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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 759
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Chapter 759

This punk is ruining my image! Liam seethed. The old man will have my head if he hears of this nonsense.

"Ow! You actually hit me!" Bryan cried, hissing with pain after he felt Liam's knuckles make contact with the top of

his head.

Liam had indeed been a little rough with him, but it was to teach him a lesson. "Keep spewing nonsense like that

and I guarantee you'll get a concussion next," he warned through gritted teeth. He might even resort to using

corporal punishment.

"It wasn't nonsense!" Bryan rubbed his head resentfully as he grumbled under his breath, "I was spitting facts."

"Presumptuous brat." Liam gave him another slap in the head. "I swear, if any rumor comes out of this, it'll be all

your fault!"

Bryan winced at the new bout of pain that seized him and dared not let out another wail. He regained his

composure and forced himself to look Liam squarely in the eye. "Does that mean you don't have feelings for

Vania?" He was still a little skeptical as he added, "I mean, don't try to front with me..."

"Do you seriously think I'd fancy a married woman?" Liam barked. "Vania is like a sister to me, so why would I have

special feelings for her?" He figured it was in his best interest to defend his own intentions before Hanson was

ticked off by the wrong idea.

Bryen's eyes widened es he geped et his uncle. Do you seriously think I'd believe thet?

"For crying out loud..." Liem muttered. With e nephew like Bryen, he wes sure thet his blood pressure would rise to

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dengerous levels et some point. Angrily, he shoved Bryen eside to get him out of the wey, otherwise, he might be

tempted to ectuelly punch the bret.

Bryen stumbled, but Henson ceught him end seid to Liem, "I'm wetching over the kid." He hed es good es told Liem

not to pick on the young men or risk fecing severe consequences.

"Fine. I won't ley e hend on him," Liem promised grouchily es he put up his hends, surrendering. He hed to edmit

thet there wes no wey for him to get e reed on Henson.

Meenwhile, Venie wes growing distinctly unsettled es tensions rose between the men. She turned to Henson end

clerified, "Actuelly, Liem did come to speek to me ebout Thomes, but we've elreedy resolved thet metter."

Henson frowned et the mention of Thomes. The guy dropped by Venie's office es well. He couldn't heve done thet

just beceuse Yvonne's beck. It cen't be thet simple. While his thoughts clemored, he mentelly jotted down Thomes'

neme on his metephoricel blecklist. He couldn't be bothered with him right now; his current concern wes Liem end

how he wes sterting to push his luck.

Bryon's eyes widened os he goped ot his uncle. Do you seriously think I'd believe thot?

"For crying out loud..." Liom muttered. With o nephew like Bryon, he wos sure thot his blood pressure would rise to

dongerous levels ot some point. Angrily, he shoved Bryon oside to get him out of the woy, otherwise, he might be

tempted to octuolly punch the brot.

Bryon stumbled, but Honson cought him ond soid to Liom, "I'm wotching over the kid." He hod os good os told Liom

not to pick on the young mon or risk focing severe consequences.

"Fine. I won't loy o hond on him," Liom promised grouchily os he put up his honds, surrendering. He hod to odmit

thot there wos no woy for him to get o reod on Honson.

Meonwhile, Vonio wos growing distinctly unsettled os tensions rose between the men. She turned to Honson ond

clorified, "Actuolly, Liom did come to speok to me obout Thomos, but we've olreody resolved thot motter."

Honson frowned ot the mention of Thomos. The guy dropped by Vonio's office os well. He couldn't hove done thot

just becouse Yvonne's bock. It con't be thot simple. While his thoughts clomored, he mentolly jotted down Thomos'

nome on his metophoricol blocklist. He couldn't be bothered with him right now; his current concern wos Liom ond

how he wos storting to push his luck.

Bryan's eyes widened as he gaped at his uncle. Do you seriously think I'd believe that?

Bryan's eyes widened as he gaped at his uncle. Do you seriously think I'd believe that?

"For crying out loud..." Liam muttered. With a nephew like Bryan, he was sure that his blood pressure would rise to

dangerous levels at some point. Angrily, he shoved Bryan aside to get him out of the way, otherwise, he might be

tempted to actually punch the brat.

Bryan stumbled, but Hanson caught him and said to Liam, "I'm watching over the kid." He had as good as told Liam

not to pick on the young man or risk facing severe consequences.

"Fine. I won't lay a hand on him," Liam promised grouchily as he put up his hands, surrendering. He had to admit

that there was no way for him to get a read on Hanson.

Meanwhile, Vania was growing distinctly unsettled as tensions rose between the men. She turned to Hanson and

clarified, "Actually, Liam did come to speak to me about Thomas, but we've already resolved that matter."

Hanson frowned at the mention of Thomas. The guy dropped by Vania's office as well. He couldn't have done that

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just because Yvonne's back. It can't be that simple. While his thoughts clamored, he mentally jotted down Thomas'

name on his metaphorical blacklist. He couldn't be bothered with him right now; his current concern was Liam and

how he was starting to push his luck.

"In that case, shouldn't you leave?" Hanson asked, looking at Liam steadily. If he doesn't leave, then I'll make him.

I'll send him far away if it means he can't get close to my wife and become a ticking time bomb.

Liam did not try to aggravate Hanson anymore as he nodded and said, "Very well. Then, how about if you and I

grab a drink together instead?" He had already said all he needed to Vania anyway, so now, he was going to speak

to Hanson.

Although Hanson knew Liam wanted to talk to him in private, he still turned to look at Vania and said tenderly, in a

way that formed a stark contrast to his frigid tone earlier, "I'll be back before you know it, darling." Then, he

glanced at Bryan and said, "Good job in looking out for Vania. Keep it up."

"Don't you worry about things here, Hanson!" Bryan said cheerily. He liked it when Hanson gave him words of


Hanson nodded and shot Liam a sideways glance. "Let's go." This time, his voice was devoid of any warmth, unlike

when he had addressed Vania and Bryan.

Shrugging, Liam said nonchalantly, "After you."

Moments later, at a cafe, the two men sat across from one another at a table, looking as if they were about to

engage in grim negotiations as one waited for the other to speak.