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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 94
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The next morning, when she got up, she saw Channing and Shannon sitting on the sofa in the living

room. When she saw Channing, she showed a kind smile. “Amber, did you sleep well last night?”

“Not bad!” Amber replied indifferently.

“Let’s have breakfast first!” As soon as Channing got up, Shannon also stood up with a smile on her

face. “Mr. Black asked Aunt Maleah to make breakfast you like and wait to eat with you.”

“Thank you very much!” Amber spat out two words. She didn’t want to thank them at all, and she hated

to see these people fake smiling faces. If it weren’t for Mel, she wouldn’t have had the energy and

interest to deal with them.

Because of Amber’s return, Channing did not go to work for the first time. Instead, he stayed at home

to accompany Amber. Although he did not go to work, his phone was busy one by one.

Amber went to Channing’s study when she was bored. She wanted to read a book, but she accidentally

saw the documents about the sports meeting held in South City that Channing had just put on the desk.

Amber’s heart skipped a beat. Since the sports meeting would be held, there would definitely be

bidding. Rodney would definitely bid as well. She would not let him get what he wanted. The only one

who could defeat him was the Parableutions. Amber carried his bag and hurried out of the door. She

was going to find Elliot.

Amber walked out of the Black family’s house and went to the nearby bus stop in a hurry. After waiting

for more than ten minutes, he didn’t see the car. A man who was waiting for the car pointed to the car

next to him and told Amber, “That person has been staring at you. Do you know him?”

Amber turned his head and was surprised to see Rodney sitting in the car and staring at him for a


Amber didn’t expect to see him. Her first thought was that Rodney was here to pick up Celia. So she

turned her head and heard the sound of opening the car door. The familiar smell was approaching, and

Rodney had already walked to her side.

“Let’s talk.”

Amber looked steadily forward and ignored his words. When Rodney saw her indifferent look, his heart

was in turmoil. He couldn’t fall asleep last night, so he drove here.

He felt that he had a lot of things to ask Amber. He parked the car here and called Amber, but he was

told that he couldn’t get through. Rodney thought that Amber had turned off his phone, but he didn’t

know that Amber had already placed him in a blacklist.

He didn’t want to go back if he couldn’t answer the phone, so he stayed in the car for the whole night.

This night was difficult to endure. He had been wondering why Amber had to go back to the Black

family at this time.

They had been husband and wife for three years. So far, the wonderful sweetness was still flashing in

his mind. He had always thought that he knew Amber. They were honest, but now he realized how

ridiculous his wishful thinking was. As long as Amber had a little love for him, she would not hide her


She never mentioned her relationship with Channing when she got married, nor did she have any

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contact with Channing. Why did she return to the Black family when she was engaged to Celia?

When he finally saw Amber, he felt very complicated. He stared at her in a daze. Amber walked past

his car without looking sideways. This reminded him of what she had told him before. “I have a radar on

me. As long as you appear within 500 meters of me, I will be able to sense you immediately.”

Now the distance between him and her was no more than two meters, but she couldn’t see his

existence. Rodney found himself very childish. How could he believe every word she said so much?

Ever since she had left, he had sworn that he would never believe what she had said. However, what

she had said seemed to be rooted in his mind. As long as it was same scene, he would always

remember it.

Perhaps he had been staring at her for too long. A man, who was waiting for the car, said something to

Amber. Amber turned his head to look at him, but she glanced at his car indifferently and turned her

head away. Her ruthlessness made Rodney rush out of the car and hold her hand without thinking.

“Follow me!”

“Let go!” Amber struggled. She did not want to get in his car. Ever since the day when Rodney refused

her, her last bit of affection for him had disappeared. From then on, they could only be strangers.

Amber was dragged into the car by Rodney. He closed the door and locked it. Amber couldn’t open the

door and glared at him aggressively. “Rodney, are you out of your mind?”

“Amber, I have something to ask you!” Rodney completely ignored her anger. “You have to answer me


“Who do you think you are?” Amber stared at Rodney with a sneer on his face.

Rodney didn’t care about her hostility. “Why did you come back at this time?”

“I’m happy, okay?”

“You must have a purpose. You didn’t want to recognize Channing in such a situation. Why did you

come back at this time? And why did you call me that night? I want to know the reason.”

It was not until this moment that he remembered to ask why. “Don’t you think it’s too late?”

“I have a fever in my head. It’s short-term,” Amber replied.

“Do you want to take revenge on Celia? Do you come back to take revenge on Celia?”

Celia! What an intimate way to address her! Amber turned his head and his eyes turned cold. “So what

if I am?”

“I won’t let you succeed. You’d better hide your little thoughts.” Rodney stared at her. “I won’t let

anyone hurt her!”

He had once told himself that time had changed, and now he had another woman. Amber felt that it

was funny and sad. She was really blind. How could she fall in love with such a man? How could she

believe that he would bring her happiness? Fortunately, it was all in the past.

Rodney, I won’t silently endure the pain you gave me. From now on, I’ll get it back little by little. I swear!

“Rodney, it depends on whether you have the ability or not.” Amber pointed at the car door. “Open the

door and let me get out!”

Rodney didn’t move. “Amber, Celia is innocent. If you have anything to say, come at me!”

