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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77
Ula took off st leaving Jocelyn chilling alone, mulling over how no che’s been able to nail Willow with any dirt after all these years.
If thes couldn’t how could she?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt like she was swallowing a bitter pill without a peep
owed herself another cup of coffee, only leaving after she polished it off
No sooner had Jocelyn stepped out of the place than she spotted Willow’s nanny van parked outside.
As soon ce she showed up, the van door slid open.
Willow was sitting inside, just looking at Jocelyn in silence
Jocelyn had no clue when she arrived. Was it a fluke, or did she come on purpose?
Jocelyn, got a minute for a chat Willow asked
Jocelyn glanced at the time, didn’t shoot her down but shot a text to Melvin, and then hopped into the van
As soon as the door shut, Willow cracked a smile and said. “You’ve got quts, indeed”
“Its not like youre gonna kill me. Jocelyn shot her a look, waving her phone, Texted Melvin before I got in, told him Willow
invited me over.”
Willow’s smile froze for a sec before she forced a fake chuckle, You’re Melvin’s darling now. Even if I wanted to, I can’t
“So, what’s up? What do you want from me? Jocelyn cut to the chase. “Certainly you don’t waste your time in small talks
“Theard about those rumors online Melvin believes I’m the one messing with you, and it’s making my work life hell, Willow fiddled
with her ring “So I wanted to clear the air Whatever happened online, it had nothing to do with me”
Jocelyn raised an eyebrow, “If you say it’s not you, then it’s not it’s not like there’s proof it was you, anyway”
Willow gave her a look. “But Melvin thinks it was me

“Then explain it to him Aren’t you two old buddies? Besides, you’re the spokeswoman of his brand. He should be backing you
up, not screwing with your job, right?”
“With you in the picture, why would he listen to me? Willow glared. So, could you do me a favour and get Melvin off my back? I’m
an actress Being out of sight is out of mind for my fans
Jocelyn shrugged, ‘He listens to me even less. You know we’re not exactly besties. Maybe he’s just worned you’re working too
hard and wants you to take a breather
Cruising down the open road, Jocelyn found the van pretty roomy and comly.

Willow’s silence made the atmosphere in the van a bit tense, and the assistant kept an eye on her noticing Willow’s mood was
“Where are we heading, Willow? Jocelyn asked calmly, eyeing the streets
Willow, as an experienced performer, quickly put on a smile, “We’ve met several times despite our misunderstandings and
unpleasantness So, I was thinking why not have a meal together and hopefully, you’ll grace me with your presence”
“Well, I can hardly decline since I’m in your car now, night? Jocelyn hinted at the obligation.
They pulled up to a swanky club where the staff rushed over to Willow’s van to open the door, with the assistant hopping out first
to pop. an umbrella before Willow stepped out
Gotta admit, celebs do have their own spectacle
Willow waited for Jocelyn, gesturing for the assistant to cover her too
Thanks, but no need for the fuss, Jocelyn said, unused to such pampering.
inside, led by the staff, they were greeted by a man who seemed to be an acquaintance of Willow’s
Willow exchanged pleasantries and introduced Jocelyn to him.
Jocelyn had no clue what Willow was up to but played along, keeping up appearances
The guy was young and handsome, probably someone from Willow’s circle

As they parted, he mentioned he’d come find Willow later, and she agreed
Jocelyn checked her phone – no reply from Melvin.
She roided him the name of the Club, not sure what he was thinking. But she had to let him know she was with Willow
the room. Willow ordered some of her stashed wine and a few snacks
que from before showed up not long after He and Willow seemed pretty tight, while Jocelyn waited for the other shoe to drop
Excuse me. gotta take a call Willow grabbed her phone, signaled them, and stepped out.
Now it was just Jocelyn and the guy
At first he didn’t talk to her or pay much attention.
As soon as the door clicked shut, his gaze lingered on Jocelyn, blatantly eyeing her up in a way that made her uncomfortable.
“You’re even hotter than Willow You should join showbiz. I’d make you a star,” he said with cocky confidence.
Jocelyn figured this dude must be some rich hotshot, considering his arrogance.
Fiddling with her phone, she replied Indifferently, “Not interested”
The guy picked up his drink and sidled up next to her.
Jocelyn scooted away, but he made his move
“Show some respect, please,” she said, gripping her phone and standing up, keeping a safe distance.

“Stop playing hard to get With your looks, you must’ve hooked up with plenty of guys,” he boasted, setting down his glass and
moving in on her, “Til sponsor you. Ten million a year, how about that?”
Jocelyn was itching to slap some sense into him Clutching her phone, her voice raised a bit as she backed away, “I have a
Wouldn’t care if you had a husband, let alone a boyfriend,” he cornered her, hand on her shoulder, the other creeping to her
waist, “Nice and slim soft, huh?”.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Feeling like maggots crawling on her, Jocelyn was physically repulsed, fighting the urge to scream but afraid he’d get more
Still clutching her phone, she turned her head away from his ever-approaching breath, “Is this Willow’s idea?”
“You’re so gorgeous, no need for anyone to ask me to do anything. The man’s lips were already closing in on Jocelyn’s neck.
Jocelyn had her eyes shut tight, cursing Melvin in her mind, calling him a bastard for not coming to her rescue.
The heavy door flung open with a thudding sound.
The man got the fright of his life, just as he turned to see who the hell had the nerve to interrupt his lucky moment, he caught a
fist square in the face.
The guy cursed, “Fuck,” but before he could fight back, he was knocked down flat, didn’t even get a clear look at who it was
before he was stepped on the ground
Jocelyn was huddled in the corner, shivering uncontrollably
She stared at Melvin in horror. His face was dark and terrifying, his eyes full of viciousness, like a general who had seen too
much bloodshed on the battlefield.
“Who the fuck are you?” the man tried to lift his head to see who had the audacity to humiliate him like this, but he couldn’t
manage to
raise it.
Melvin’s dress shoe was planted firmly on the man’s face. Jocelyn had never seen him in such a chilling look before
“What did he do to you?” Melvin ignored the man but turned to Jocelyn.
Jocelyn was frightened by his demeanor, she swallowed hard, tried to calm her nerves and said, “Nothing much, just groped my
“With which hand?” Melvin’s gaze grew colder

Jocelyn noted he wasn’t armed, and she knew he was asking for a definite answer now
She said. “The right one.”
Melvin let go of the man’s face, squatted in front of him. He could see the rage in the man’s eyes, and narrowed his own, “Don’t
you dare to touch my woman?”
As soon as the words fell, he grabbed the man’s night hand, and with a sound of crack, a scream of agony followed.
Jocelyn was too scared to move, petrified