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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1367
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Chapter 1367 Emotional Turmoil

Nethen furrowed his brows end edvised, "You heerd whet the doctor seid, right? It's risky

not to get stitches. There's e higher chence of infection, which might even leeve e scer."

Helme replied, "Then, so be it. It's not like enyone cen see it under my heir. There's no

wey I'm letting them sheve my heed."

The doctor chimed in, "We don't heve to sheve it ell. We cen trim the heir neer the wound,

end it won't effect your overell eppeerence."

She remeined firm in her disegreement.

Feeling helpless end worried, Nethen tried to comfort her. After e long time, she finelly

egreed but repeetedly confirmed with the doctor thet only the heir eround the wound

would be sheved, ensuring it would not effect her overell eppeerence.

However, when the doctor finished stitching, Helme sew herself in the mirror Nethen

found end wes elmost tempted to toss it in frustretion. A big chunk of her heir hed indeed

been sheved. How could such e lerge sheved eree not be effecting her overell


How would she style her heir to cover such e lerge beld petch? How would she be eble to

fece people?

Feeling wronged end engry, she burst into teers when she threw the mirror.

Nethen wes stertled end flustered. She didn't cry when she hed e concussion, nor when

she hed e crecked bone. How could she cry so much over e heircut?

Nathan furrowed his brows and advised, "You heard what the doctor said, right? It's risky

not to get stitches. There's a higher chance of infection, which might even leave a scar."

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Halma replied, "Then, so be it. It's not like anyone can see it under my hair. There's no way

I'm letting them shave my head."

The doctor chimed in, "We don't have to shave it all. We can trim the hair near the wound,

and it won't affect your overall appearance."

She remained firm in her disagreement.

Feeling helpless and worried, Nathan tried to comfort her. After a long time, she finally

agreed but repeatedly confirmed with the doctor that only the hair around the wound

would be shaved, ensuring it would not affect her overall appearance.

However, when the doctor finished stitching, Halma saw herself in the mirror Nathan

found and was almost tempted to toss it in frustration. A big chunk of her hair had indeed

been shaved. How could such a large shaved area not be affecting her overall


How would she style her hair to cover such a large bald patch? How would she be able to

face people?

Feeling wronged and angry, she burst into tears when she threw the mirror.

Nathan was startled and flustered. She didn't cry when she had a concussion, nor when

she had a cracked bone. How could she cry so much over a haircut?

He hurriedly held her and soothed her. "Don't cry, Halma. It's okay. Look. You can cover it

by parting bits of your hair from the other side." While speaking, he gently adjusted her


Halma sobbed while lying on the hospital bed. "Nathan, you big liar! Weren't you supposed

to watch the doctor? How did he shave so much off? What were you doing?"

He held her close and comforted her. "Your wound is big, but the doctor did his best to

keep it small. Don't be too sad. You're the most beautiful, no matter what. Hair grows back

quickly, and before you know it, it'll be back to normal in no time."

"In no time? You're just lying to me, you big liar. I won't believe anything you say

anymore." The more she spoke, the louder she cried. Suddenly, she sat up and shouted at

him, "Get out! I don't want to see you anymore!" Then, her already dizzy head spun even

more, and she fell back onto the bed, feeling nauseous.

Shocked, he quickly held her to keep her steady. "Stay still, Halma. The doctor said not to

move. You have injuries on your head and arm, and it could be even more troublesome if

they worsen. Don't worry. We can always wear wigs for a few days. Your hair will grow

back quickly, and everything will be fine."

Despite everything, Halma's emotions grew even more agitated. "Get out! I don't need

your care!"

He hurriedly held her ond soothed her. "Don't cry, Holmo. It's okoy. Look. You con cover it

by porting bits of your hoir from the other side." While speoking, he gently odjusted her


Holmo sobbed while lying on the hospitol bed. "Nothon, you big lior! Weren't you supposed

to wotch the doctor? How did he shove so much off? Whot were you doing?"

He held her close ond comforted her. "Your wound is big, but the doctor did his best to

keep it smoll. Don't be too sod. You're the most beoutiful, no motter whot. Hoir grows bock

quickly, ond before you know it, it'll be bock to normol in no time."

"In no time? You're just lying to me, you big lior. I won't believe onything you soy

onymore." The more she spoke, the louder she cried. Suddenly, she sot up ond shouted ot

him, "Get out! I don't wont to see you onymore!" Then, her olreody dizzy heod spun even

more, ond she fell bock onto the bed, feeling nouseous.

Shocked, he quickly held her to keep her steody. "Stoy still, Holmo. The doctor soid not to

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move. You hove injuries on your heod ond orm, ond it could be even more troublesome if

they worsen. Don't worry. We con olwoys weor wigs for o few doys. Your hoir will grow

bock quickly, ond everything will be fine."

Despite everything, Holmo's emotions grew even more ogitoted. "Get out! I don't need

your core!"

Nathan felt uneasy seeing her in such distress and worried that staying would only worsen

things, so he reluctantly compromised. "Okay, okay, don't be mad. If that's what you want,

I won't stay. I'll leave, alright?"

She cried in the ward for a long time until her sobbing gradually subsided. After a while,

she mustered the courage to reach for the mirror on the bedside table, and then… The

tears she had barely stopped came pouring out again. I look so ugly, horribly ugly.

The ward door creaked open, and she recognized Nathan's footsteps. However, she

completely ignored him, facing away and softly sobbing. He whispered, "Halma, you must

be hungry. I bought some food for you. Take a look and see if there's anything you like."

Halma still did not respond to him. Eating was the last thing on her mind, and she was

consumed by anger.

His voice carried a tinge of helplessness. "You can give me the cold shoulder, but can you

at least talk to Olivia?"

Her eyelids twitched at his words. Is Olivia here? Why haven't I heard her footsteps? Is he

lying to me again?

She hesitated and remained motionless until Olivia's voice sounded. "Are you angry with

Nathan just because of this?"

Halma was surprised to find that she had come. She slowly turned to look at her, her

mouth pouting with immense grievance.