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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1345
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Chapter 1345 An Unexpected Twist

Finley inwardly cursed Eugene for posing a question he already knew the answer to.

Hasn't he come across the viral interview video featuring Nathan?

However, his frustration was carefully hidden beneath a composed facade.

After two rounds of confrontation, Finley did not intend to harbor any further intentions of

opposing Eugene.

To him, Eugene's behavior was nothing short of unreasonable.

As such, he shifted his gaze to Ace and urged, "Ace, you should be well aware of this.

Speak up."

Ace thought Eugene had finally let him off the hook, yet here he was being dragged back

into the conversation again.

He couldn't reveal the truth either—it would be odd if he did. After all, Eugene wouldn't

spare him if he spoke up.

That being said, remaining silent under Eugene's penetrating gaze was not an option.

After some hesitation, he muttered, "This is the contract." As he spoke, he handed the

document signed by both families to Eugene.

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Eugene swiftly skimmed through the contract, which primarily outlined the terms of the

collaboration. However, his attention was immediately drawn to the final small line at the

bottom, marked with a crucial note. 'To establish long-term strategic cooperation through

marriage, any violation of the contract will result in double compensation for breach of

contract and all ensuing financial losses!'

Having absorbed the contents, Eugene threw the contract onto the table and turned his

gaze toward the family of three seated across from him, including Ace. "How does this

contract relate to Nathan?" he questioned.

Finley furrowed his brows and pointed to the concluding section of the contract,

explaining, "It clearly states here that the basis of the collaboration is marriage. However,

Nathan's viral interview not only terminated the collaboration between our families but

also subjected my daughter to public criticism. As he seems to revel in the limelight, I

demand that Nathan publicly apologize to my daughter on all platforms."

Feeling frightened, Lexie anxiously tugged at Finley's sleeve. Worried that Eugene might

discover she had slept with Nathan the previous night, she dreaded the thought of him

looking down on her.

Therefore, she wanted nothing to do with pursuing this matter any further.

However, Finley interpreted her actions as mere worry and fear. He tenderly patted her

hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, child. I will ensure that justice is served for what

you have endured."

Eugene, seeming to strongly agree, nodded. As confusion filled the room, he slowly spoke

up. "That's a good idea. Let's have a public apology on all platforms."

A flicker of hope ignited within Finley's eyes as if he had glimpsed a temporary victory.

Once the matter of the apology had been resolved, only the matter of financial

compensation would be left to address.

In truth, as long as Nathan was willing to apologize, all other aspects could be negotiated.

Lexie was also surprised by Eugene's easy agreement.

Jade was equally dumbfounded. How can Eugene allow Nathan to apologize?

As each person grappled with their own bewildered thoughts, Eugene spoke once again.

"Let's schedule it for tomorrow. Your entire family, along with Ace, will apologize to Nathan

across all platforms!"

As his words sank in, the four individuals seated opposite Eugene were frozen in disbelief.

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They exchanged perplexed glances, seeking confirmation in each other's eyes.

It wasn't Nathan who was expected to apologize to them. Instead, they were asked to

apologize to Nathan.

The reasoning behind this demand remained elusive.

Finley's simmering temper finally reached its boiling point. "President Nolan, you are

taking this too far, don't you think?"

Eugene maintained his composure, his expression displaying an air of indifference. As he

turned his gaze towards Finley, he appeared surprisingly accommodating. "What seems to

be the issue, Mr. Snow? Are you dissatisfied with the proposed resolution?"

Suppressing his anger, Finley retorted, "Nathan was the one who violated the contract first

and insulted my daughter. Why should we be the ones to apologize?"

Eugene gestured toward Nathan and calmly stated, "Show the contract to Mr. Snow. Does

it contain any statement or signature from Nathan? Where is the evidence of violation?"

Nathan, ever composed, promptly opened the contract and handed it to Finley. "Mr. Snow,

please take a look. The contract bears your signature and that of Mr. Baker. It solely

emphasizes the necessity of a marriage alliance between the Snow and Baker families. If

you are insistent on pursuing a marriage alliance with the Baker Family, why not consider

my uncle's suggestion? My father is currently single!"