“I said open the door!” Amber was furious. “If you don’t open the door, I’ll ask your fiancee to come and

take a look!” She took out her phone and was about to make a call. Rodney had no choice but to open

the door. Amber got out of the car, took a few steps, and suddenly turned back.

She motioned for Rodney to open the car window. Rodney thought that she had something to say, so

he poked his head out. Amber raised his hand and gave him a fierce slap in the face.

“Mu, this is the price you have to pay for forcing me to get in your car today. I also want to tell you that

you will pay for your words today. I swear, you will pay the price!”

His heart ached when he saw her vicious and hateful gaze. Why did the two of them end up like this?

Why did they end up like this?

After experiencing this, Amber was no longer in the mood to wait. Instead, he stopped a taxi and went

to Elliot’s company. When he saw Amber suddenly appear, he was so shocked that he stood up. “Why

are you here!”

“I’m back at work. Mr. Thomson, don’t you welcome me?” Amber tried his best to face Elliot as if

nothing had happened.

“Welcome! How can I not welcome you!” Elliot looked at Amber’s face carefully. He was really

surprised. He naturally knew that Mel was sick. Shouldn’t Amber stay with Mel at this time? Why did he

suddenly come back?

He couldn’t figure it out, so he had to ask, “How’s Mel’s illness?”

“It’s stable now,” Amber answered. He was stunned when he finished. “How do you know that Mel is


“I… I accidentally found out.” Elliot naturally would not reveal that he had been paying attention to

Amber’s movements. He felt a pang of heartache as he looked at Amber’s gaunt face.

“Amber, don’t worry. Medicine is so advanced now. Nothing will happen. Our family has a hospital

abroad. I have ordered it. If we find a suitable bone marrow, it will be reported.”

“Thank you!” Amber didn’t know how to express his gratitude to Elliot. He could only thank him.

“You don’t have to worry about the treatment fee. I’ll help you,” said Elliot.

“Thank you!” Amber could only thank him.

When Walter came in, he was very surprised to see Amber. “You’re back?”

Amber nodded, and Walter sighed. He reached out and patted Amber on the shoulder to comfort him.

“Good people have their own destiny. Everything will be fine. Don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you.”

Seeing that Walter was concerned about Amber and Elliot, he felt uncomfortable. “Say what you want

to say.”

Walter turned his head and said, “Mr. Thomson, the National City Sports Committee has been

established in South City. This time, all the matches are in South City. According to the committee’s

estimation, it requires 88 competitions and training venues. Among them, 38 will be used as resources

for the stadium and 50 will be newly built. The total cost of the whole newly built, transformed, and

repaired stadium will reach 20 billion.”

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Elliot’s expression turned grave. “Is the bidding announcement out?”

“It’s coming out!” Walter put the neatly sorted photo announcement in front of Elliot. Elliot looked at it

carefully and looked excited. “This is another piece of fat?”

Walter nodded. “Indeed, this piece of fat is no less than a company.”

“We must think of a way to take him down.” Elliot rubbed his hands together.

Walter nodded. “But Rodney won’t be idle either. He didn’t make any progress last time, so he

underestimated his opponent. This time, he should go all out. His strength can’t be underestimated.

This mission has a long way to go!”

“What are you afraid of? I like this kind of competition!” Elliot sneered. “It’s meaningless for the

opponent to be too weak. Let’s compete with Rodney again this time and see who can laugh till the


Amber interrupted, “I’m also here for the sports meeting. Mr. Thomson, if you need anything, feel free

to tell me.”

“You just need to let Channing not be partial to Rodney,” Elliot replied. “This time, I must let Mr. Barron

know how powerful I am!”

Elliot immediately called for a team meeting. At the same time, Rodney was also holding a meeting

against the bidding bid. The two companies on both sides were going to have a big fight.

Elliot was not a typical person who had to enjoy his work. In this tense atmosphere, he did not forget to

enjoy the delicious food. He went to the mall with Amber for lunch.

Amber saw Celia and Zoe. This time, she was not accompanied by Rodney. Celia was no longer as

gentle as she was when she ate with Rodney. It should be because the engagement was completed.

Her whole face was full of smiles, and Zoe, who was with her, seemed very rude.

There was food in her mouth and she was talking. Seeing Zoe like that, Amber felt sick. Celia was

noble and elegant, and she had the temperament of a lady. How could she find such a rude woman to

be her friend?

Elliot noticed Amber’s gaze and couldn’t help laughing in a low voice. “Your sister is really good at

setting herself up. But didn’t she think of an old saying when she was looking for such a weirdo to set

her up?”

Amber was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Elliot meant. “Is Celia looking for

Zoe to make friends with me as a foil?” She really didn’t think that she would have such a good

intention. Elliot was too vicious.

“By the way, did you come back in a hurry yesterday to attend your sister’s engagement ceremony?”

Elliot asked again.

“I guess so!” Amber replied flatly. Everything between her and Celia was private. He didn’t want anyone

else to know about it.

Seeing that she obviously didn’t want to talk about this topic, Elliot wisely stopped the topic. At this

moment, Celia’s phone rang. She picked up the phone and answered it. She didn’t know what the other

party was talking about. She just answered in a row, “Don’t worry. Dad has promised that something

like last time won’t happen! You don’t have to worry!”

Elliot and Amber looked at each other. This title reminded them of Rachel. “It won’t happen like last

time. Does it mean something about the sports meetin