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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 234
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Jocelyn turned away to wipe her tears before sliding out of bed and scooping up Euston to head outside.

Melvin watched her elude, a helpless sigh escaping his lips.

Daisy noticed Jocelyn's reddened eyes as she cout, though she had no clue what had transpired.

Turning to see Melvin emerge, who was all spruced up and greeted cheerfully.

Jocelyn was busy preparing formula milk for the baby, not paying them any mind.

"Tto wash up for dinner," Daisy declared, unconcerned with whatever had gone on in the room, trusting they'd been sensible

enough not to stir up trouble.

Melvin began setting the table, while Jocelyn cradled the baby and fed him.

Feeling Euston's pants, Jocelyn realized Melvin had changed the baby's diaper earlier.

No wonder Euston hadn't fussed upon waking. Melvin must have been entertaining him.

Having overindulged at lunch, neither Calvin nor Melvin touched a drop of alcohol that evening.

During dinner, both Calvin and Daisy noticed a fresh bite mark on Melvin's hand.

Their eyes inevitably drifted to Jocelyn, who was focused on her meal and feigning ignorance of their stares.

Melvin carried on as if nothing had happened and chatted away with Calvin and Daisy.

Once dinner was over, Melvin helped clear the table.

Jocelyn sat on the couch, watching TV with Euston in her arms.

"You sit down, let Calvin do this," Daisy told Melvin, attempting to stop him from cleaning up.

"It's fine." Melvin was unusually eager to help.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Daisy gave in, finding herself unexpectedly fond of him more.

In the kitchen, Melvin kept Daisy company. He helped with dishes washing, chatted with Daisy, and later took out the trash.

"What did you do to him, Jocelyn?" Daisy asked as she dried her hands and approached her daughter.

Jocelyn's eyebrows knitted together. "What could | possibly do to him?"

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"Did you bully him?"

"What? Do you really think it's possible?" Jocelyn was exasperated.

Somehow, her parents’ attitude towards Melvin had completely changed. They once feared she'd be at a disadvantage with him.

But now, it seemed they worried the opposite.

"I noticed that bite mark on his hand. Was that your doing?" Daisy inquired.

"Yes," Jocelyn was frank.

Daisy frowned. "Why did you do that in such a joyful time?"

Jocelyn thought about his outrageous actions but decided not explaining the details. The more she explained, the more absurd it

seemed. It was said, and that was that.

After disposing of the trash, Melvin returned and announced his leaving, "It's getting late. You should rest. I'll head out now."

"Won't you stay a bit longer?" Calvin stood up.

"No, thank you. I've imposed enough for today. Please take care," Melvin replied politely and cordially.

It was indeed late, and they couldn't insist he stay.

Daisy glanced at Jocelyn. "See him out, Jocelyn"

Caught off guard and locking eyes with Melvin, Jocelyn felt a tightness in her throat. "I'm holding the baby."

"I'll take him," Daisy said, reaching to take Euston from Jocelyn's arms.

Jocelyn frowned at her mother.

"It's just a few steps, and it's not like you don't know each other. Just go," Jocelyn whispered, her voice low.

Daisy took the baby. "Go on."

Jocelyn's objections were clearly ignored.

Melvin, too, stood waiting as if he genuinely expected her to see him out, not even offering a token decline.

With a deep breath and under the "coercive" gaze of her parents, Jocelyn reluctantly put on her jacket and headed to the door.

She bumped Melvin's arm sharply on her way out and descended the stairs without waiting him.

"Goodbye," Melvin said with a smile, bidding the elders farewell.

"Drop by when you can, no need to bring anything."

"Will do."

Melvin closed the door behind him and made his way down.

Jocelyn stood outside the apartment building, wrapped tightly in her coat, her hair loose and slightly unkempt.

Approaching her, Melvin didn't receive so much as a glance.

"Still upset?" he asked, eyes cast down to her.

Jocelyn glared at him briefly. "No."

He raised his hand, revealing the bite mark. "The old ones haven't faded, and here's a new one. Seems like you've markedfor


Jocelyn furrowed her brow at his words.

"Jocelyn, you still want to be my girl, don’t you?" A glint of amusement twinkled in Melvin's eyes.

"You're delusional," she retorted, but her heartbeat was racing. She crossed her arms and turned to leave.

Melvin swiftly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back into his embrace.

Jocelyn's eyes widened as she looked into his earnest, beguiling gaze.

Her body tensed and her breath grew heavy.

"Let's make up," Melvin urged sincerely.

Jocelyn swallowed hard, her gaze and heart both in disarray.

She was just being stubborn, unwilling to let him win her over so easily.

If she caved to his charms without a fight, it would be too easy for him.

Melvin didn't get angry seeing her silent defiance.

He let go, straightened her jacket and said, "It's cold outside, go back."

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Though he was saying this, he had no intention of letting her go. His hand was still clutching the collar of her shirt.

Finally, Jocelyn gave him a proper look, her gaze slowly drifting down to his hand, signaling him to release his grip.

Melvin, on the other hand, wasn't quite ready to let the moment pass without a fight.

But he relented and let go.

"Wait a second." As she looked all too eager to bolt, Melvin called out to her quickly.

It was as if there was an invisible string attached to Jocelyn.

Whenever he called out to her, she'd cto an abrupt halt as if yanked back.

Melvin popped the trunk and pulled out a neatly wrapped package and handed it to her, “This is your Christmas gift.”

Jocelyn glanced at the package, realizing that even though he had dropped off so many things earlier today, she hadn't really

thought about the gifts, let alone expected one especially for her.

"Here, take it," Melvin insisted as he handed her the present.

Out of courtesy, Jocelyn murmured a “Thank you” and received it.

She made to leave again, but Melvin asked her, “Where's my Christmas present then?”

Jocelyn was frozen. The thought of getting him a gift hadn't even crossed Jocelyn’s mind.

“How about | pick something out for myself and you gift it to me?” he suggested, his eyes growing more earnest by the second.











