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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

hapter 449
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Chapter 449

Under the watchful gaze of the crowd, Gary’s discomfort was palpable, his face flushed with discomfort.

“Evadne! You’re alright, thank God!‘ Myra’s voice quivered with tears, her relief overwhelming.

Emeric, now indifferent to the importance of the business deal at hand, sighed with relief as he saw

Evadne unharmed. The usually unflappable tycoon, whose demeanor had always been as solid as a

rock, now had his suit soaked through with cold sweat.

His eyes found Thaddeus, who had remained steadfast by his daughter’s side. In his tender gaze,

there was only room for Evadne. As the president of the Abernathy Group, his every move was

scrutinized. A false step could lead to scandal, even ruin, yet he seemed not to care. It was as if he

could live without the crown, but not without Evadne.

In a moment of reverie, Emeric thought of Evadne’s biological mother. He too had once knelt before his

father, willing to forsake wealth and power, just to keep the woman he loved by his side.

Eventually, he married again and again. People labeled Emeric a playboy, heartless and unfaithful.

Rumors even circulated that Mrs. Ashbourne had died of a broken heart, unable to bear her husband’s


No one could see through his thoughts, not even his children. But it didn’t matter. He knew she

understood and that was enough. “Ms. Ashbourne, am I wrong?” Gary asked with a smirk, a sinister

gleam in his eye.

“You’re right. But the problem is, those poor creatures never met me.”

Evadne’s eyes shone brightly, and despite her injuries, her confident smile was undiminished, radiant

and captivating, “With my healing hands, I can bring a dying horse back to life.”

The crowd exchanged glances, marveling. Anyone else boasting so might be dismissed as full of hot

air. But Evadne had a charm about her, her arrogance didn’t repel but intrigued people, making them

wonder what surprises she might bring.

Ford cocked his head, looking at Evadne with an amused expression.

“Well, the sky’s the limit for some, eh? That’s quite the tall tale.”

Glynnis crossed her arms and sneered, thinking herself cool when in fact, she looked twisted and sick,

“You killed the horse yourself, and now you’re spinning this yarn to deceive Mr. William Morris and Mr.

Ford Morris, aren’t you?”

Edith cackled from behind her grandfather. Evadne nearly broke herself, and that million–dollar horse

was done for. In the end, her Ashbourne Group project was gone, and she’s scorned by William, his

son, and all of Elmsworth – a total loss! Serves she right!

“Evadne has set Wind’s leg right.”

Thaddeus‘ eyes shone with a fierce light that startled Glynnis into a shiver, “Not only that, but Dr.

Chasel Bright from the Bright family sent over their biopharmaceutical company’s latest anti–

inflammatory drug. It’s effective on humans and shows remarkable results on animals like horses as

well. So, the infection from Wind’s cut didn’t spread, and his life was saved.”

Cassius allowed himself a small smirk, recalling the tall figure in a white coat and the gentle gaze that


Meanwhile, Chasel was at home, furiously tapping on his phone screen, his display picture was none

other than Cassius‘ handsome face.

“Damn it! He never calls me unless he needs something. I wanted to be the one who attracts him most

not someone who he would only contact when it’s needed!”

The crowd was stunned, their incredulous eyes turned to Evadne.

“Mr. Abernathy, you mean Evadne fixed the horse’s leg? A horse’s leg can be reattached?!” Jeff’s eyes

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bulged in disbelief.

“Of course, Mr. Chambers. Have you forgotten that Evadne has another identity?”

Jareth’s eyes twinkled as he revealed the secret, “Evadne is the renowned ‘Dr. Eve‘, worshippe

clueless, but surely you knew, right?”

Evadne internally rolled her eyes. Why don’t you say I’m immortal and ruler of all, huh?!

ds! Everyone else might be..

“Ah, yes, of course!”

Jeff recalled how Evadne had operated on his son Byron’s broken leg after a car accident. He smacked

his forehead, excitedly exclaiming, “That’s right! Evadne is Dr. Eve! She’s a savior to the Chambers

family! How could I have forgotten? With Dr. Eve, no bone is beyond repair. Even shattered into pieces,

to our miracle doctor, it’s as simple as piecing together a puzzle!”

Evadne sighed, feeling the conversation growing more absurd by the minute.

That was also why she disliked revealing her identity. Being constantly discussed was tiresome; she

wanted to work without fuss, with no desire for exposure, let alone the onslaught of power and fame

that came with it.

