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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 216
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It was Pierce’s watch. After Kelsey picked it up last night, she wiped it carefully with a clean towel and

then put it on the pillow to sleep with her.

When she was doing these things, she told herself that she didn’t mean anything because she was

afraid of breaking Pierce’s watch. However, when she woke up this morning, she was so scared that

she broke out in a cold sweat because she had a dream last night.

In her dream, Pierce came to her with a smile, reached out to hold her hand, and asked her softly if she

wanted to replace Amber as his girlfriend. She said yes several times without hesitation. However,

Pierce’s face changed. He pushed her away, pointed at her, and shouted at her, saying that she

overestimated herself and dared to dream of being his woman. He didn’t even look at her identity.

At this moment, she finally understood that in her heart, she had secretly fallen in love with Pierce and

was indeed eager to get his love. However, she immediately realized that she was simply daydreaming.

Not to mention that Pierce already had a fiancee, even if he didn’t, with his family background, how

could she, a girl who didn’t even know who she was worthy of him?

When she saw Pierce just now, she felt shy and uneasy when she thought of her childish behavior last

night. She was afraid that if Pierce knew about it, he would think that she had some improper thoughts.

However, when Pierce said that she would help him buy clothes for his fiancee, she felt sad and

wronged. These emotions mixed together really made her uncomfortable.

With the cold watch against her chest, Kelsey’s heart trembled slightly. She suddenly shook her head

and said, “Don’t be silly, Kel. Brother Pierce saved your life and treated you so well. How could you

have such an idea? You should bless him and let him and his fiancee love each other forever and grow

old together.”

After taking a few deep breaths, she took back the melancholy in her eyes, changed her clothes at the

fastest speed, and walked out of the door with a smile.

After leaving the villa, Pierce explained to Kelsey that there was something wrong with the car when he

came here, and he took it to repair the car shop. He thought it was troublesome, so he didn’t ask the

driver to drive another car out of his home. Then he sat in the car and came over.

They stopped a car and drove to the shopping mall. Pierce took Kelsey to the clothing area. Pointing at

the colorful clothes of various colors, he said to Kelsey, “You are a girl, so you should have a better

taste than me. You choose a few sets first, and then I will make the final decision.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Kelsey might have grown up in an ordinary parent’s family, but during the period of time she spent with

Rodney, he had bought her a lot of clothes. As a result, her taste had been raised to a certain level.

She knew what kind of clothes were most suitable for her and could best display her beauty.

Although she had lost her memory, her taste in choosing clothes was not affected. After looking

around, she had already taken a fancy to three or four sets of clothes suitable for her style. However,

after all, she was not buying clothes for her today, but for Pierce’s fiancee. Even though Pierce had

repeatedly said that she looked very similar to his fiancee, she was still worried that if the clothes she

chose could not be liked by her fiancee, wouldn’t it disappoint Pierce?

Thinking of this, she asked Pierce, “Brother Pierce, I want to ask if there are any photos of your fiancee

on your mobile phone. If so, can you show it to me? I want to see what she looks like so that I can

choose clothes that are more suitable for her according to her temperament.”

“You’re right. I happen to have a photo of her. I’ll show you.” In fact, when Pierce was in love with

Amber, he had accompanied her to buy clothes. He knew the size of her clothes and the style of her

clothes. Today, Kelsey came here on the excuse of taking her back to the Pierce house for dinner. Of

course, he also wanted to buy a piece of clothes for Amber. Since Kelsey said so, it would be good for

her to have a look at the photos.

Taking out his mobile phone, Pierce turned to a photo of Amber and Mel and handed it to Kelsey.

Kelsey took the phone and looked at it carefully. When she saw Amber’s face, which was somewhat

similar to hers, she felt as if she had heard Amber’s name yesterday. Her heart jumped for no reason,

and a familiar feeling rose.

How could this be? Why did she always feel this way for Pierce’s fiancee? Was it because they looked

alike or because she liked Pierce that she was particularly sensitive to his fiancee?

Pierce also felt strange when he saw Kelsey’s absent-minded look. He hurriedly asked, “Kel, what’s

wrong with you?”

Kelsey came to her senses and squeezed out a smile. “Oh, nothing. I didn’t expect Sister Amber to be

so similar to me.”

“You’re right. I’ve told you that you look alike.”

Kelsey pointed at Mel and asked, “Who is this little boy?”

Pierce smiled and said, “This is Amber’s son.”

Kelsey was shocked. She didn’t expect Amber to have a child. She wanted to ask Pierce why he would

like a woman with a child. But she knew that it was very rude, so she didn’t ask.

