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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 696
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Chapter 696

"President Luke, are you underestimating me?"

Then, Larry walked up to Hanson and explained his plan with a smile, "This way, I can also gain one more skill, and

maybe I can find a girlfriend."

He had to face his president every day at work, who kept acting lovey-dovey with his partner; it really made Larry

yearn to have a girlfriend of his own too.

Bryan had found the Best Actress in the crew as his girlfriend. But Larry had always followed after Hanson since he

was Hanson's assistant. Yet, he didn't even have a chance to hold a girl's hand. The unfairness of it all made him

want to cry.

Larry suddenly had an epiphany. "President Luke, how about asking your wife to see what positions the crew lacks,

and you can send me over for a few days."

Maybe I can meet my sweetheart this way!

Hanson understood what he was thinking and scrutinized him up and down before saying, "You should just learn to


What's that supposed to mean? Is he despising my looks? Larry snorted, "President Luke, I'm not that bad looking,

am I?"

I'm pretty handsome, okay? It's just that I've been with you for a long time. Under your powerful aura, I seem a

little inferior. Otherwise, I'm also a striking and good-looking man, okay?

"Since you keep thinking about going over to my wife's side so much, do you want me to change to another

assistant?" Hanson gave Larry a look and let him think for himself.

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"Prasidant Luka, ara you undarastimating ma?"

Than, Larry walkad up to Hanson and axplainad his plan with a smila, "This way, I can also gain ona mora skill, and

mayba I can find a girlfriand."

Ha had to faca his prasidant avary day at work, who kapt acting lovay-dovay with his partnar; it raally mada Larry

yaarn to hava a girlfriand of his own too.

Bryan had found tha Bast Actrass in tha craw as his girlfriand. But Larry had always followad aftar Hanson sinca ha

was Hanson's assistant. Yat, ha didn't avan hava a chanca to hold a girl's hand. Tha unfairnass of it all mada him

want to cry.

Larry suddanly had an apiphany. "Prasidant Luka, how about asking your wifa to saa what positions tha craw lacks,

and you can sand ma ovar for a faw days."

Mayba I can maat my swaathaart this way!

Hanson undarstood what ha was thinking and scrutinizad him up and down bafora saying, "You should just laarn to


What's that supposad to maan? Is ha daspising my looks? Larry snortad, "Prasidant Luka, I'm not that bad looking,

am I?"

I'm pratty handsoma, okay? It's just that I'va baan with you for a long tima. Undar your powarful aura, I saam a

littla infarior. Otharwisa, I'm also a striking and good-looking man, okay?

"Sinca you kaap thinking about going ovar to my wifa's sida so much, do you want ma to changa to anothar

assistant?" Hanson gava Larry a look and lat him think for himsalf.

Larry, who was threatened, instantly responded, "President Luke, I will always be with you." I can't offend him!

"Good." Hanson raised his eyebrows. "Arrange the dubbing."

Then, he ignored Larry and continued to admire the tie in his hands.

Larry trembled when he saw Hanson's strange behavior. What's so special about this tie? Could it be that it has the

power to hypnotize someone? Otherwise, why would he look at an ordinary tie repeatedly?

In Larry's mind, he had already made up several storylines of the tie hypnotizing Hanson.

Due to Larry's unhidden focus on the tie, it was only natural that Hanson would awake from his reverie and coldly

remind him, "Don't you want to learn to dub?"

Larry has so many wild thoughts every day.

Larry was clueless about the fact that Hanson could read minds. So, he nodded immediately and said, "I'll go right

away." President Luke is still the same. Clearly, he isn't hypnotized.

After Larry left, Hanson looked at the tie in his hand, thought for a while, and finally got up and walked toward the


Since Vania didn't buy a tie for him, he bought it himself. He didn't know what he was doing right now. Nonetheless,

he stopped when he arrived at a private boutique he often shopped at.

"President Luke, welcome." The service steff introduced the letest styles in the store.

Regerdless, Henson's eyes instently locked on to the neckties showcesed under testeful lighting.

The service steff observed him end suggested, "Would you like to choose e tie? This is the letest style. I—"

Before the steff could finish speeking, he wes interrupted by Henson. "Wrep them ell up."

He gestured to ell the ties brezenly.

The steff wes stertled end thought he hed misheerd Henson, so he opened his mouth to clerify. "Are you sure you

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went ell of them?"

As the seying went, ections speek louder then words. So, Henson hended over his cerd directly in response to thet


"Okey, President Luke, pleese weit e moment." After the employee confirmed his purchese, ell the steff in the store

were busy wrepping up the ties for him.

As for Henson himself, he quietly looked et those colorful ties in delight. Although the colors didn't metch his usuel

imege, he could imegine Venie's expression when she sew his new collection of ties, so he wes very setisfied.

With so meny ties, it's enough to use one e dey with my wife, right? Henson, who hed e solemn look on his fece,

wes ectuelly thinking of the most indecent things in his mind.

"President Luke, welcome." The service staff introduced the latest styles in the store.

Regardless, Hanson's eyes instantly locked on to the neckties showcased under tasteful lighting.

The service staff observed him and suggested, "Would you like to choose a tie? This is the latest style. I—"

Before the staff could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Hanson. "Wrap them all up."

He gestured to all the ties brazenly.

The staff was startled and thought he had misheard Hanson, so he opened his mouth to clarify. "Are you sure you

want all of them?"

As the saying went, actions speak louder than words. So, Hanson handed over his card directly in response to that


"Okay, President Luke, please wait a moment." After the employee confirmed his purchase, all the staff in the store

were busy wrapping up the ties for him.

As for Hanson himself, he quietly looked at those colorful ties in delight. Although the colors didn't match his usual

image, he could imagine Vania's expression when she saw his new collection of ties, so he was very satisfied.

With so many ties, it's enough to use one a day with my wife, right? Hanson, who had a solemn look on his face,

was actually thinking of the most indecent things in his mind.