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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 468
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Chapter 468

Bertha latened intently, and it all clicked into place.

Elvira was a household name among the elite of Elmsworth, and her reputation as a psychic had even

drawn the wealthy from afar to have their fortunes told.

But beneath her glamorous facade, Elvira’s hands were dirty with all manner of sordid dealings. Money

talked, and for the right price, she’d play matchmaker for the rich and powerful without batting an


get what you’re saying. Dad’s always been superstitious, forever running to some medium or another

for a reading. So, I set it up. I introduce Elvira to Dad, he’s bound to be keen on meeting her

Bertha’s mind whirred with schemes. “Then, behind the scenes, I’ll grease Elvira’s palm, have her spin

a tale that you and the Ashbourne heiress are a match made in heaven, that she’s got her sights set on

you and it be a boon for the Chambers Group.

On the flip side, if the Ashbourne gal ends up with our youngest brother, it’ll spell disaster for the

Chambers clan, Dad’s an old superstitious fool. Once he hears it, he won’t think twice about the

youngest and will move heaven and earth to unite you with the Ashbourne estate,”

“That would be perfect! Thanks so much, Bertha Byron said, gripping his sister’s hand with fervent


“Byron, we’re cut from the same cloth, raised together since we were knee–high to a grasshopper.

Mom passed early, and Dad remarried that wen who cuckolds him at every turn, not to mention that

hall–brother of ours eyeing our inheritance. We’ve got to stick together. If I’m not on your side, then

whose side am I on?” Bertha spoke from the heart.

As a married woman, with a husband embroiled in political warfare, she barely kept afloat. She often

had to dip into her own savings to help him maneuver in the shadows, all while maintaining her facade

as a lady of high society.

If Avery’s influence continued to grow, she’d lose even the last shred of dignity within the Chambers


When the time came to divide the inheritance, her brothers would take care of her. The youngest? He’d

be lucky not to bury her. So she was dead set on helping Byron to the end.

“But remember, we’re not living in the dark ages anymore. Parents can’t call all the shots.”

Byron rolled a cigar between his fingers, his gaze clouded with concern. Tve heard that Nydia and

Evadne’s secretary are thick as thieves, and Evadine’s all for them being together. You know what kind

of pull Evadne has. She’s the apple of Chairman Emeric’s eye and has Thaddeus’s backing. She’s bold

enough to lock horns with the Fairhavens in public. If she decides to stand in our way, getting Nydia to

the altar might hit a smag.”

Asly smile flickered across Bertha’s face as a dark idea took root. “Byron, the solution is simple. We

just need to play a little rough.” “What do you mean?”

“Make a binding commitment,” she said with a sinister undertone

Byron was takensback!

Although he was no stranger to conquests, Nydia was the precious flower of the Ashbourne family, not

one to be tried with lightly

“If we involve Elvira, it’s not a surefire win. Even if Dad agrees, Chairman Emeric might not. So instead

of hanging in suspense, why not just secure the girl, force Emeric’s hand to marry her to you, and leave

Evadne with no room to intervene? Meaning, even if you can’t have her heart, you’ve got to claim her

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Byron, struck by the ides, nodded fiercely. “You’re right.”

With their plot set, the siblings clinked glasses and popped open a bottle of champagne.

Unbeknownst to them, a small listening device under the table blinked its red light ominous!

At the other end of the listening device–The Velvet Haven.

Avery lounged elegantly on a lavish vintage sofa, his delicate yet ambiguous features as enigmatic as a

noble vampire. He swirled the red wine in his glass, listening intently to the Chambers‘ siblings‘

conspiracy. The more he heard, the more he wanted to laugh

“Look at my dear brother and sister, aren’t they quite the comedic duo? Mere jesters, nothing more.”

“You’re so magnanimous, sir. They’re plotting against you, and you’re not the least bit angry.” Harvey,

by his side, was both incensed and bewildered. “Why should I be angry? Their actions are playing right

into my hands.”

