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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1305
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The secret chambers interior was spacious and it housed both bodyguards and the apprehended culprit.

In the surveillance footage, Blood Rose was immobilized and hung her head, barely clinging to life. Her body bore the marks of numerous wounds as evidence of her torment.

“What brings you here?” George heard Eugene's inquiry, so he shifted his gaze away from the surveillance monitor. He calmly replied, “Olivia asked me to bring something for Blood Rose.” Then, he took a seat on the opposite couch.

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Eugene couldn't help but be curious. “What is it?" George retrieved a small vial from his pocket and placed it on the table. “It's called Tickle Powder. Olivia developed it. She says that the itching becomes unbearable once it touches the skin.” Eugene chuckled with joy and delight on his face. His voice filled with fondness. “When did she develop this?”

George observed him, seeming somewhat reluctant yet determined about something. “Why didn't you let Olivia come here?” Eugene lifted his gaze and looked at George. “Why should | let her come? It's not something pleasant to witness.” George answered, “Olivia mentioned that without personally delivering punishment, she feels like she hasn't truly avenged herself.” Eugene laughed, his eyes shining bright like starlight. “She told me the same, but | no longer want her to be exposed to this bloodshed and darkness, as it was my mistake in the past.

From now on, | want her to live under the sunlight, where she can perceive the beauty of life.” Indeed... George finally appeared to give up as he realized that Eugene genuinely held such sentiments. Regardless of the external storms of blood and violence, Eugene solely desired to shield her within the tranquil sky he had constructed.

He admitted that his profound love couldnt compare to that.

His junior wasn't as fragile as she seemed in his heart. They were comrades-in-arms who had fought together and witnessed countless scenes of brutality.

Although he would feel pained seeing her hurt or sorrowful, he had never contemplated creating a realm solely characterized by beauty for her.

As George observed Eugene, the man suddenly uttered, “Go and get married someday!” It caught Eugene off guard that George so readily fulfilled his wish that he presumed he might be experiencing auditory hallucinations.

In disbelief, Eugene inquired, “What did you just say, George?” George shot him a glance that indicated his lack of patience. “I want you two to get married. | can’t have both her children born out of wedlock, can 1?” Eugene heard him clearly this time, and a smile gradually curved his lips before it grew wide. His eyes were overflowing with excitement. “Of course not! | can’t wait for her to marry me. But | know that Olivia

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values your feelings. Thank you for making this possible.” George felt a bit awkward due to Eugene's exuberance. “Don’t get carried away. If | find out that Olivia is being mistreated or you're mistreating her, I'll snatch her away from you regardless of the distance.” Eugene chuckled. “You won't have that chance.” George shot him another disdainful look. “Alright, contain your enthusiasm in the presence of a heartbroken person like me.” Eugene couldn't help but laugh. “Do you want me to appear gloomy?” George decided to stop the topic as he felt his chest tightening.

“Enough of this. Hurry up and use the Tickle Powder on her.

Your girlfriend is waiting for feedback.” Eugene had tried to rein himself in before George, or else he would have already dialed Olivia's number and discussed with her to obtain the marriage certificate together tomorrow.

Let me forget it now as | care for George, who just experienced a breakup.

“Okay.” He made a phone call after responding. Soon, the door to the room swung open, and Kyle walked in.

Eugene handed the small vial to Kyle. “Sprinkle this on Blood Rose.” Kyle looked at him skeptically. “What is this?” Eugene explained, “It's called Tickle Powder. The itching becomes intense and uncontrollable once it touches the skin.” Kyle's eyes brightened. “Could it be developed by Mrs. Nolan?” Eugene nodded with an air of pride. “Indeed!” Kyle immediately hummed in acknowledgment and took the Tickle Powder into the inner room.