“Ms. Ashbourne is Dr. Eve?” William’s eyes narrowed. The reputation of Dr. Eve was well–known; how

could he be ignorant of it?

“Mr. William Morris.”

Evadne approached William and bowed, her attitude sincere and respectful, “Though Wind’s injury was

present before leaving the stable, I failed to detect it in time. Pushing him too hard, I worsened his

wound and bear inescapable responsibility. Even though I’ve set his leg, sadly, as a racehorse, he will

riever run carefree again.”

Her voice broke, choked by emotion.

Thaddeus felt his heart clench as Evadne bowed, knowing how much her own wounds must hurt.

But he understood that the pain in her body was nothing compared to the agony in her heart.

“Now what’s the point in bringing all this up, Ms. Ashbourne? The tragedy of Wind, isn’t it all because of

your relentless competitiveness?”

Glynnis scoffed, shaking her head with a sardonic cluck, “A racehorse, never to run on the tracks

again. That’s even more painful than putting it down.”

“You’re the daughter of the Abernathy family. You ought to watch your words,” Frederic reprimanded

with a cold, sidelong glance.

Glynnis pursed her lips tightly, forced to swallow the rest of her remark.

“Ms. Ashbourne, you said Wind was injured before the race. How did that happen?”

Ford, seizing the crucial moment, asked the pivotal question! Everyone else’s curiosity spiked. Glynnis

turned her gaze toward Edith at this juncture.

Edith, though feigning calm on the surface, was secretly clenching her fists, her heart quivering with


Thaddeus wasn’t hasty to answer Ford; instead, ignoring the stares from the crowd, he walked over

and wrapped his strong arms around Evadne’s trembling waist, gently helping her to stand.

The woman’s cheeks were pale, her forehead beaded with a thin layer of sweat from the pain. The

once fearless lady, now in the arms of a man, turned into a delicate kitten, her eyes brimming with

tears, even her breaths sweetly scented.

Thaddeus‘ breathing was heated, his eyes intense, the redness of his ear tips betraying his emotions.

Ford, witnessing this, frowned with displeasure.

Just then, Avery approached with a heavy step. He caught sight of the scene, his heart wrenching as if

pierced by a thousand arrows, the successive blows feeling like they were shattering his soul.

Avery suddenly gripped the rail, his left hand curling into a fist with force, his right hand trembling as he

pressed it to his chest.

It hurt so much. Why did it hurt so terribly, as if he were dying.

“Mr. Avery Chambers! Are you alright? Are you feeling unwell?!”

Harvey, pale with fright, moved to support him but was harshly shoved away, “Get off me! Don’t touch


“Yes.” Harvey retreated, his gaze filled with resentment as he looked at Thaddeus and Evadne’s


No matter how Avery treated him, he would never resent him. He would only hate Thadessus, hate him

for leading Mr. Chambers‘ heartbreak, hate him for destroying the happiness that had come so hard to

Mr. Chambers!

“The injury on Wind’s left inner thigh was deliberate – a narrow, strategically placed and deep cut.”

Evadne caught her breath, her eyes misting with anger, “Our K Group’s horses are worth millions, with

specialists assigned for their daily care. Especially with Wind set to race, our trainers would be even

more vigilant. Yet someone with ill intent still managed to sneak into the stables and harm Wind!”

The crowd was stunned, but only Edith was staring venomously at Evadne. That cut should have been

on this vixen’s face, not just the horse’s leg!

“Ms. Ashbourne’s analysis is sound. The Chambers Group’s racetracks are quite professional, staffed

with our own trusted and skilled people. Without a premeditated act, such accidents would be


The incident happened inside the Chambers Group’s racetrack, which left Matthew no choice but to

find ways to avoid any blowback on the family business. He supported Evadne’s statement, “This thing

must be thoroughly investigated, and the culprit brought to justice.”

“My son is right; that vile act injured the horse and nearly cost Evadne her life! We can’t just let it go!”

Jeff agreed earnestly, nodding with a grave expression.

“Exactly, it’s no different from attempted murder! If you ask me, once we catch the culprit, they deserve

the death penalty!” Bertha was equally indignant.

At the word “death penalty,” Edith felt her heart lurch. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay


What was there to fear? Evadne wasn’t dead, after all! She wouldn’t be intimidated so easily.

