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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 83
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In the past, with Elliot by Amber’s side every day, there was nothing wrong with him. But now, without

Elliot’s company, he found it hard to live a comfortable life.

After dinner, she sat in the living room and picked up her phone to look at it several times. Although she

knew that there would not be any phone calls, she was still inexplicably looking forward to it.

Ashton was playing games with Mel on the side. Amber’s actions did not escape his eyes. He sighed

and said, “Amber, it’s still early. Shall we take Mel to the nearby area?”

“Okay!” Amber got up and took Mel and Ashton downstairs.

The three of them went out of the community and took a walk on the roadside. There was a small

market not far from the community, which was very lively in the evening.

When Mel saw that there were so many people over there, she stretched out her chubby little finger

and pointed in the direction of the small market. “Mom, shall we go there and play?”


Soon, the three of them arrived at the small market. It was in the middle of the night. There were

snacks and stalls everywhere.

Mel saw that someone was selling a cartoon hydrogen balloon and showed a longing look. “Mom, I

want that Joy Goat.”

“Mom will buy it for you.” Amber took his hand and walked over.

When he got the 10 dollars worth of hydrogen balloon, Mel was so happy that she shuttled back and

forth in the crowd with a happy smile on her face.

Amber looked at his satisfied smile and felt a little pain in his heart. The three of them walked a little

further. Amber’s cell phone rang. It was Noemi calling. She handed Mel to Ashton, and he went to

answer the phone himself.

Mel walked forward happily with a hydrogen balloon in her hand. In front of her was a stall selling

candied fruit. Staring at the colorful candied fruit, Mel licked her lips. Ashton smiled. “Do you want to

eat candied fruit? I’ll buy it for you.”

Ashton went to help Mel to buy sugar-coated haws. Mel stood aside and watched. Suddenly, a gust of

wind blew, and the hydrogen balloon in his hand was not caught. It was blown away by the wind. Mel

followed him with her short legs.

When Ashton bought the candied fruit and turned around, he saw Mel leisurely passing through the

road and chasing after the hydrogen balloon.

Countless cars were passing by on the road. Mel was so small that the driver couldn’t see him at all.

Ashton was shocked. “Mel, it’s dangerous!”

Amber was on the phone with Noemi. When he heard Ashton’s exclamation, he turned his head and

saw Mel crossing the road. He was scared out of his wits and chased after her.

The piercing sound of the flute kept ringing. Amber’s heart was in his throat, and he rushed forward

with Ashton regardless of anything.

Seeing the two adults crossing the road desperately, the sound of whistling filled the air.

Amber’s eyes were fixed on Mel. She saw the car not far away speeding in the direction of Mel. She let

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out a shrill scream and rushed in the direction of Mel regardless of anything. She shouted, “No!”

The sharp sound of the brakes rang in his ears, and a sharp pain came. Amber’s vision went black and

he fainted.

On the opposite side of the road, Rodney quickly stopped the car, pulled open the door and rushed

straight to Mel. The driver of the speeding car saw someone suddenly appear and subconsciously

stepped on the brake. He quickly turned the steering wheel, and the sharp sound of the brake shocked

people’s eardrums.

Rodney had already caught Mel in his arms. The driver poked his head out of the car window in shock.

“Do you want to die?”

When his gaze came into contact with the child in Rodney’s arms, he wiped the sweat off his face.

What a close call!

In the operating room of the hospital, Amber was pushed out of the operating room after the first aid.

Rodney followed her into the ward tightly with Mel in his arms.

“Doctor, is she okay?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not life-threatening!” the doctor replied.

Rodney’s heart, which was hanging in mid-air, returned to its original state. When he saw his mother

sleeping on the hospital bed, Mel struggled to get out of Amber’s arms. She stepped forward and held

Amber’s hand, shaking it. “Mom, don’t sleep. I’m afraid!”

Rodney went up to him and hugged him to comfort him. “Mom is very tired. She’ll be fine after sleeping

for a while.”

Mel didn’t make any more noise after listening to Rodney’s words. Instead, she held her mother’s hand

with her small hands and stood still in front of him. Mu Rodney looked a little sad. This child was so

sensible at such a young age. He felt that his eyes were a little wet. He held Mel’s and Amber’s hands

in his hands.

After a long time, Amber finally opened his eyes. “Mom! Mom is awake!” Mel was overjoyed.

Amber opened her eyes and saw Rodney. She felt pain all over her body. “Mel… Mel!”

“Mel is here? Don’t worry, he’s fine.” Rodney immediately said.

“Rodney… you… why are you here?” Amber looked at him with difficulty.

“Amber, you’re awake! How do you feel?” Rodney asked with concern.

Mel also came over and said, “Mom, it’s uncle who saved me!”

Amber looked at Rodney in shock. It was him who had saved Mel. How could it be possible?

He was in an unusually complicated mood. The person that Rodney had saved was his own son. He

could not spit out a single word of thanks for a long time. Instead, he asked, “Where’s my uncle?”

She remembered that when she crossed the road, Ashton had also rushed out. She had been hit by a

car. How was her uncle?

Rodney comforted her in a soft voice, “Your uncle is fine. He just sprained his ankle. Let’s observe him

in the ward next door.”

Amber was relieved when he heard that Ashton was fine.

