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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 738 Side Story: Efforts in Pursuing Her 20
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"So, you're saying this marriage certificate is real?" At this point, Yelena still found the whole thing hard to believe and felt like
she was living in a dream. Holding the marriage certificate in her hands, she even felt a bit uncomfortable.
Hank furrowed his brow, a hint of impatience in his voice. "Do you really want me to dig up the registration information?"
With things having reached this point, she finally conceded. "So, you mean we're actually married now?"
Hank nodded. "That's pretty much the case. So, you should come back with me to the Damazio Residence."
For some reason, this whole marriage process wasn't quite how Yelena had imagined it would go. Firstly, it was far from the
dream wedding she had in mind ever since she was a child. Secondly, the process of simply obtaining a marriage certificate like
that felt too rushed and unceremonious.
Plus, she hadn't forgiven him yet! Why should she just go along with being with him?
With these thoughts swirling in her mind, a multitude of grievances began to surface within Yelena. She shook her head and
firmly stated, "No, I don't want to live with you now."
"You don't have a choice. You have to live with me now," came Hank's resolute response.
After hearing his forceful tone, Yelena felt like she was on the verge of tears. "Nobody gets married so hastily like this."
A hint of a pitiful, teary tone crept into Yelena's voice as she continued, "Besides, you haven't told me anything..."
One of Hank's least favorite things was to see her cry. At her words, he realized that he might have come on a bit too strong
"Okay, okay, don't cry," Hank walked around to face her and gently wiped away her tears with his fingers. "Tell me, what's wrong?
Why the sudden change of heart? Weren't things fine just a moment ago?"
Yelena began to speak quickly, her words coming out in a torrent. "You want me to marry you, but why is there no proper

wedding? Besides, you didn't even ask for my opinion. There wasn't even a proposal. I'm definitely not marrying you like this!"
Hank couldn't hold back a chuckle upon hearing these reasons. Even Freya beside them couldn't suppress her smile. She
secretly thought this girl was quite adorable.
"So, you're hesitating about being with me because of these reasons?"

"So, you're saying this marriage certificate is real?" At this point, Yelena still found the whole thing hard to believe and felt like
she was living in a dream. Holding the marriage certificate in her hands, she even felt a bit uncomfortable.
"Yeah. Why else?"
With that, Hank finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, in that case, rest assured. Whether it's the proposal or the wedding
ceremony, I'll make sure to make up for it."
Freya chimed in to reassure Yelena as well. "Don't worry, dear. My nephew is great in every way, and he's certainly more
attentive to these details you care about than you think."
Having received the answers she wanted, Yelena realized she didn't have much ground to continue causing a fuss.
"Alright then, I'll go back with you."
Hank's execution was simply shocking. Yelena stayed at home, not needing to do anything, as he single-handedly took care of
all the preparations. He had scheduled the wedding for a week later. Upon learning this news, Yelena was left speechless in
shock. Just when she was still processing everything, Hank, using the occasion of Yelena's twenty-sixth birthday, proposed in
front of all their friends during the birthday party.
The proposal was grand and unforgettable. Yelena was quite satisfied with it, and she was so elated that she couldn't sleep for
several days.
Time flew by quickly, and soon it was the day of their wedding. At the ceremony, she gazed at the man she had been eagerly
waiting for as he walked toward her. It would be a lie to say she wasn't excited. Hank reached her side, and their eyes met in an
affectionate gaze.

Yelena was so lost in the moment that she could hardly hear the priest's voice anymore. She could only stare at the person
before her. His lips were moving gently and his expression was tender as he conveyed his vows.
"Do you promise to love her, care for her, and respect her through thick and thin, in good times and bad, and to remain faithful to
her for the rest of your life, Mr. Damazio?"
Hank didn't hesitate as he answered from the bottom of his heart, "I do."
"Do you promise to love him, care for him, and respect him through thick and thin, in good times and bad, and to remain faithful
to him for the rest of your life, Miss Sullivan?"

Yelena was about to open her mouth to answer with an enthusiastic 'I do' when suddenly, a voice from the audience interrupted
with a clear, "Wait a moment."
It wasn't loud, but it was enough to make the priest turn his head.
The priest hadn't expected an interruption at a wedding like this, and his expression shifted slightly. "Sir, may I ask if you have
something to say? However, this is a wedding ceremony, and we are exchanging vows. If you have anything to say, I suggest
you wait until after the ceremony."
The priest was being diplomatic. What he wanted to say was, "This is a wedding. Please don't disrupt it and wait until it's over to
However, the man in the audience, Federick, paid no heed to that. He smiled and walked up onto the stage, standing beside
Hank. A collective gasp rippled through the audience.
Could they be fighting for the bride?
Yelena hadn't expected him to suddenly appear. After all, for so many days, Federick hadn't contacted her at all. She almost
thought he had forgotten about her.

"I certainly don't have any objections or intentions to stop your marriage," Federick began, looking at Yelena, who nodded in a
daze. "I just want to sincerely ask you a question. Do you truly no longer care about what happened before?"
Yelena knew exactly what he was referring to. That night when she had had a little too much to drink, she had unconsciously
shared all those things with him. So, when Federick asked the question, she wasn't surprised at all.
Yelena smiled gently. "Federick, don't worry. Since I haven't resisted marrying him, it means I've accepted all this."
Federick didn't say anything else; he simply nodded and turned to Hank with a smile. "Well then, you better treat her well. If you
ever treat her badly, I'll be ready to take her away at any time."
He deliberately lowered his voice, making sure only Hank could hear.
Hank didn't say anything and just nodded.
Soon enough, Federick laughed heartily, claiming he had had a bit too much to drink and didn't understand the protocol.
However, everyone knew that Federick had been abstaining from alcohol and drinking tea instead. His 'drunkenness' was
probably just a cover for some undisclosed secret.
But that matter needn't be brought up again. On a day of great joy, any minor mishap was as trivial as sand.
With this, Yelena breathed a sigh of relief and beamed at Hank.
"I do."
Above the church, a white dove soared by, its call resonating through the heavens. .