“Mr. Matthew Chambers has made a point that awakened me to something.”

Evadne lifted her eyes thoughtfully then raised her voice, “One thing is certain; the person who harmed

Wind must be someone from


inside the stables. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re from the Chambers Group, but it does

suggest that at the very least, this person had access to the inner areas.”

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Edith’s heart was in her throat; she was so nervous she felt nauseous.

“Given that, we can rule out the esteemed guests here today. They wouldn’t be wandering into the

stables; too conspicuous. Excluding the staff arranged by the Chambers Group, only the trainers and

jockeys brought in by various owners, as well as trusted aides by your sides, would have the

opportunity to get near the stables,” Evadne said sharply, narrowing the suspects to a minimum.

“If that’s the case, Cassius,” Emeric paused, calling his eldest.

“Yes, dad,” Cassius stepped forward with composure.

“Follow Evadne’s lead, investigate everyone connected to the stables, and their entourage. No one is

exempt,” Emeric commanded with his teeth tightly clenched, his broad shoulders trembling slightly. It

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was clear; he was furious at the end of his patience.

“I was thinking the same,” Cassius nodded gravely.

Emeric then looked at his old friend, “Jeff, for Matthew is the president of the Chambers Group, it will

be easier for him to act. Would you mind if he assists Cassius in the investigation?”

“Cut the formalities! When Evadne is in trouble, how can we sit back and do nothing? Matthew, give Mr.

Emeric Ashbourne your full support; we must get to the bottom of this and vindicate Evadne!” Jeff was

stern, appreciative in his heart.

With such a serious incident, it would normally warrant a police report. Emeric was opting for a private

resolution, considering the decades of friendship.

If they called the cops, it’d be a media circus. A scandal at the prestigious Chambers Equestrian

Center, and the victim being none other than a daughter of the illustrious Ashbourne family- that was a

taint for the Chambers Group’s reputation.

“Understood, I’ll do everything in my power to assist President Ashbourne.”

As soon as Matthew’s words hung in the air, Thaddeus’s expression turned to ice, his thin lips parting,

“No need to trouble yourselves, gentlemen. I’ve already caught the culprit.”

The crowd gasped in shock.

Evadne’s gaze was fixed on the man, her beautiful eyes wide with disbelief and astonishment.

“Gordon, bring the person up.”:

The next moment, a patter of disheveled footsteps approached.

Led by Gordon and two other bodyguards, Duke staggered forward, an abject sight covered in filth and



Everyone in the Fairhaven family, except Jareth, were dumbstruck! As for Edith, her complexion had

turned ghostly pale, and she stumbled backward with a shiver.

One hour earlier, in a patio of the equestrian center, Jareth had called Thaddeus over.

“Edith?” The man’s brows shot up in inquiry.

“If she isn’t involved, I’ll screw my head off and use it as your footstool!” Jareth’s fingers trembled with

rage around his cigarette.

“You needn’t make such promises; my place is well–stocked with furniture.”

Thaddeus also accepted a cigarette from him, hesitated, and then just held it without lighting, “Edith is

one of your Fairhaven family. I’ll give you the chance to handle this. But if you want me to step in, I fear

you might not stomach my methods.”

“I keep thinking she’s involved, or she knows something.”

Jareth clung to a last sliver of hope for the sister he had watched grow up, now plagued by self–doubt,

“Thad, I’ve got no solid proof. I feel she must know; she hates seeing Evadne with you and has motive

enough to act. But without evidence, I can’t just accuse her.”

“Ever noticed how love’s made you long–winded?” Thaddeus shot him a cool glance.

Jareth paused, and then sighed in resignation, “I overthink now, not as carefree or arbitrary as I used to

be. There’s Marilla now, a reason to worry.”

Thaddeus pinched the cigarette lighter, silent, yet understanding.

“Also, I can help you look into this quietly, but.”

“I get it. Edith’s the apple of Mr. Barry’s eye, and with your relationship with Marilla just going public,

you need his support. This isn’t the time to rock the boat or blindside him.”

Jareth nodded vigorously, a look of ‘you get me‘ gratitude on his face. The corner of Thaddeus’s mouth

curved slightly, his hand heavy on Jareth’s shoulder, “I’m willing to be the bad guy, and I hope that

when I act, the innocent won’t suffer. What I want to see is that the

wicked will grind each other down.”