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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 41
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Channing was in a bad mood. Elliot was also in a very bad mood. Especially when he saw Amber

happily picking up Casen’s phone call, his mood became even worse. Due to his bad mood, he began

acting crazy again, torturing Amber as much as he could.

Even Walter couldn’t stand it, so he secretly advised Amber, “Hang on for a few days, Mr. Thomson is

sick again.”

Mr. Thomson’s illness was not cured in just a few days. After a week, he was still making things difficult

for Amber. Every time Amber answered Casen’s phone call, Elliot would throw a fit for a period of time.

Naturally, Amber would not argue with Elliot. At first, Noemi did not think highly of Casen too, but after

several interactions, she noticed that Casen had a kind, gentle and considerate personality. She also

heaped praise on Amber’s choice.

Ashton also expressed a great liking towards Casen. Seeing that the people around her all had a good

impression of Casen, Amber was relieved and began to formally date Casen.

Like every couple who were in a normal relationship, they would go out for meals and watch movies.

Amber could not find anything wrong with Casen and began to feel assured.

She planned that she would bring Mel back here after she spent a period time with Casen. As long as

Mel liked Casen, their relationship could be official.

On this day, when Amber and Casen were having dinner together, he said that it would be a good

friend’s birthday the next day. He wanted to invite Amber to accompany him and join the party. Amber

knew this meant that Casen wanted to introduce her to his friend, so she agreed without thinking too


The next morning, when she got up, it was a drizzling. The rain did not stop for the whole day. When

she was about to get off work, Casen called and said that he was waiting for Amber downstairs.

Seeing that it was almost time’s up, Amber packed her belongings and was ready to leave. However,

Elliot began to go crazy. He forced Amber to stay behind and made things difficult for her for more than

an hour. It was not until there was nothing left to be assigned did he grumpily let Amber go.

Amber hurriedly exited the office. Casen had been waiting downstairs for more than an hour. Amber’s

face was full of guilt, but Casen was not unhappy at all. He even said that this was work, and work

should be prioritised.

Seeing that he was so considerate and generous, Amber was very touched. Casen started the car and

told Amber that his friend’s house would take about an hour drive out of the city. He took out snacks

and drinks for Amber. Amber also felt hungry, so she took the snacks and drinks, and began to eat.

The two of them chatted along the way. Slowly, Amber began to feel a little sleepy. She rubbed her

eyes and wanted to keep herself up, but she felt that her eyelids were extremely heavy.

Casen said thoughtfully, “You’re too tired. Have a nap, I’ll wake you up when we get there.”

Amber knew that it was impolite, but she was too sleepy. She couldn’t hear what Casen had said later

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When she woke up, she heard the sound of the rain. Amber opened her eyes and found herself lying

on a bed. The room was very dark. She struggled for a moment and noticed that her limbs felt very


She began to regain her memory. Wasn’t she attending a friend’s birthday with Casen? Why was she


“Could this be the home of Casen’s friends? But where is Casen?”

“Casen!” She called out.

Hearing no response, Amber shouted a few more times. The door was pushed open, and a few men

appeared in front of Amber. “You’re awake?”

“Who are you? Where is Casen?” Upon seeing the strangers who had suddenly appeared, Amber was


“It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is that you are our guest for tonight,” one of the men said

creepily, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It’s a pity to use you to shoot an AV!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Turn on the lights!” the man ordered. As the lights were turned on, Amber saw the place where she

was in clearly. It turned out to be a room full of cameras. The walls of the room were full of obscene


Looking at those naked images, Amber shut her eyes subconsciously and jumped up reflexively.

Seeing her rushing straight to the door, one of the men grabbed her hand and threw her harshly on the


“Hey, you have to be gentle with beautiful young ladies. This is her first time, so she is inevitably shy.

Give her some drugs.” A man instructed.

“I don’t want it!” Amber pushed away the pill that was about to be put in her mouth.

“Be obedient. You will feel very comfortable after taking the pill.” The man reached out to grab her

mouth, forcefully stuffing the pill into her mouth, and then gushed in a glass of water.

Amber coughed desperately and reached her finger into her throat, vomiting out the pill.

“Hey Beauty, if you take the pill, you will feel euphoric. If you don’t take the pill, it will be a kind of torture

for you. You will not only serve one person tonight. Our theme tonight is birthday feast. There will be a

few men serving you together. Are you sure you can take it?”

“I beg you, please let me go!” Amber pleaded.

“Let you go? That’s impossible!” The man shook his head. “We have accepted the money. How can we

take the money and not do the job?”

“Who instructed you to do this to me? Was it Casen Slater?” Amber was angry and hateful.