Avery raised his gliss, peering into the blood–red liquid with a chilling smile. I’m not just unbothered. I’ll

even lend my dear brother a hand, Consider it my wedding gift to him and Ms. Nydia”

Thanks to Bertha’s machinations, Jeff had a successful meeting with Elvira.

And Elvira, following Bertha’s script to the letter, fed Mr. deff a line so convincing that he had no choice

but to believe.

Deep down, what Jeff wanted more than anything was for Byron to unite with the Ashbourne family.

After all, that was his favorite son, and any benefit that came his way was a priori considered for Byron

Even though Avery had been making overtures, doing everything to please him, he couldn’t replace

Byron’s place in his heart, not after a fifteen–year absence.

But, Emeric was a man of immense pride. Even if Nydia wasn’t the daughter of his beloved wife,

woman to his disabled sont

how could he possibly m

marry off such a radiant young

So el filed the matter away, waiting for the right opportunity to broach the subject once more, however

slim the chances. Time dew by, and soon the anticipated weekend arrived.

The news that the J Group’s William and his son were making their first visit to Elmsworth and hosting

a top–tier business dinner spread like wildfire among high society and the media citywide.

Tonight, an exotic–style castle resort on the outskirts of Elmsworth was booked out entirely by William

and his son. The exterior was abuzz with excitement, luxury cars lined up like pearls, while inside,

everything was orderly and untouched by the swarming media.

The security level and privacy at the event were off the charts.

One by one, the scions of the four major families arrived, all covertly slipping through a temporary

passage to avoid the prying eyes of the media. Even the typically ostentatious Fairhavens kept a low

profile this time, not eager to flaunt their presence.

After all, the scandal at the racing club was still a fresh wound on the interner’s collective memory, and

they weren’t keen on ripping off the scab “Grandpa, do you really think Mr. Frederic will announce my

engagement to Thad at the dinner tonight?” Edith purred from her nestled spot in Barry’s arms, her

brow furrowed with worry. “Can Mr. Frederic actually convince Thad? He’s so stubborn, and I can’t help

but worry.”

“Convince him? Do you think Thad has the right to refuse? Not unless he wants to kiss his position at

the Abernathy Group goodbye, along with the CEO

Barry exhaled heavily, his weathered face clouding over. Tve settled things with Mr. Frederic, and he’s

quite pleased with the match. With the wedding gift I’ve arranged for you, not to mention the leverage

our family holds, he has no reason to decline!”

“But, Grandpa Hamilton has always favored Evadne over his own granddaughters. If he doesn’t agree.

‘How long do you think Hamilton can pull the strings? Right now, the Abernathy Group is Mr. Frederic’s


Barry couldn’t help but sneer, Mr. Frederic made his stance crystal clear; he won’t let someone like

Evadine, who’s been manipulating his son and disrupting the peace, set foot in the Abernathy family.

That Ashboume girl has outsmarted herself! Don’t worry, Edith She won’t block your path into the

Abernathys any longer”

“If that’s the case, then that’s wonderful! Thank you, Grandpar Edith’s face it up with excitement as she

resumed her endearing coquetry.

She had planned to deliver a crushing blow to Evadne during tonight’s vital gathering, in front of both

families, and especially in front of William and his son to completely disgrace the Ashbournes.

But if Barry had already sealed the deal with Frederic, her path was clear

Tonight, she would spare Evadne.

Another day, she would find the perfect opportunity to shatter that tramp’s dignity and ensure no man

would ever desire her again.

Inside the banquet hall, the music was enchanting.

The air shimmered with the fragrance of flowers and the glitter of high society.

Thaddeus arrived not with his family but alongside Jareth, as if to avoid any insinuation of partiality.

Thaddeus and Jareth made a dazzling entrance, capturing the attention and hearts of many

With no lady on Mr. Thaddeus’s arm, the women dared not covet, well aware that he was spoken for

and knowing better than to make fools of themselves.

Who would dare compete with the Ashbourne heiress for a man? And truly who could?

