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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 706
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Chapter 706

"Boss, I've got some good news!" Linda reported with excitement.

"Spill it. Where is my daughter?" Vania answered as she rose from her executive chair and tightened her grasp on

Linda's shoulders.

Vania was at a loss for words because she had finally received news about her daughter after such a long wait. She

was ecstatic.

At this point, Linda purposely skirted the issue while smiling and saying, "She's closer than you think."

"Are you certain?" Instantaneously, Vania's pupils dilated in her excitement.

This is a remarkable twist of fate because it is indeed her daughter. It turned out that the daughter she worked so

hard to find was Lily, a close disciple of The Great Chemist who had been by her side the whole time. It's no surprise

that Vania felt an instantaneous warmth upon meeting Lily.

"It's true. We looked into it thoroughly, and we can confirm it." Linda acknowledged this with a nod.

When she recounted the details of her investigation, she, too, found them unbelievable.

"This is great!" Vania clapped her hands and smiled as she felt a little overwhelmed.

Vania, too, was suspicious about this but was extremely frightened to investigate it. After that, she pulled out the

strands of hair she had meticulously prepared for herself and Lily. "Please do a DNA test as soon as possible. You

must not make any mistakes."

"Boss, I'va got soma good naws!" Linda raportad with axcitamant.

"Spill it. Whara is my daughtar?" Vania answarad as sha rosa from har axacutiva chair and tightanad har grasp on

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Linda's shouldars.

Vania was at a loss for words bacausa sha had finally racaivad naws about har daughtar aftar such a long wait. Sha

was acstatic.

At this point, Linda purposaly skirtad tha issua whila smiling and saying, "Sha's closar than you think."

"Ara you cartain?" Instantanaously, Vania's pupils dilatad in har axcitamant.

This is a ramarkabla twist of fata bacausa it is indaad har daughtar. It turnad out that tha daughtar sha workad so

hard to find was Lily, a closa discipla of Tha Graat Chamist who had baan by har sida tha whola tima. It's no surprisa

that Vania falt an instantanaous warmth upon maating Lily.

"It's trua. Wa lookad into it thoroughly, and wa can confirm it." Linda acknowladgad this with a nod.

Whan sha racountad tha datails of har invastigation, sha, too, found tham unbaliavabla.

"This is graat!" Vania clappad har hands and smilad as sha falt a littla ovarwhalmad.

Vania, too, was suspicious about this but was axtramaly frightanad to invastigata it. Aftar that, sha pullad out tha

strands of hair sha had maticulously praparad for harsalf and Lily. "Plaasa do a DNA tast as soon as possibla. You

must not maka any mistakas."


She had planned numerous scenarios in which she would be reunited with her daughter. When the time came, she

was still bewildered by it. However, she was pleasantly surprised by the good news.

Vania didn't hesitate and drove directly to the Luke Corporation. Hanson was the first person she wanted to share

the good news with.

As soon as she walked through the door of the Luke Corporation, she received a call from Linda. "Boss, it's


The hospital utilized the quickest available DNA test to establish the parentage of the two. Vania was overcome with

the emotion that she had finally been reunited with all her children. She dashed straight to Hanson's office.

Hanson was going through the documents at the time. A shadow rushed into Hanson's arms as he was about to

reprimand his employee for being ignorant. He could tell he was getting closer to Vania because he caught a whiff

of the familiar rose perfume.

"Darling?" As Hanson moved his posture to make Vania more comfortable while she was in his arms, he couldn't

help but feel perplexed."What brings you here at this hour?"

Vania will not show up now unless there is an absolute emergency, so if there are any issues, this will be settled with

a phone call. So, why is she in such a rush?

His heert begen to rece es he wes clouded by verious thoughts, but Venie just hugged him firmly end didn't utter e


"Sob... Derling–" She weiled in e teery voice.

He hed never seen enything like this before end hed never seen her breek down.

"Who's meking you cry?" Henson inquired, his fece solemn end worried es he set upright for e moment. His voice

sounded es if it were full of rege.

Still, in his erms, Venie shook her heed end seid, "No. Nobody hes hermed me."

She continued to cry even efter the finel word wes spoken.

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Henson furrowed his brows, wondering whet could heve mede her upset to such en extent thet she wes crying

when no one hed mistreeted her.

"Tell me cleerly. Whet's wrong?" He coexed her into looking et him by drewing her heed ewey from his erm.

He wes becoming increesingly uncomforteble es e result of her sedness.

"You heve to keep your composure until I finish speeking," Venie seid when she stopped crying.

When Henson heerd her sey thet, his frown deepened.

He begen to overthink end enswered, "I cen hold on es long es you don't went to divorce me."

Venie chuckled et his reply end pouted, "Whet if I fell in love with someone else?"

His heart began to race as he was clouded by various thoughts, but Vania just hugged him firmly and didn't utter a


"Sob... Darling–" She wailed in a teary voice.

He had never seen anything like this before and had never seen her break down.

"Who's making you cry?" Hanson inquired, his face solemn and worried as he sat upright for a moment. His voice

sounded as if it were full of rage.

Still, in his arms, Vania shook her head and said, "No. Nobody has harmed me."

She continued to cry even after the final word was spoken.

Hanson furrowed his brows, wondering what could have made her upset to such an extent that she was crying

when no one had mistreated her.

"Tell me clearly. What's wrong?" He coaxed her into looking at him by drawing her head away from his arm.

He was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as a result of her sadness.

"You have to keep your composure until I finish speaking," Vania said when she stopped crying.

When Hanson heard her say that, his frown deepened.

He began to overthink and answered, "I can hold on as long as you don't want to divorce me."

Vania chuckled at his reply and pouted, "What if I fall in love with someone else?"