you take Mel home for dinner?”

Amber nodded. “I’ll take Mel back.”

Channing didn’t have much hope at first. Seeing that Amber agreed with him, he was very happy and

talked to Amber about asking Amber to move back to his room. “Mel’s room has been arranged by

Aunt Maleah. You can bring Mel back and live there for a few days.”

Amber did not object. “It depends on the situation.”

After Amber went back, he told Issac and Noemi about his promise to Channing to move back. Noemi

was still worried, so she told this thing to Rodney and asked him to find a way to persuade Amber.

Hearing this, Rodney was also anxious. Shannon was such a vicious woman. How could she kill

Amber? He couldn’t let Amber take the risk.

Rodney came to look for Amber in the evening. “Amber, think about it. Shannon is too vicious. Even if

you don’t want to do something for yourself, you have to do something for the baby in your belly. We

can’t take such a risk.”

“I know, I will be careful.”

“No matter how careful we are, it’s impossible to completely avoid sudden accidents. As the saying

goes, it’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. We’ve been waiting for so many

years. Let Shannon live a carefree life for a few more months. When the child is born, it won’t be too

late for us to take revenge after Mel recovers its health.”

“Also, after all, so many years have passed. With Shannon’s cunningness, she must be very wary of

you. It’s not easy for you to find evidence from her. You can leave the investigation to me. I’m

investigating Shannon and Itzel now. I’ve got something to tell you. There will be a result soon. Just

wait patiently for a few days!”

Seeing that Rodney was so worried, Amber had no choice but to give in. “Well, I won’t move back to

the Black family for now. Let’s talk about it when your investigation results come out. But tomorrow is

Xia Zhenyang’s birthday. I have promised him to take Mel back for dinner.”

“Since you’ve already promised him, you should go back. Remember to be careful when you’re there,”

Rodney warned.

This was the first time that Amber had accompanied Channing on his birthday after leaving home for so

many years. Channing was simply too happy. Although it was his birthday, he ordered Aunt Maleah to

prepare all the dishes that Amber liked to eat. He also personally picked up Amber and Mel.