However, the gaze these ladies cast upon Jareth was starkly different, a blend of desperate longing

and predatory hunger.

Jareth and Marilla’s relationship had been publicly acknowledged only once, at the racing club, leaving

the vast majority oblivious. Thus, Jareth remained the ultimate fantasy for the women of Elmsworth,

But for Jareth, these flaunting females held no allure next to Thaddeus, his trusted companion

“Why did you leave Marita alone at home?” Thaddeus asked with a cool glance.

Jareth, exasperated, retorted, “Do I need to become a eunuch before you see me in a new light?”

Thaddeus looked away. “Time will tel

“Damn it, I went to this party last night, and the women swooped in like vultures the moment they heard

I needed a date. I nearly lost it if they weren’t women, believe me, they’d live been flat on the floor!”

Jareth huffed, his thoughts drifting back to his dating wife at home, “Marilla hates these kinds of events.

She gets anxious and uncomfortable. Honestly. I didn’t want to come either, but duty calls. I’ve taken

my uncle’s place, helping Grandpa manage the Fairhaven Group. So, I had to show up tonight:

Thaddeus’s lips curved slightly, “A toast to your ascent.”


“Congratulations in advance, Mr. Fairhaven

Jareth from, a complex joy rising in his heart at the sound of that title.

Before, he had always been “Mr. Jareth to those in the Fakhaven Group and beyond, never quite

reaching the heart of power.

He had braced for a long battle, never expecting victory to come so swiftly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Hey, it’s not official yet, just interim, Jareth demurred, though his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

“You’re Barry’s only grandson it’s right and inevitable for him to groom you, Thaddeus affirmed,

clapping a supportive hand on his shoulder. “I’m truly happy for you, Jareth. Now that you’re moving up,

it’s time to divest from those gray area businesses. At the very least, keep your public profile clean. It’ll

affect how you’re perceived in the Fairhaven Group and by the public. Also, I don’t want Marilla living in

constant worry for you. You better straighten up you hear?

moment, Thaddeus was more tha

raking with the depth

Jareth’s throat tightened, his eyes glistening with unshed tears Dammit, you’re about to make me cry”

Truth be told, he had thought the same thing himself.

He was determined to seize the opportunities ahead, to carve out a future for Marilla that would make

The folks from the K Group are here!

Someone bellowed through the room, and Thaddeus tensed up as if struck by lightning His posture,

usually as relaxed

straight. His heart, calm just moments before, now pounded against his chest

He took a deep breath, straightened his bow tie, and gazed towards the banquet hall doors with a look

of unwavering affection

Jareth snickered at his side, covering his mouth

Anyone who didn’t know better would think Thad was standing at his wedding swarting finde

Moments later, Emeric and Cassius strolled into the banquet hall grace in the steps Trating behind

them were two stunning beauties. E vadne Nydia

One was a red rose, breathtaking and soul capturing, the other a white rose, pure and enchanting

All eyes, particularly those of the men were drawn to the sisterly dus, rendering the then ladies present

hitting but garish imitations

‘No doubt about it, the belle of the ball tonight is stil the Ashbourne family’s eldest” com

“The one beside her, isn’t that Charman Emerics

known daughter) The un

“That must be her She’s quite a catch tos, standing neittu | vadne without Being merrshadis

“Man, to marry a pair like that, youd wake up from

“Marry one and your ancestors would be celebrating but two) Keep divatung buddy in pour duara pull

tæer a harr End of your

The men let their imaginatione tun

Thaddeus’s eyes darkened, has fets elenched tight, a surge

Hey take easy bro, Jareth nudged

cruder the words, the more d mu

“You’d be so forgiving if it were Malta,

“UhJaneth was at a loss

Thaddeus took a deep breath,

As if by some telepathic connection, Evad

endearing wirk

Thaddeus swallowed hard, fering le

Just then, two figures steppe

“Chairman Emeric’s a pleasure to see you agan implication, towards Evadne “And your lovely


sred. His eryen