Hearing that something had happened to Amber, Noemi came to the hospital in a hurry. When she saw

Rodney’s face full of disgust, she said, “I don’t need you here. Please leave!”

Rodney was unwilling to leave, and Amber did not want him to stay. “Mr. Barron, thank you for saving

my son. My friend is here. She will take care of me. Please leave!”

There was no doubt in her tone. Rodney sighed and got up to leave the hospital.

Noemi stayed with Amber in the hospital for a while and got up to meet Amber’s family to help her with

her daily necessities. In less than an hour, she came back in a hurry.

With a pale face, he said, “Amber, something big has happened!”

“What’s the big deal?” Noemi had always been calm. Amber had never seen her like this. She didn’t

know what had happened, but she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, Noemi’s next words stunned Amber. “There was a fire in the unit building where you

lived, and your family was burned out!”

“How did this happen?” Amber muttered.

Noemi said that the whole unit building had been burned down by the fire. It was said that a few people

who had not escaped in time were burned and sent to the hospital. The police had blocked the scene

and investigated the situation.

The houses that he had bought for a few months were now on fire and he could no longer own them.

Amber needed to find another place to rent.

The worst thing was that she was injured and could not go to work. As a result, she was disqualified

and fired by the company.

Amber leaned against the hospital bed in a daze. The scars on his body had not been completely

healed, but he was about to fall into a new predicament. She suddenly felt desperate.

Why did the heavens treat her like this?

Noemi took her hand and comforted her. “Amber, don’t worry. Take good care of yourself first. After you

leave the hospital, move to my place first. Take your time looking for work. I’m sure you’ll have enough

food for me.”

Amber held Noemi’s hand speechlessly. The only right thing in her life was probably to make friends

with a friend like Noemi.

Noemi wanted to ask for leave to take care of her, but was rejected by Amber. “Noemi, go and do your

work. I haven’t reached the point where I can’t take care of myself.”

Noemi nodded and said, “I’ll come back to see you in the evening.” She had been busy with a case

recently. If she could earn a lot of money through her function, it would be difficult for Amber now. With

money, everything would be easy.

Channing found out about the fire very quickly. He went to the hospital personally to see the wounded.

There were injured people who lived in the same ward as Amber. Only then did Channing know that his

daughter had had a car accident.

Seeing that his daughter’s head was wrapped in gauze and her face was pale, Channing’s mood was

very sad. After comforting several patients who were injured in the fire, he went to the bedside of

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Amber and reached out to hold his hand.

“Does it hurt? Take good care of yourself. If you have any difficulties, just tell me. The government will

do their best to help you.”

The secretary came to the hospital to see the wounded, so she naturally attracted a large number of

reporters to follow her. Seeing the secretary holding Amber’s hand with concern, they all raised their

cameras to take photos.

Amber watched as a reporter took a picture of her and tried to control herself from pushing Channing’s

hand away. “Thank you, Mr. Black.”

Channing made another request to the hospital that he must do his best to treat the injured patient, and

then he left the hospital escorted by a group of officials.

On the way back, Channing just called Shannon. “Clean up your house immediately. Amber may move

back in a few days.”

Shannon was shocked and didn’t dare to ask more. She just agreed.

Hanging up the phone, her face darkened. She got up and went into the bedroom. After closing the

bedroom door, she picked up the phone and dialed. “What’s going on?”

“Didn’t you ask me to find a way to drive her out of South City? I arranged someone to set fire to her

house, so that she wouldn’t be able to stay in South City anymore,” a voice answered proudly.

“Idiot! If you can’t accomplish anything, you can’t do anything. All you know is to make trouble for me!”

Shannon was so angry that her eyes and ears were smoking. This was not to share her worries, but to

add trouble for her.

It was no wonder that Channing had ordered him to clean up the house. Amber would definitely move

back if he had no place to live. Now he had made a fool of himself!

While she was angry, Celia came back. “Mom, I saw the news that Jiangnan District was on fire, Amber

was also in the hospital, and Dad went to the hospital to comfort him. What the hell is going on?”

“That’s what you saw!” Shannon said with a sullen face. She told Channing what he had just said on

the phone to Celia.

Celia became anxious when she heard that. “If Amber moves back, Rodney will definitely know the

relationship between me and Amber. In this way, there won’t be any more involvement between

Rodney and me. It’s over! It’s over!”

As she was shouting, her phone rang. After seeing the phone number clearly, Celia became even more

anxious. “Mom, it’s Rodney’s call. Why would he call me at this time? Did he know something?”

“Don’t panic! This little thing scared you so much. If you really encounter something big, you’ll have to

do it?” Shannon shouted at her daughter.

“Go and see what he wants to say. Remember to adapt to the situation. Now your father is determined

to let Amber come back. It’s a disaster that can’t be avoided. You’d better hold it off for a while. I’ll find a

way to deal with it.”

When Celia entered the coffee shop, Rodney had been waiting for a long time. She showed an

apologetic look and said, “I’m sorry. There was a traffic jam on the road. I’m late.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve just arrived.” Rodney’s voice was very gentle.

In the past three years, Celia knew that he hated waiting the most. There must be something wrong

with him being so kind today. Her heart was suddenly lifted, and a bad feeling rose in her heart.