Naturally, Pierce would not take the initiative to explain. He took the phone and put it away, saying,

“Now can you choose your clothes?”

“Okay.” Kelsey smiled, looked at the clothes in the mall again, and picked a few new sets.

She had seen Amber’s photos just now and felt that he was a mature and unique woman. He was

different from her personality and temperament. The clothes she liked just now were a little childish and

were not suitable for Amber. She should choose them again.

Pierce looked at the clothes and smiled with satisfaction. “Kel, your taste is really good. Amber likes

this style of clothes. Come on, take this one in and have a try.” Then he chose a suit and handed it to


Kelsey took the clothes and went into the fitting room. When she got dressed, she saw Pierce looking

at her with amazement. Her heart skipped a beat and her face turned red.

“Kel, you look so good in this dress.” It was the first time that Pierce had seen her in western clothes

since he met Kelsey. The clothes she usually wore were bought by the secretary and young lady of

Pierce’s company. They were all casual clothes, which could not fully show her beauty. Now the

lavender suit she wore made her look more charming and mature, which made her look more like


Kelsey stood in front of the fitting mirror and looked at her beautiful figure in the mirror. When she heard

Pierce’s praise, she felt sweet in her heart. When she was intoxicated, she heard Pierce say behind

her, “Kel, try this dress again.”

Kelsey turned around and saw Pierce holding a light yellow knee-length skirt in his hand. The style was

more youthful than the one she was wearing, which was suitable for her age and style.

This skirt was not one of the clothes Kelsey chose. It should be chosen by Pierce himself. She took the

dress, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Brother Pierce, I don’t think this dress is suitable for sister

Amber. It’s better for me to wear this dress.”

Pierce smiled and said, “Try it first!”

Kelsey had no choice but to walk into the fitting room with the dress in her hand. After she changed into

the dress, Pierce praised her again. Kelsey herself also thought it looked good. The dress seemed to

be custom-made for her. The size fit her perfectly, and it fully showed her pure and soft temperament.

“This dress suits you very well. You don’t have to change it. Just wear it.” Kelsey was about to enter the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

fitting room to change the dress, but she was stopped by Pierce. Then he said to the waiter in the

shopping mall, “Miss, I want these two sets of clothes. Please wrap them up.”

Kelsey was good at English. When she heard Pierce’s words, she immediately realized that he was

going to give her the yellow dress, and the purple suit was given to Amber.

She was very surprised. She really didn’t expect that Pierce would give her such an expensive dress.

Although she didn’t look at the price, she had heard of the brand of this dress. It was expensive. When

it was converted, any dress had to be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

She asked tentatively, “Brother Pierce, why don’t you exchange for it? Aren’t you going to give it to

sister Amber?”

Pierce smiled and said, “I’ll give her that dress. It’s for you.”

“No, no, I can’t take it.” Kelsey hurriedly waved her hand and wanted to go to the fitting room.

Pierce stood in front of her and said, “Kel, listen to me. I didn’t give you any salary for taking care of

those roses for you during this period of time. I’ll take this dress as your salary, okay?”

Kelsey said, “Pierce, you saved my life, gave me a place to live, and gave me so much pocket money

before. I haven’t thanked you yet, how can I get a salary? Besides, I didn’t do anything except pouring

water for flowers and pine soil in the villa. How can I get a salary?”

Pierce advised, “Well, let’s not talk about the salary. The clothes that Secretary bought for you are

casual clothes. It’s not suitable for a girl to have no formal clothes when she goes out. Just take this

dress, and you can wear it in case you have to attend any occasion in the future.”

Kelsey was touched by his words. She didn’t expect that Pierce was so thoughtful that he even thought

of this for her. However, she had owed him too much, so how could she accept his kindness?

Her nose twitched and she said with tears in her eyes, “Brother Pierce, thank you. I really can’t let you

spend any more money. Anyway, I have no place to go. I have no chance to wear this skirt. I’d better

go and change it.” After that, she bypassed Pierce Pierce and walked into the fitting room.

Pierce didn’t expect Kelsey to be so persistent. He didn’t want to buy clothes for Kelsey before. He just

wanted to buy a few sets of clothes for Amber and Mel. Then he said that it was not easy to get too

many things, so he asked Kelsey to help him send them to the Pierce Mansion and asked her to stay

for dinner. But when he saw Kelsey change into these clothes, she became beautiful and charming. He

couldn’t help but want to buy one for her, but he was rejected by her.

Originally, he liked Kelsey’s gentle character. But now, seeing that she was neither vain nor willing to

take advantage of him, Pierce had a better impression of her. He decided to buy that skirt and give it to

her in the future.