“Now the problem is not about who instructed us to treat you like this. Beauty, now the problem is

whether you are willing to take the pill and cooperate or not.” The man shook his head. “You can’t

escape tonight. If you cooperate, you won’t be tortured too much. On the contrary, if you don’t, this

happy birthday feast will become a cruel S&M, understand?”

“Let me think about it!” Amber calmed herself down. “Give me a cigarette!”

“That’s the way.” The man took out a cigarette and lit it for Amber. “Think about it carefully. Do you want

a Happy Party or a S&M?”

Amber took the cigarette but did not smoke. She observed the situation in the room. Currently, there

were three men in the room. One was adjusting the camera, and the other two were standing beside

her, staring at her. She was ten meters away from the door. If she could run out, there might be a


“I have a request,” Amber said.

“What request?”

“I need money. You have to give me some money.”

The two men exchanged glances. They did not expect that she would suddenly change her mind. One

of them had a suspicious look. “You’ve made up your mind?”

“I’ve made up my mind. I can’t escape anyway. But you have to give me some money. I can’t do it for


“As long as it’s not too much, we’ll give you some money,” one of the men replied. The man stretched

out five fingers and said, “If the sales are good, we can have a long-term cooperation and the amount

will be increased.”

Amber felt extremely disgusted in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face. “Which of you will come


The two men exchanged glances, and Amber expressed an impatient look. “Haven’t you made up your

mind yet?”

“Why don’t we do it together?” the two men discussed.

“Whatever!” Amber said as she unbuttoned her shirt. They didn’t expect her to be so straightforward.

One of the men began to take off his clothes. Amber walked up to the man who wasn’t taking off his

shirt, narrowed her eyes and said, “Do you want me to take off your clothes for you?”

As she spoke, she reached out to remove the man’s shirt. When her fingers came in contact with the

man’s clothes, she suddenly attacked. The cigarette in her hand poked accurately in the man’s eye.

The man never expected that she would act like this. The eyes were the most sensitive part. The man

screamed in pain and squatted down with his hands covering his eyes. Amber hurriedly rushed to open

the door and ran.

There were sounds of cursing from behind her. It seemed that the other two men had caught up with

her. Amber did not dare to look back and just ran outside desperately.

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It was a dark alley outside, and it was raining heavily. Amber’s clothes became drenched in an instant,

and her eyes could not be opened because of the aggressive heavy rain. She ran, stumbling from time

to time, screaming for help. When she was about to reach the exit of the alley, she heard someone

behind her shouting, “Catch her. Don’t let her escape!”

A dark figure in a raincoat suddenly appeared and punched Amber in the face. Amber heard a buzzing,

her eyes saw stars and her wobbly body collapsed.

When Amber woke up, the sky was already bright. She had a splitting headache and could not open

her eyes. Especially after being blinded by the light, she felt even more uncomfortable.

She closed her eyes slightly. At this moment, her mind was still a bit blur. She smelled a faint scent of

cologne. Why was this scent so familiar?

She searched in her memory, but could not remember where she had smelled this scent before. Her

head was still aching very much. She raised her hand to rub her forehead, but suddenly touched

something hard.

The warm hardness caused Amber’s body to tense up. The memories of last night flashed through her

mind. Amber screamed and her eyes shot open.

An enlarged handsome face appeared in front of her eyes, with strong facial features, a straight nose,

and a pair of eyes so intense that could melt her. Amber let out a scream after seeing the face clearly,


“What are you shouting for?” A familiar voice sounded. There was a hint of teasing in Rodney’s eyes.

“You… why are you here? Rodney Barron! What are you doing here?” Amber was so surprised that

she could not speak clearly.

One of Rodney’s hands was under her head and the other on her waist. His hot breath brushing

against her face. “Why am I here? This is my house. Do you understand?”

“Your house?” Amber stared at him in disbelief. Rodney’s eyes were beaming. He stared at her

exposed snow-white upper body without shying away. “Amber, after so many years, you’re still the


Amber’s face suddenly flushed. She used to like sleeping in his arms, and now she was actually

sticking so close to him like before.

She could feel the warmth coming from his body. The warmth of bare skin touching each other, they

were actually completely naked!

Amber raised her hand in shame and anger, sending him a slap. Rodney was quick and grabbed her

hand swiftly. She couldn’t loosen his grip and could only curse, “Rodney Barron, what have you done to

me? You b*stard! How can you be so shameless?”

Rodney frowned slightly and tightly held her hand. “A man and a woman, alone in the same room… no,

under the same blanket. What do you think we did?”

Amber’s heart sank. “I’m doomed!” she thought, then she cursed again, “Rodney Barron, you a beast!

How could you do this to me?”